

That’s it, that’s the chapter.


stoooopppp omg

first of all, I stan Denki for keeping to his word and getting our boy Deku in a bath ASAP

second, I am screaming bc baby Bakugo is having trouble saying “I want to be friends with everyone” and it’s too cute.

like look at him! poor baby does not have the social skills to say what he really wants to and it’s so precious. I mean yeah he definitely still means he wants to be the number 1 hero, but like also he really wants to be friends and I can’t handle it. 

look at him being so awkward with his friends i love him so much

bruuuuhhh, why is all might like this???? does he not know how fucking creepy he looks peeping through windows at night

anyway, Shoto’s growth. We love to see it. This boy is coming to terms with his trauma and I couldn’t be happier for him because I can only imagine how hard it’s going to be when it’s finally time for him to fight Dabi with his dad

overall, I’m so happy this manga is giving us a break because it was legit causing me so much anxiety. this was such a cute chapter, i want it framed

A literal 200 chapters later and we get a nice little crumb if seratonin thank fuck

A Collector’s Course

Oh my gosh I actually finished Chapter 1 in one day? Craziest damn thing I’ve ever seen. 

                Chapter 1

“How many quirks do you have?”

The sudden question from my future teacher broke the very, very,awkward silence. We were flying first class from Los Angeles to Japan in eleven hours of complete and utter silence. All I could do really was admire the plane. It wasn’t too extravagant but it definitely wasn’t coach. My cream leather seat was flush to one accompanied by Mr. Shouta Aizawa. The one and only Pro Hero, Eraserhead. Who seemed to relax a little more once he ripped the tie off his neck.

Wait, he asked me a question.

“What do you me-,” “When I was trying to erase your quirk yesterday, I could still feel another. Nezu said you were something else,” he pulled the top layer of his hair out of its restraints. “So tell me, (Y/N) (L/N), how many quirks do you reallyhave?” I felt him shift, causing me to look his way.

Dry, worn, eyes bore into mine.

I know what he’s doing.

“Mr. Aizawa, I stared death in the face out of whim to save lives of people I don’t even know. Stop trying to intimidate me, there’s no use for me to lie to you.”

I knew I was on the right track when his right eyebrow twitched just the tiniest bit.

And he backed down.

I relaxed some more myself and let my gaze drift to the cotton ball scenery outside. “I have two so far. The Siren’s Call from my mother and Lioness from my father. I use Siren’s Call more so I assume that’s the one you erased since it’s more familiar in my body system.” The silence from earlier made its appearance again, only to be ripped away. “Your transcript says something interesting. To be quite honest, I thought you’d try to take mine by now.” “I’m not like the others. If there are any. I don’t know how or why I am one so don’t ask.” Well that came out a little too brash. “Sorry. Just please, don’t tell anyone who doesn’t need to know. Society doesn’t like our background and the last thing U.A. needs is the general population finding out they’re training a Collector. To become a hero no less.” I crossed my arms.

Once again, the silence is back.

“Principal Nezu has requested that the staff keep your quirk a secret. You have no need to worry. We understand you’re in your second year but you will be placed in my 1-A Hero Class. Nezu wants you with that particular bunch of students. They know of a transfer student but not when you’re to join us.” I snickered in response, “You know, I’ve never been the new student. I’ve always wondered what it was like.”

And it was just like I imagined..awkward.

“Hey Sui,” Mina leaned her chair back practically almost falling on top of Asui, “who do you think is gonna teach class today?” “No idea, Mr. Aizawa is still in the hospital recovering from his injuries.” The small screech of the classroom door opened up revealing Mr. Aizawa the Mummy. “Morning class.” Everybody practically fell out of their seats. “Mr. Aizawa,” a voice erupted from the back of the class, “I’m glad you’re okay!” Iida exclaimed with one stiff arm. “My well being is irrelevant,” Mummy Aizawa limped to the front of the class, “what’s more important is that your fight isn’t over yet.”

Just after you and Mr. Aizawa had landed, you found your sister’s coordinates and parted ways with your teacher. It was an easy night of relaxation for you, getting unpacked the next day. However, for Mr. Aizawa, it was quite the opposite. What was supposed to be a great learning experience for class 1-A, turned into an ambush from the League of Villians.

The room filled with tension for what Mr. Mummy was to say next, everybody expecting the worst.

“The U.A. Sports Festival is about to start.”

“Oh yes! Let’s go kick some ass!” Kirishima lunged out of his seat. All tension gone. “Also, in regards to the new transfer student,” Mr. Aizawa announced before he loses the class completely, “you will meet her the morning of the festival. She is still settling in with her new life in Japan. She is a second year but will be joining our class.” Kaminari shoved the red brick known as Kirishima back into his seat. “Wait a second, the transfer student will compete in the festival?” “How does somebody even transfer here without taking the entrance exam?” Jirou added.

