#bnha spoilers


So basically, Dabi has found himself at his personal “Sekoto peak” once again. The story repeats itself.

But this time he has a hero who’s willing to save him next to him.

It’s time for Dabi to die, and for Touya to be born again.


Okay but what’s so sad about this is he had no choice. He obviously didn’t want to die on Sekoto, but now everything has been taken away from him.

He’ll never be able to master his quirk. He’ll never be good enough for Endeavor. Even the people who saved his life said he wasn’t good enough.

Clearly he’s been suffering for so long. The physical pain and trauma is obvious. But imagine the mental anguish he’s gone through. Not to mention being in a coma for 3 years during years that are pretty crucial to child development. Age 13 to 16 are critical years, especially when it comes to social and emotional development.

All this to say, if you still think Dabi is a psychotic arsonist who just enjoys killing people for fun, check yourself. And get out. Door’s over there.


Baku losing his shit is, I think, equal parts anger and fear. He’s pissed because he did all he could to prevent this outcome, from sticking by Deku’s side when he first separated from their group to taking that hit for him.

He offered up his own life to save Deku and it still wasn’t enough. If Deku is showing no signs of waking that means Baku’s efforts just didn’t cut it. As mad as he is at AM, at Deku for his carelessness with his own life, I think he’s the most upset with himself.

Because he’s always, always said he would win, but his idea of winning is now so tied up with saving Deku from the fate his predecessors have met that its starting to seem out of reach.

He doesn’t want to lose Deku, but he’s realized he alone might not be enough to save him. But he should be. In his mind he should be enough.

Everyone always told him how amazing he was, they raised his expectations of himself and where he would stand in the hierarchy of hero society. And now when he finally realizes that he wants to save Deku more than anything, he’s failing to live up to his own expectations.


deku’s actually awake, he’s just pretending to be unconscious so that he can listen to bakugou wax poetic by deku’s bedside


Bakugou: [Literally having a breakdown about not being able to save Deku, is so desperate to see him that he’s tearing open near fatal wounds]

His Classmates: Haha, back to bed with you, silly loud man.


Yes, that is blood. Everyone say thank you to his classmates for getting his gay little ass back to bed before he just dies on the spot
