
















which one of u was going to tell me that tea tastes different if u put it in hot water?

y- you were putting it in cold water?????

Radish. Answer the question radish.

yeah??? i thought for like. 5 years that ppl just put it in hot water 2 speed up the tea-ification process didn’t realize there was an actual reason

You dont have the patience to microwave water for 3 minutes???

[ID: Tags reading “u think i have the patience to boil water wtf ?????” /End ID]

why are you. putting it in the microwave to boil it

Do you think I have the patience to boil water on the stove

Its takes less than a minute

Bestie is ur stovetop powered by the fucking sun

How long does it take you to boil a cup of water on the stove

Like seven minutes

Just stick the mug on top of the stove on medium heat n it boils in like two minutes… less than that is u use a saucepan…

Crying you’re putting the whole mug on the stove ???? On medium heat???? Ur stove is enchanted

Every single person in this post is a fucking lunatic

Yet another post that reads like four shakespeare characters who come out in the middle of the play to talk about something completely unrelated for comic relief


RADISHN’T: Prithee, which one of you had planned to tell

Of diff'rent flavours gained by simple act

Of brewing tea with water hot, not cold?

MOTHMAN: Egad! you poured the water cold? Wherefore?!

FROG: An answer from you, Radish, I must beg.

RADISHN’T: Indeed I did, dear friends - why does this shock?

Without the guide of others I assumed

That heat was merely added for the sake

Of expediting this solution’s brewing!

Half a decade I have spent, or more,

Not questioning this worldview I had made.

In fact, I am myself a bit surprised

That you might think that I, your dearest friend,

Might have a patience of sufficient stock

To wait until a pot of water boils.

FROG: Three minutes overtaxes patience so?

The microwave will beep when it is done!

CATS'N: My friend, this answer vexes me the more!

Can it be true that thou dost boil by nuke?!

FROG: Are you in turn, my friend, so shocked to know

That I have not the patience, like our Root,

To boil upon the stove our favour’d drink?

CATS'N: It takes less than a minute!

FROG: On what plate?

Perhaps your dinner cooks atop the sun?

CATS'N: How long can take your stove to fill the task

Of boiling but a single cup alone?

FROG: In minutes?

CATS'N: Yes!

FROG: I counted seven, once.

CATS'N: Perhaps you ought to have your timepiece checked!

If on a middle heat you place the cup

You soon will have the scalding drink you crave.

Two minutes, in a mug upon the plate

Or even less, if you should have a pot.

FROG: You cause me tears - is this how thou dost live?

You place upon the iron stove a mug?

A mug, ceramic, filled with water cold?

How do these flames, though medium in height,

Not shatter like a glass this fragile thing?

Surely, then, your kitchen is bewitched

With magicks far beyond the mortal ken!

(The FOUR realise they have wandered into the THRONE ROOM. The ROYAL COURT watches with fascination.)

KING: Ev'ry single person in this group must be a fucking lunatic, it seems.

I still want to see someone put this on as a play. I would if I knew some people near me who’d want to do it.



no infighting this pride we need to be sucking and fucking each other




Post link



some people really are living out the elaborate fantasy of being a child bully but as a grown ass adult, i fear

being weird and rude about someone’s looks when they’re just like. harmless and living their life is nothing all that funny. or groundbreaking. not original. it‘s unnecessary. idk. like other people’s existences are nothing you need to violently, loudly comment on unprompted just because you yourself are insecure for whatever reason. it’s not hard to just. not do that. doesn’t matter if the person will never hear/see you saying anything. it’s still weird and unpleasant


There should totally be a movement called “Sleep in Public” where people defend their right to sleep on public property. Sleep in your cars. Sleep on benches. Sleep at the park. Just make it a mundane and regular part of life to see someone napping in the library. It would make it much harder to single out the homeless for harassment if everyone else is doing the same thing and much harder to argue that it’s a “threat to public safety” when it’s so clearly harmless.

tumblr gallery photo


davis’ guide to simple low effort ways to draw braids/locs/twists. especially because i like to draw every small thing




If you are an LGBT+/queer person who pushed the anti-kink discourse you should be so fucking ashamed of being a walnut brained idiot. We fucking warned you that this was the logical conclusion of that discourse:

[reads: rep slanton will file bill to ban drag shows in the presence of minors in Texas]

No more drag storytimes. No more kids at pride period. No more fun drag brunches. Christian fascists are doing their damnedest to criminalize being queer in any way shape or form. You dumb mother fuckers fell for their talking points hook line and sinker.

