


Sydney: Angeline, why are you drawing a pentagram on the floor?

Angeline: You told me to satanise the dorm before you returned.


Sydney: I said ‘sanitise’, Angeline.

ROFL. Angeline is hilarious! 

my pro healthy relationship post has almost 8k notes im almost crying out of pure happiness :’) 

changing my url 2 a sydrian + vegan one to out weight the negativity and coldness <3 

@lepetitedhampir just gave me a panic attack and she doesnt care what so ever cool beans im shaking and crying and she doesnt care 


marnie harris as sydney sage

adrien sahores as adrian ivashkov

if this isn’t sydrians daughter ruby i dont know what it is 

if this isn’t sydrians daughter ruby i dont know what it is 

Post link

Who asks the other on dates: both sydney takes adrian to different museums she’s heard of that he would love and adrian plans the more romantic stuff 
Who is the bigger cuddler: sydney i think she craves human contact more bc shes had less of it growing up
Who initiates holding hands more often: aaadrian
Who remembers anniversaries: both!!
Who is more possessive: adrian by far 
Who gets more jealous: adrian again
Who is more protective: both of them they protect each other 
Who is more likely to cheat: none of them they would never
Who initiates sexy times the most: sydney!!! lmao
Who dislikes PDA the most: sydney she’s too orderly 
Who kills the spider: sydney lmao 
Who asks the the other to marry them: ADRIAN DID CANON UWU
Who buys the other flowers or gifts: adrian gives sydney a lot of paintings and random stuff
Who would bring up possibly having kids: i think it just happens w/o anyone bringing it up 
Who is more nervous to meet the parents: lmao they both met the parents and it was a m e s s so i dont think they’re nervous anymore 
Who sleeps on the couch when the other is angry: adrian but he creeps back in and hugs her from behind immediately bc he misses her
Who tries to make up first after arguments: i dont think they argue a lot tbh its more just discussions but both 
Who tells the other they love them more often: i have a hc that sydney tells him all the time 

i tag: @sydneysge,@fr00tzsand@sydneyssagess!!

theres only one person that loves sydney sage more than i do and thats adrian ivashkov