Aizawa sighed, “She’s quite the character. U.A. saw her potential and thinks she’ll fit in well. She managed to stop a school massacre in her hometown with no casualties. Bring your ‘A’ game, the pros know who she is. You better not slack off on your training. Class is dismissed.” Bakugo slammed his back into his chair, a little harder and he would’ve knocked the wind out of himself. “This is bullshit. That transfer better know what’s coming.” He sneered.

Oh I’m so nervous.

Don’t sweat it sis, you’ll be fine.” My sister squeezed my shoulder on her way to the kitchen. “Wait I said that out loud?” She giggled, “No, sister’s instinct.” She winked. “Want a soda?” “No, I might throw up.” I groaned.

How could U.A. go out of their way to recruit me then say my first day is going to be a fucking competition?

“I’m gonna lose my mind.” May handed me the soda I had originally declined. “Oh relax. You’re fantastic at hand to hand combat. Not to mention your Siren Call is super cool.” “But I only know one song! How am I supposed to use the same moves twice, somebody will pick up eventually!” I slammed my forehead onto the table. “I can’t even use my Lioness quirk. They can’t know I have more than one quirk, it’s almost unheard of! They’ll know something is up.” “Well,” she nudged me, “they don’t know your quirk yet. You could whip either of them out like a secret weapon. Choose which one you wanna use. I know you’ll do stellar with whichever one.” She beamed at me.

My sister is such a sweetheart. Regardless of her quirklessness. She’s not even a Collector. We always said I stole her quirk. Kind of like the joke that one twin ate the other in the womb. Everybody always laughed it off, but it hurts me. She never says it but I know she wants a quirk. I remember daydreaming what her quirk would be after mine had erupted. The wide gleam of admiration in her bright, hopeful eyes.

I sighed, “Thanks sis. You really are something special. I’m going to head to bed, the competition is tomorrow. I don’t wanna ruin my first impression.”

“Well in that case, maybe you shouldn’t wake up tomorrow.”

“May!!” She cackled at me.

Deku, Bakugo and Shoto have now been UNLOCKED!  The next stretch goal is a big one but we can do it Deku, Bakugo and Shoto have now been UNLOCKED!  The next stretch goal is a big one but we can do it Deku, Bakugo and Shoto have now been UNLOCKED!  The next stretch goal is a big one but we can do it 

Deku, Bakugo and Shoto have now been UNLOCKED!
 The next stretch goal is a big one but we can do it 

Please follow the link here: https://kickstarter.com/projects/r0cketcat/my-hero-academia-charms… 

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My hero Academia Clear Acrylic charms are live on my Kickstarter! Wanna grab one of these cuties andMy hero Academia Clear Acrylic charms are live on my Kickstarter! Wanna grab one of these cuties andMy hero Academia Clear Acrylic charms are live on my Kickstarter! Wanna grab one of these cuties andMy hero Academia Clear Acrylic charms are live on my Kickstarter! Wanna grab one of these cuties andMy hero Academia Clear Acrylic charms are live on my Kickstarter! Wanna grab one of these cuties and

My hero Academia Clear Acrylic charms are live on my Kickstarter! 
Wanna grab one of these cuties and help unlock even more characters, please consider supporting it on my Kickstarter page! Only 22 Days left!

Don't forget the early bird special that ends in 8 days

Reblogs is appreciated!

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aizawashoutta:★ Bakugou Katsuki ★ | THE EXPLOSION BOY (╬ಠ益ಠ)↳ Happy Birthday to my lovely Hiro babaizawashoutta:★ Bakugou Katsuki ★ | THE EXPLOSION BOY (╬ಠ益ಠ)↳ Happy Birthday to my lovely Hiro babaizawashoutta:★ Bakugou Katsuki ★ | THE EXPLOSION BOY (╬ಠ益ಠ)↳ Happy Birthday to my lovely Hiro babaizawashoutta:★ Bakugou Katsuki ★ | THE EXPLOSION BOY (╬ಠ益ಠ)↳ Happy Birthday to my lovely Hiro babaizawashoutta:★ Bakugou Katsuki ★ | THE EXPLOSION BOY (╬ಠ益ಠ)↳ Happy Birthday to my lovely Hiro bab


Bakugou Katsuki | THE EXPLOSION BOY (╬ಠ益ಠ)
Happy Birthday to my lovely Hiro babe@katsugou  ♥ ♥ ♥ ~


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Happy Birthday, Kacchan!!I run a poll on Instagram to decide what to do for this king’s birthday&hel

Happy Birthday, Kacchan!!

I run a poll on Instagram to decide what to do for this king’s birthday… SEXY won the poll LMAO. That and a cute comic, which i’ll post tomorrow! 

You can find a timelapse of the process on my Instagram!



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