Plus, I can’t think of a single way the law could be worded that wouldn’t also ban trans people from just being in public. And even if it was possible they’d use the most broad language possible so that trans people can get arrested without any explanation. This is terrifying.

Usually when laws like this were passed they only talked about public “sexual” activity and “perversion” and leave it unspoken that they’ll be used to abuse and imprison trans women and other queer people. We’re taking huge steps back to the era when “crossdressing” was legally considered a sexual act and used to enact violence upon us.


*lemony snicket voice* police cars say ‘protect and serve’ for the same reason a box of dry, unflavoured rice cakes might say ‘delicious treat’. rice cakes are not a delicious treat, nor are the police there to protect and serve, but if you are unfamiliar with either you’re likely to believe what you’re told.













the only reason cops are at pride now is to intimidate gay people into not making it a riot again and i will stand by that fact until the day i die

If the occasion should arise and I attend a pride festival, I would also like it to not become a riot.

imagine being this guy

arent they there? to stop any attacks from the anti lgbt groups?? yknow the ones that ALWAYS gather there???

contrary to what this newer generation of lgbt people think, cops are a new addition to prides. only within the past 10/20 years have they actually started “protecting” pride. aka standing around and intimidating the general public. historically, lgbt people have protected ourselves and eachother during pride events. from police in a lot of cases actually. ive been to pride events where the anti lgbt protesters were the ones being “protected” from the pride crowd… the cops arent there for us. theyre there to boost the image of the police force and make us think they care. the only people who feel safe around cops are the classes that they are meant to protect and people who are uneducated about police. (theres a heavy overlap as well.)  you may feel safe around cops but many people do not. theyre literally dogs to the upper class. 

2018 Baltimore pride was crashed by terfs who marched with the cops. pigs protected them.

In hamilton ontario the cops let neo nazis attack people and said they didnt help because people didnt want them there

I was at NYC Pride a couple of years ago and a massive section of the main route was completely dedicated to cops. The sight of a prison bus driving by with rainbow flags on it made me sick. That was the year that Toronto Pride asked the police not to bring guns to pride. And so the NYPD invited them to our parade, marching through and proudly brandishing their guns. Back at the Stonewall Inn, people who were protesting the commercialization of Pride were beaten by police. I used to buy some of what the commenters above are saying about protection, but after seeing all of that Pride needs to be anti cop.

they literally just showed up and arrested pride participants like a handful of days ago after being told they weren’t welcome

[Image description: The image right before the above link is of the linked article. It’s a Vice News article titled, “Cops Were Banned from NYC Pride. They Showed Up With Riot Gear.” The subtitle says, “Eight people were arrested on Sunday after skirmishes between the New York Police Department and people celebrating Pride in New York City.” The article has a photo of cops harassing civilians. One cop is pulling the arm of a pride attendee while other attendees try to stop him. Another cop has cuffed someone on the ground. End ID.]

what do y'all pro-cops-at-Pride people think the zeroth Pride, the Stonewall Riots, were about?

spoilers: it was police brutality against the queer community

and in any case, do y'all know who does the ACTUAL protecting against hate groups at these events? at my first pride over a decade ago, it was butches. it was trans people and bears and quite a few leather folks. it was volunteers who stood on that line and made themselves barriers between us and those that came to protest and hate us, because nobody else was going to do it, and that year the protesters outnumbered the attendees.

and as of the last pride i attended a few years ago in the same city, do you know who stood in the dead center, away entirely from protesters and violent people, openly brandishing RIFLES? it was the fucking cops.

your local butch will keep you twice as safe as a cop will, if the cops aren’t the very ones making it unsafe in the first place.


✩ ͙˚˖

#invader zim    



So my coworker (lab mate?) is partially deaf and was given a sign language interpreter by the university (so he doesn’t pay for anything) and also got one at his new job, which is really cool.

I didn’t realize just how hard sign language interpreters work until I started interacting with his interpreter.

Any time I need a Zoom call from my coworker to get him to explain some machine learning stuff to me, his interpreter joins the Zoom call.

