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captainsblogsupplemental: Oh my God, Janeway is adorable.captainsblogsupplemental: Oh my God, Janeway is adorable.captainsblogsupplemental: Oh my God, Janeway is adorable.captainsblogsupplemental: Oh my God, Janeway is adorable.captainsblogsupplemental: Oh my God, Janeway is adorable.captainsblogsupplemental: Oh my God, Janeway is adorable.


Oh my God, Janeway is adorable.

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I wish we could have seen Voyager change more throughout the seven seasons because I like the original idea about Voyager being unrecognizable.

When Janeway hails Starfleet command they are greeted by a bridge that has been rebuilt with Borg technology, officers that hasn’t worn their uniforms in three years and the various crewmen, liberated drones, hitchhikers, criminals and at least five dogs she has picked up on the journey. The dogs roam the ship freely, as does Janeway’s and Paris’ salamander offspring.

#my mind read the first line and went COMPLETELY the opposite way#like. could you imagine…..voyager just being ssso fucked up.#you can see the exhaustion in all their eyes#their haunted looks. theyve been touched by the vastness of the unknown and it has left its scars#voyager is a patch job. they needed to survive and they did whatever was necessary#uniforms are worn half heartedly. starfleet is an antiquated ideological organisation out in the delta quadrant#everything being the same but at the same time. its all off#something something the uncanny

(Tags by @toboddly)

There’s definitely a duality in this concept which I’ve touched on before too, in the sense that there’s comedy and tragedy there. You can have comedy in those moments where their lives are absurd yet normalized to themselves, but tragedy when their changed selves return home and have to adjust to lives made for what feels like other people. So there’s definitely several ways to tell that story.

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