
Read it on AO3 here!https://ift.tt/roiX20a


“Dean,” Castiel tries, already pledging himself to show Dean for the rest of their shared life that he is never going to leave. Not if he can help it. “I will be back in the morning.”

“No,” Dean reiterates, telling Castiel without many words that Castiel is fighting a losing battle here. Though when it’s Dean, Castiel knows he can never lose. “What if—” Dean pauses, shifting his weight from one leg to the other. “What if I never want you to leave?”

Words: 6854, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English

Read it on AO3 here!https://ift.tt/gnTGV3D


For as long as Dean Winchester and Castiel Novak can remember they’ve been best friends…and despite their secondary designations in life they are roommates too. There isn’t anything that they don’t know about each other and no secret that they keep from each other…

Well, except one: They both have been secretly in love with each other for years.
Sam Winchester couldn’t remember a time that he wasn’t in love with Castiel’s older brother, Gabriel, but besides a humiliating moment when he was 18 and he announced himself as the older Omega’s Alpha, he considers him one of his best friends.

Their whole lives change when a Senator’s Omega Bill gets passed and the Novak Brothers find their lifelong dreams in jeopardy. When the opportunity to get away from everything presents itself, the Omegas jump at the chance, inviting the Winchesters along to Vegas where what happens in Vegas doesn’t always stay in Vegas…

Could a drunken moment lead to forever? Could what they’ve all been looking for have been right in front of them this whole time?

Words: 2303, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English

Read it on AO3 here!https://ift.tt/AjNc0hD


The boys go on a case after the ghost of a homophobic priest who is killing gay couples at the altar. Thing do not go according to plan…

Words: 325, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English

Read it on AO3 here!https://ift.tt/cbWyHBM


No but, just imagine an AU where Dean and Sam are able to see the wings of every angel, and both of them have always wondered why Cas spreads them wide when he’s with Dean, but not with Sam. And Dean keeps asking why that is, but Cas just ignores the question and blushes like a schoolgirl.

But then one day, Sam walks in where Dean and Cas are sitting and talking and he goes; “so get this, I recently learned a thing about angels. They have no control over their wings, and they spread them wide when they’re attracted to someone, because that’s their way of seducing them…”

Dean spits out his beer, and Cas is hiding his face in shame.

Words: 3567, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English

Series: Part 13 of Supernatural One-Shots

Read it on AO3 here!https://ift.tt/tYlSoDM


Dean’s soul rose into the air, then slowly pulled apart into two pieces. They hovered above the witches, waiting, expectant.
The witches continued chanting.

Cas’ grace rose in two tendrils out of the bowl, each tendril wrapped around a piece of Dean’s soul.

The red haired witch held her hands above her head, then, still chanting, began to lower them. As she did, the soul-and-grace spheres lowered through the air toward Dean and Cas.

The sphere entered Dean’s chest and what felt like lightning ran through him. He bucked off the table like he’d been hit by an AED. He let out a scream, which was mixed with Cas’s own cry of pain.

Dean’s whole body began to seize.

Words: 3606, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English

Series: Part 12 of Supernatural One-Shots, Part 1 of Nephilim

Read it on AO3 here!https://ift.tt/2HihGEl


Sam notices the moving truck first.
It’s oppressively hot despite it being early in the day. August in Alabama is not something Dean has been able to get used to, he doesn’t know if he’ll ever get used to it. The air is thick, stagnant. Cicadas are humming somewhere hidden. Their song serves as the soundtrack for long days and flirting with heat exhaustion. Dean wipes the sweat threatening to drip into his eyes with the back of his hand before extracting himself from under the Impala’s hood. He fishes his phone out of his back pocket to pause the music coming from the Bluetooth speaker near his feet. His eyes slide to the long unoccupied house next door. There’s a U-Haul parked out front, its arrival concealed by the Creedence Clearwater Revival that had been playing moments before.

Or; you can run, but you can’t hide forever

Words: 3280, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English

Read it on AO3 here!https://ift.tt/bmPG0jV


Castiel was always strange. Not only had he ‘come off the line with a crack in his chassis,’ he was also the only Alpha angel in heaven who didn’t have a true mate. Gabriel and Balthazar always tried to reassure him that he would find someone, and not having a true omega mate just meant that he got to choose who his mate would be, fall in love without worry about if he only was in love with their scent. Castiel wasn’t so sure. What could two Betas understand about true mates?

When he met Dean Winchster, he suddenly realised what they were trying to say. He quickly fell for the hunter, regardless of the fact that he was neither angel, nor omega. Maybe that was why Castiel had never had a true mate, because he was meant to love Dean. Castiel accepted that.

But… then Dean was branded with the mark of Cain, and turned into a demon. When the hunter became a demon he presented an Omega…

… And Castiel’s true mate…

Words: 24446, Chapters: 8/8, Language: English