During 2 hour lab meetings, he has 2 interpreters that constantly switch so they don’t get tired, and when there’s only one, we have to take a break in the middle so she can rest.

Both his interpreters spent a lot of time reading complex scientific journal articles in machine learning in order to agree on what language to use during the lab meetings.

We went out for a lab lunch and everyone ordered all this delicious food…and the interpreter couldn’t eat anything, because she had to work (my coworker said it’s part of their job but still!).

She would constantly ask me what the group on the other side of the table was talking about so she could keep my coworker “in the loop” of the “office chatter” instead of only interpreting when someone spoke directly to him.

Having to struggle with words from other languages (I’m bilingual and when I mixed in some Urdu words, the interpreter asked me to translate so she could sign them). Also having to interpret conversations where everyone is interrupting each other.

Just…it’s such an important job and I didn’t realize how much work goes into it. Sign language interpreters are amazing and really do their part to not only “translate” for deaf people, but to make them feel included in all of the conversation.

If you’re interacting with someone and their interpreter, there are things you can do to make that communication easier!

1) If either of the people don’t know you well, or if it’s a busy video or phone call, say your name before you speak! This makes it easier to track who’s saying what and helps the deaf person and the interpreter get to know you better.

2) Try your best to not speak over/interrupt others or make side comments while someone else is speaking. It’s really hard! If you manage to do it, though, everyone will follow the conversation better, not just the deaf person and their interpreter.

3) If you’re using an acronym, a non-English word, a slang term, or a technical term that the interpreter might not know, define and/or spell it politely and as briefly as possible. Use the full term, then say the acronym. Take a second to clarify words that might sound a lot like other words. If you can fingerspell, that can be helpful, too! You, the deaf person, and the interpreter will eventually build a rhythm that makes this easier to do and get a sense of what does or doesn’t need to be defined

4)Don’t engage the interpreter in conversation. It can feel weird, but the interpreter is working and needs to pay attention to things that are not you. If they’re on a break and want to chat, they’ll approach you.

5) Most importantly, remember to look at the deaf person, NOT the interpreter, while speaking with the deaf person! Unless you’re making one of those brief explanations to help the interpreter out, you should look at the person you’re speaking to. You should also look at the deaf person while the interpreter speaks, because the deaf person is who you’re actually listening to. It can feel really weird to basically ignore a person, especially someone whose hands are moving and catching your attention, but that’s what’s polite.

5.1) If you, like me, need to be looking at a person to understand what they’re saying, tell the deaf person that so they know you’re doing what you need to to communicate with them, not ignoring them in favor of the interpreter, which is rude. This is also helpful information for the interpreter, who will then know to keep eye contact with you while interpreting whenever possible. Make sure to give this info to the deaf person first and foremost, though.

(These tips can also be helpful for talking with folks who are hard of hearing but not using an interpreter, especially on video or phone calls. Don’t interrupt, don’t start side conversations, and turn your face toward the hard of hearing person while speaking as much as possible!)


i was reminded today that this video exists and i’m rolling in free dopamine right now






my balcony blocks my view of the playground, but I heard one child yell “I FOUND A FROG” with a great deal of excitement and now there is screaming, so I’m filling in some blanks

situational update: a little girl screamed “LEAVE HIM ALONE” and now there’s noises that sound suspiciously like a child getting wailed on by a wiffle ball bat

further update: parent has been called to the scene. distribution of fault is underway. bat appears to have been confiscated.

bat has been returned under the promise of not deploying it once more against brothers. the pause and “but tell him to leave the frog alone” tells me it will likely come back into play shortly.

as expected, frog was bothered again and frog warrior took up her weapon once more. all children are being collected to leave on charges of acting “like y'all have NO sense”

personally I stand with frog defender on this issue




i don’t like getting hatecrimed over the phone so when i’m at work and old men ask if i have a husband i just say yes and make up a new guy. today someone said “i bet you keep your husband in line with an attitude like that” and i just said “yes he’s so scared of me”

museum’s ads : come visit our great racing boat port, it’s great and we have over 100 boats in there

schools : (pick each time without fail the one day when there are 3 races going on so there are 7 entire boats still in the port)


Marble, Meyer Lemon Zest, and Midge are 5 weeks old
