#bell’s hells



saw someone compare this place to the bar on tattooine. i hope it is, bc personally i can’t wait for matt to start playing some jizz at the table

campaign 1 theme: reviving/bringing back things that should never have been brought back

campaign 1 boss: THEE necromancer who brings back other bad guys way more times than necessary

campaign 2 theme: hunger/chains

campaign 2 boss: city who is (metaphorically) chained up by their own hunger for knowledge/power

campaign 3 theme: the color red

campaign 3 boss prediction:

oh god he roped liam into it too

northyme:This… nightmare of a woman.


This… nightmare of a woman.

Post link


“Leave him, he’s already dead.”


Ashton: anything you survive is kind of a win.

Laudna, who very much did not survive:

Ashton Redesign

What’s that smell?

Hello, and welcome back to “A song from one of the CR playlists implied an attraction towards someone and it’s time to ANALYZE.”

This week, we have ASHTON.

Image of a section of Ashton Greymoore's playlist. The song "Boom Swagger Boom" by the Murder City Devils is listed, with the description, "Confidence without ego is relentlessly attractive."ALT

At first I was like, “are they talking about themself” BUT then I went and looked at the lyrics:

Image containing the lyrics to the song "Boom Swagger Boom," by The Murder City Devils.ALT

So Ashton has an attraction to one of the ladies, eh? Based on previous interactions, I think it could be one of two people:

1. Fearne. Their back and forth with stealing from each other and banter, and recent conversation regarding Ashton’s past, maybe there’s a connection there?

2. Laudna. Ashton did say, “I really enjoy you,” and they get along really well- plus the girl is confident in who/what she is.

Really looking forward to seeing what happens here


have a silly little doodle of the greatest line I’ve ever heard so far in C3
