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Mao Hamasaki,浜崎真緒

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Mikie Hara,原幹恵

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kojimblrprn:Mao Hamasaki,浜崎真緒


Mao Hamasaki,浜崎真緒

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kojimblr:Mikie Hara,原幹恵


Mikie Hara,原幹恵

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kojimblrprn:Mao Hamasaki,浜崎真緒


Mao Hamasaki,浜崎真緒

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kojimblr:Mikie Hara,原幹恵


Mikie Hara,原幹恵

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chong2-ho1:Natsumi Senaga chong2-ho1:Natsumi Senaga chong2-ho1:Natsumi Senaga chong2-ho1:Natsumi Senaga chong2-ho1:Natsumi Senaga chong2-ho1:Natsumi Senaga


Natsumi Senaga

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chong2-ho1:Nanami Matsubayashi chong2-ho1:Nanami Matsubayashi chong2-ho1:Nanami Matsubayashi chong2-ho1:Nanami Matsubayashi chong2-ho1:Nanami Matsubayashi chong2-ho1:Nanami Matsubayashi chong2-ho1:Nanami Matsubayashi chong2-ho1:Nanami Matsubayashi


Nanami Matsubayashi

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chong2-ho1:Chitose Shinjyo chong2-ho1:Chitose Shinjyo chong2-ho1:Chitose Shinjyo chong2-ho1:Chitose Shinjyo chong2-ho1:Chitose Shinjyo chong2-ho1:Chitose Shinjyo chong2-ho1:Chitose Shinjyo chong2-ho1:Chitose Shinjyo chong2-ho1:Chitose Shinjyo


Chitose Shinjyo

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chong2-ho1:Marika Kuroki chong2-ho1:Marika Kuroki chong2-ho1:Marika Kuroki chong2-ho1:Marika Kuroki chong2-ho1:Marika Kuroki chong2-ho1:Marika Kuroki chong2-ho1:Marika Kuroki


Marika Kuroki

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tamato48:鈴香音色 小坂めぐる 葉月菜穂


鈴香音色 小坂めぐる 葉月菜穂

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Elena was completly sure she was going to do something stupid if her emotions would grow stronger. But thinking about why Rude was injured made her angry. He was protecting her, just like Tseng always did. They both didn’t trust her of being capable to look after herself. Not capable of being a good Turk like she should. Just like everyone. Her sister and her father always told her that she was not good enough, too emotional, too sensitive. The thoughts of being not good enough nearly began a storm in her head. But she tried to hold back with a serious face, only her eyes told another story if someone would take the time to look closer. Most of the time it was enough to fool Tseng, Elena took her job serious, emotional was not at her tasklist.

“Of course I can do this” she answered and took the knive- but then her eyes stopped at the sight of the skin under his shirt. When did he opened it? Her cheeks flushed in a deeper color as she couldnt stop herself from looking at those muscles- concentration! Elena cleared her throat with a cough and tried to make a serious face. “By Leviathan, these really have to be cleaned correctly” she murmured after she bend down to inspect his wounds. “There is one. And your lucky, it nearly could have nearly hit your stomach and you would been dead in a few minutes.” her voice was completly dry, just to hide her angry feelings. Why were they keep protecting her? Was she really that bad? “Im trying to get her but you tell me if I hurt you too much”

Her whole life she was being a outsider, the feeling of being cared for or someone protecting her was so awkward to her, that it just felt wrong. Trusting someone was hard for her, especially men, so negative thinking was naturally to her.

Elena concentrated herself on the wound and tried to be gentle, as she started to get rid of the bullet.

“You guys are awful. If you think I couldn’t look after myself, why sending me out at the start?” Stopping herself from talking? It was hard, the moment she got concentrated or nervous, it goes automatically.

At least the task was accepted from his hand, despite the continued breaths of flustered snarls from the rookie. Elena clearly not agreeing with the situation. It would be strange if she were. If only she would calm whatever had erupted inside her, because right now Rude suspects that she is riding this off on adrenaline and mild chock. Someone needs to have a clear head, to be aware of their surroundings, to carry out the mission -and that someone wasn’t going to be Rude. That’s why many Turks are sent out in pairs of two.

Rude would tell Elena all of this, and he would remind her that while he appreciates the meticulous attention to his injuries –she needs to keep her other sense on alert as well. He would tell her all of this but his own senses constricts. The one bullet that he was supposed to inform of if the pain levels grew too high… That one overtook the endurable hitman with scorching pain that tightens his muscles and paralyzes his actions.

Biting his teeth even harder. Fingers twitching. Swallowing his breath. Elena’s words become obscure as Rude is taken by the familiar sense of unconsciousness inviting itself.

’ You guys are awful… I couldn’t look after… sending me out ’

Rude’s skin is covered in cold sweat.

“E-el…” He manages to rasp out between gritted teeth.

She didnt know she ended by gettin the huge man successfully in her appartment. She didnt even know why she brought him here, but it was the quickest solutin to fix him up properly. Like Tseng she had some serious problems with doctors especially the one from shinra. As controlfreak herself she believed, that if you want something to be done good, you had to it by yourself.

So she somehow managed to get him all the way to her sofa and patch up his wound and cleaned everything up again.. controlfreak. She hoped no blood was spilled on her sofa..

Now she had to wait for him to get to his senses again, and she made some glass of water for him ready, while she walked around to get her nerves down.

Eyes flickering. At first struggling to stay open, but as consciousness fully returns, like someone slapping him awake, Rude sat up with a pained sound that sounded more like an angry growl. His body immediately sets in on fight and defend.

At first glance he didn’t recognize his surroundings, but he did spot a familiar figure. Elena, an ally. Good.

“…?” His question hangs open in the air. And with no signs of nearby dangers can Rude will himself enough to calm down his racing pulse. How Elena managed to move him to a secure location was a matter he could admire later, first he needs to know they’re in fact safe.
