

i would like everyone to know this is the scene where spongebobs burger absolutely kicks king neptunes ass



btw i think anon asks should have a “return to sender” option where you can reply privately with your own message and the person who sent the anon can publish it but only if they’re willing to admit they sent you the anon

tumblr 1v1 cage match





visited a physical therapist today re: my messed up back.  we established that I am shockingly flexible in the psoas but I, quote, “have to work on my glute stability”.  that’s right: I’ve been diagnosed with weak butt.

I’m a weak-ass artist (an artist with a weak ass).  I’ve got ifs and ands but no butt.  all of my gluteuses are minimus.  I have an inferior posterior.  my rear’s in arrears.  my buns are underbaked.  I’d say it’ll be the end of my back, but to be fair that’s all an ass is already.  alright I’m done

You’ve been sitting on those a while haven’t you




necromancer who works at a zoo in a breeding program for endangered species

necromancer who works at a zoo in a breeding program for extinctspecies



I’m sooo strong and masculine my arm doesn’t even shake when I’m holding a pot over the sink while I fill it up with water (lying)



A tweet from @marghenart that reads "Water guns were patented in America in 1896, but existed at least 31 years prior, so what I'm saying is imagine Quincey Morris chasing after Dracula with one of these filled with holy water"ALT

[ID. Screenshot of a tweet from marghenart that reads “Water guns were patented in America in 1896, but existed at least 31 years prior, so what I’m saying is imagine Quincey Morris chasing after Dracula with one of these filled with holy water”. END ID.]

minart-was-taken:Kind of WACK that having vital organs doesn’t fit modern beauty standards.


Kind of WACK that having vital organs doesn’t fit modern beauty standards.

Post link





theres a hole in the wall in my brothers’ room because they were fighting (for fun not anger) in there once and one of them knocked the other into the wall so hard his head made that hole, so they put two small skeletons in there for decoration

they tapped up the “décor” sign up because according to them the skeleton is named décor and the one underneath him is his husband. also worth noting that they found 2 dollars in there the other day


I just love it when Décor the Skeleton finds his way back onto my dash


It’s always “why did you go out in the storm” and “your soaking wet” and never How was the storm The storm looked fun was it fun


yes yes mens tits and well i agree beyond words! however we are ALL ignoring the potency of mens bellies. mens hips. mens THIGHS? hello?




the secret to life is to always use more spinach and less rice than you think you’ll need

the second secret to life is that fresh air warm sun and a cup of tea will make your problems small enough to start handling

the third secret to life is that violence sometimes really is the answer


I wish more people acknowledged that when you are watching Marc and Steven interacting, you are watching Oscar Isaac (Hernandez Estrada) acting opposite his brother, Michael Benjamin Hernandez.

Michael threw himself into being the perfect double for Oscar, training intensively, doing character study, mastering Steven’s accent and even wearing prosthetics. He is a big reason that the interactions between the two alters seem authentic and his contribution should not be ignored.

Also, he came up with the “psycho Colonel Sanders” and “evil magician’s man cave” lines, bless him.


I find it incredibly fascinating that the entire plot of Thor and basically what started the Avengers and all subsequent movies revolved around Loki finding out he’s actually a Jotun and yet it has never came up in any real capacity even once since then in the canon (and by that I mean I’m not including What If because it’s by definition an AU).

What I mean is the fact that he’s Jotun has absolutely no consequences on the plot at all after Thor. Like absolutely fucking zero. You could even have chosen anything else actually in Thor as the reason he turn out to be the antagonist and it would have the same consequences. Hell, you can take the entire Jotun part out and just make him resentful of Odin’s obviously preference of Thor and it’s 100% the same plot.

I find it even more fascinating how such a major part of fan work is his identity as a Jotun and even more so how fucked up it was that this was hidden from him for so long. Marvel missed such a beautiful opportunity to really go in depth about Loki’s trauma and I find it beautiful that the fans keep on delivering. Because to me that’s one of the most interesting part of who Loki is. Thank god for all of you lovely people who explore what being Jotun means to Loki. You’re doing the most important work ☺️


Just know if I wasn’t serious about you, I wouldn’t even be replying.


I ain’t built like them , you gotta work for me


Alexandra Leese - Yumi and the Moon
