

christmas morning!


i think cbeeduos relationship is starting to be flanderized just a little bit. like idk how to explain it but cbeeduo were friends first yknow? i think there needs to be like. a healthy dose of recognizing that cbeeduo arent really a couple that were romantic from the start + have an inherent tragic element to their relationship

not to say i dont like fanwork that explores the idea of them having crushes on each other in nlm but i do think its important to still have a heavier focus on their genuine friendship that strengthened their relationship later on, rather than using romance to strengthen their friendship, if that makes sense

tubbo trusted ranboo out of a belief that he was a loyal Friend, ranboo wanted to be there for tubbo because he wanted to be Friends, he was worried that he destroyed their friendship over everything after being outed as a traitor. even when they hide their marriage theres still a truth to the fact that theyre good friends who know each other relatively well and have a history together

exploring romance is fun and all but at the core of the dream smp i feel like the driving kind of relationship is. friendship. family and partners are important too, but overall i think friendship has been and still is the most important. and thats especially true with cbeeduo like. theres a reason so many cbeeduo fans are arospec
