#agere blog


we love when CGs…

• help us tie our shoes!

• read us bedtime stories!

• tell us that everything is okay!

• play peekaboo with us!

• help us choose an outfit to wear!

• get us yummy snacks!

• cheer us up when we’re feeling down!

• are here for us!!

thank you to all the lovely CGs!! we appreciate you!

⭐️ pacifiers in the agere community! ⭐️

pacifiers are used by age regressors/dreamers for many reasons! here are some examples! pacifiers may…

- help a regressor stay small

- prevent skin picking

- feel soothing

- help with calming down after/ during panic attacks

- prevent cheek biting

- stop teeth grinding

- force you to breathe through your nose (which can be calming if you have anxiety)

- prevent nail biting

- be used for oral stimulation

- stop you from clenching your jaw

- help an oral fixation

not all regressors use pacifiers though! and that’s perfectly okay!! but if you do use them, that’s perfectly okay too!! it’s not weird to use/want to use them! if they help you, then that’s great!!

some pacifiers can be decorated in a very pretty way! they’re called “deco pacifiers”! they’re often made by shops who are also part of the community! however, they can sometimes cost a little more depending on how it’s made! (and all shops are different, so be sure to read through their info if you’re thinking about buying one!) some are decorated with gems, pearls, letter beads, and plenty of other things! and some shops will make you a custom so it looks however you want with the materials they have available!

caring for your paci is also quite important !! be sure to wash it often! so you don’t put any icky germs in your mouth! if you are wanting to wash a deco pacifier, be sure to ask the shop how to wash it if it didn’t come with a care guide!

(andsmall reminder that you do not need a pacifier to be valid!! your regression is valid no matter what you use or don’t use!! <3 )

phrases that instantly make me small


- “you’re too small for that..”

- “let [daddy/mommy/name] help you..”

- “what color is this, [pet name]?”

- “who’s my tiny baby?”

- “little babies like you can’t do that!”

- “did you ask if you could have that cookie..?”

- “wow, you did such a good job, [pet name]!!”

- “shhh, it’s okay, baby.. [daddy/mommy/name] is here..”

- “where did my little baby go?”


☔️ rainy day activities for regressors! ☔️


• splash around in puddles!! (make sure there aren’t any critters in them like tadpoles !!)

• have a disney movie marathon!! be sure to bring your stuffies along! i’m sure they’d love to watch too! you can also get a few yummy snacks!

• indoor camping!! make a blanket fort n take some stuffies with you! play games, color, n do other fun things!!

• take a nap! rain is so nice in calming!! you may feel relaxed afterwards! (set an alarm if you’re afraid of napping for too long!)

• pretend you’re a weather person! sit your stuffies up and pretend you’re on the weather channel!! you can even draw up a map n everything! ^^

• bake something yummy!! whether it’s cookies, cake, pie, or brownies, it’s always nice to have a tasty treat on a rainy day!

• paint! you can paint a picture of you, your stuffies, your favorite thing, the outdoors, etc!! anything you want!!

• clean all your small gear! it’s important to keep your things clean so you don’t get sick!!

• have a bubble bath!! get some bath toys too! listen to your favorite songs n relax for a bit! ^^

• make a paper boat!! decorate it how you want, n then put it to sail in a puddle! (be sure not to leave it outside when you’re done!)


Staying Hydrated!

staying hydrated is super duper important!! your body needs it to deliver nutrients to all your cells!! and to keep all the parts of your body working correctly!! as well as regulating your body temperature! (and being hydrated can also improve your mood!!) here are some tips for remembering to drink water!! <3


• take care of a plant! plants need water to survive! but so do you! so everytime you water your plant, it can be a reminder to give yourself some water too!

• use “the right cup”!! it’s a cup that smells like fruit, so when you drink water out of it, it basically tastes like juice!! (because your taste is about 80% smell!) so this is perfect for ppl who just don’t like water! xD

• set reminders on your phone! have an alarm go off when it’s time to drink some water! (be sure to set more than one because you’ll need water more than once a day!)

• keep a bottle of water by your bed! so you can drink some in the morning when you wake up! plus it’ll wake you up a bit!

• add ice! if you REALLY don’t want water, put some ice into whatever else your drinking! it’ll melt as you drink it, and you’ll be able to get in a little water that way!

• eat something spicy! maybe like spicy chips! or have a spicy meal! so then you’ll feel like you’ll have to drink water as your eating!

• buy a cute cup ONLY for water! you’ll want to use your new cup, but if you want to use it, you’ll have to only drink water from it!! (can be a regular cup or a sippy, etc.!!)

so if you haven’t had water in a little bit, this is a reminder to go get some!! your body needs it!!

agere spring activities!


• start a garden!

• find some ladybugs!

• have a picnic!

• blow some bubbles!

• visit a butterfly garden!

• make flower crowns!

• climb a tree!

• take a walk!

• make/put out a bird feeder!

• paint/draw some flowers!


fun places to go for regressors!

• the park! you can have picnics or play at a playground! n see all the plants n birds n trees! it’s fun to be outside!!

• the zoo! you get to see all the cool animals!! n at some zoos, you can feed or interact with them!!

• build a bear! everyone knows that this is a super special stuffie place!! you can make your v own teddy and give them clothes n everything!!

• a candy store! candy is super yummy!! you can find yourself a lil treat here!! ^u^

• the aquarium! you can see allllll the fishies!! sometimes even sharks!! but don’t worry, they won’t bite you!!

• the beach!! build sand castles, splash in the water, and find sea shells!! or have a beach picnic!

• an ice cream parlor! you can pick out any flavor you want! n some have really yummy cones n toppings!! or!! you can try the rolled ice cream places too!!

• the toy store! perhaps you can find something you like!! new toys are always super duper fun!! and there are so many choices!

• the library/bookstore! you’ll be able to explore books in the children’s section!! there are plenty of fun picture books!! and you can pick out any one you want! (especially if it’s in a regular library!)

• chuck e. cheese/ peter piper pizza!! they have lots of fun games there! n you can even win prizes like toys or candy! and they have yummy pizza too!

31 days of agere!

making my own version since i’ve seen some different ones around before, n thought it would be fun!!


1: what age(s) do you regress to?

2: are you also a pet regressor? what animal?

3: how many stuffies do you have?

4: do you have a caregiver?

5: what’s your favorite cartoon?

6: whats your favorite color?

7: do you have any favorite little foods or snacks?

8: how long have you been regressing?

9: have you even been to build-a-bear?

10: do you have any pacis?

11: what makes you instantly small?

12: what’s your favorite song to listen to when small?

13: when was the last time you regressed?

14: what’s your favorite agere item?

15: do you keep an agere journal?

16: does anyone irl know about your regression?

17: what’s your favorite nickname?

18: do you have any agere friends/sibbies?

19: what’s your favorite juice?

20: do you wear/want to wear diaps?

21: why do you regress?

22: what agere items do you want?

23: do you have a comfort character? who?

24: what’s your favorite agere activity?

25: how often do you regress?

26: do you regress voluntarily, involuntarily, or both?

27: do you have a favorite agere account?

28: what would you pack in an agere bag?

29: you are a baby, toddler, or big kid regressor?

30: do you follow any rules? what are they?

31: describe the perfect little day!

