#cheating husband


The First Day

About an hour into our 3-hour drive, the sun broke through a three-day autumn gloom and lit up a dazzling display of autumn colour. My wife, Rachel, and I had lucked out as the next week promised to be crisp and cool in the evenings and warm and sunny during the day for our getaway. So, we had booked a room in a fancy hotel up in the mountains to rekindle a little of the magic we seemed to have lost in our relationship over the last year or so.

The forest surrounding the hotel had been turned into a state park many years ago. The rooms have a fireplace and jacuzzi while the historic rooms have been refurbished (all with ensuite bathrooms and balconies) and outfitted with late 19th century antiques and art. We booked a ‘jacuzzi room’ and were really looking forward to some biking, some canoeing, partaking in the award-winning cuisine and, I hoped, more than a little romance.

The drive up to the front door was stunning. It overlooked the forested hillside and down on the confluence of two rivers and provided a panoramic view of the vibrant autumn colours of the surrounding forest. Next to the river was a picturesque two-lane country road. Truly breathtaking.

We started to remove our bikes from the car rack, when two women exited a small shed near the parking lot and walked toward us. Both were closer to Rachel’s age than mine, perhaps a bit younger, but remarkable. I am six foot tall and one was nearly my height, willowy, a redhead with Scandinavian features, and perky breasts with pointy nipples that could be rather easily discerned beneath her blouse. The other was a little shorter than Rachel, five foot or so, athletically built with a pale complexion, blonde hair, a curvaceous body, and a confident bounce to her step. They gave us a key on a heavy chain and told us that they were told to put their bikes in the shed and that we could do the same. They told us to turn in the key to the hotel owner when we checked in. We thanked them and they went to the only other car in the parking lot with a bike rack to retrieve their suitcases. Both women were stunningly beautiful. The svelte, leggy, redhead looked great from behind in her capri pants but the shorter one had the most perfect ass I had ever seen on a woman of any age. She had such enticing curves.

Rachel saw me staring and said, “Jeff! Put your tongue back in your mouth and help me remove the bikes and unload the car.” She laughed as I blushed.

After checking in and then unpacking, we toured the grounds near the hotel and decided to take the hiking trail down to a small restaurant about a mile away near the confluence for lunch and a drink. As we were finishing our lunch, the two female friends from the parking lot walked by our table on the veranda. We exchanged pleasantries and commented on the beauty of the day and view of the river.

Rachel pointed out that I was again staring at their backsides as they walked past us, and she suggested that, “They are probably a couple, you know?”

“How can you tell?”

“Just call it a hunch.” She smiled and we walked the uphill mile back to the hotel, had a 'toes up’ for an hour or so in our room, and then decided to change our clothes for our 7:30 dinner reservation. My plan included a few glasses of wine in the quaint pub located adjacent to the hotel’s restaurant, get Rachel a bit tipsy, enjoy a wonderful meal, and then have a good romp to celebrate the vacation. Rachel seemed to be more than willing and had been giving little signals all day that she was in the mood. She even squeezed and pinched my butt on the walk back from the river and she didn’t swat my hand away when I returned the favour and then let my hand linger and massage her peachy ass. She even suggested that I give her a back-rub this evening. Everything about the hotel and the surrounding forest was better than advertised… and we caught the peak of the autumn colours. Truly a sensual setting.

When we arrived at the cozy pub, there was real wood fire in the hearth… perfect for the evening chill that was already descending. We took the last of the seven rustic oak tables. As our bottle of wine was arriving, the friends stood at the door looking for an open table.

Rachel saw their predicament and waved them over and said, “You are welcome to join us.” They happily agreed. I motioned to the waitress to bring two more wine glasses as we made introductions. “This is my husband Jeff and I’m Rachel.”

The blonde-haired friend smiled and replied, “I’m Sophie and this is Jessica”. Her dark eyes lingered on mine for just slightly too long. Her blonde hair perfectly framed her face. She had a cute button nose and full lips. Despite sitting next to my wife I remember desperately hoping such a gorgeous creature wasn’t gay.

Over the next hour and half, we killed two bottles of wine and the women talked non-stop. Rachel told them of our plans to bike down the River Road for nine miles the next morning to a picturesque town with a couple of art galleries, a couple of interesting restaurants, and an historic town square. Rachel had clearly done her internet planning and invited them to join us on the ride. The friends quickly agreed. Sophie and I both stated that an 18-mile round trip was at the upper limit of our interest in biking but Jessica and Rachel, who were more practiced riders, made tentative plans to do a larger bike loop the following day. Rachel and the flame haired Jessica really seemed to hit it off. They had everything in common it seemed and chatted like they had known each other for years. Sophie and I spent the evening rolling our eyes and smiling.

As the wine flowed and the women chatted, I learned that Sophie and Jessica were teammates on the same college volleyball team as well as roommates for their sophomore through senior years in college and lifelong dear friends. Sophie was married but had left her husband. I didn’t find out if it was acrimonious or if she was even divorced, but at least she wasn’t a lesbian. Jessica divorced four years ago when her husband had a sordid affair with a female politician that made the local papers. Jessica got the house and a sizable sum of money. According to Sophie, Jessica’s house was spectacular and situated in an established wealthy neighborhood. Jessica had paid for their vacation.

At that time of Jessica’s divorce, Sophie was experiencing marriage difficulties herself. She was living in a town about two hours away from Jessica and working as a hospital operating room nurse/technician. It was clear that the time away from her husband was putting a strain on her marriage so Jessica, who lived in the same town as the hospital, insisted that she move in with her during the working week. Sophie’s marriage failed anyway so she spent more and more time with Jessica. Sophie said with a laugh, “Jessica was rattling around in her mansion and needed the company, she doesn’t like to be alone.” It was clear they were thoroughly enjoying being housemates again.

My job during this chatter was to fill glasses, nod, and smile occasionally. Soon, we were all decidedly buzzed, laughing too loudly, and smiling too broadly. The friends seemed to be very close. They finished one another’s sentences and frequently touched one another during their conversations. During one of the rare lulls in the conversation, I decided to just ask the question that was burning in my mind, “Are you a couple?”

Immediately three things occurred simultaneously. Rachel kicked me in the shin.

And Sophie said, “Yes!”

And Jessica said, “No!”

Sophie and Jessica looked quickly at each other and simultaneously,

Sophie said, “No!”

And Jessica said “Yes!”

I cocked my head and said, “Ooookaaay, that clarifies things” and we all laughed.

As I refilled the glasses, Sophie said, “This probably deserves an explanation.”

According to Sophie, they were just roommates in college and probably the only girls on the volleyball team who didn’t experiment with same sex relationships, but such things were not as open ten years ago. When Sophie moved in with Jessica, they each had occasional dates with single men but the pickings were rather slim. About a year ago, Sophie started going out regularly with a guy from work much to the frustration of her estranged husband. She even spent the night with him after some dates and they did a long weekend together. Jessica figured that Sophie was now looking for a speedy divorce so she could take things further. But Jessica had fallen in love with her old friend… it was going to be… awkward.

They ended up having a heart to heart and they discovered they had feelings for each other. Sophie told her that living with Jessica would be more fun than living with any man… and even though the sex with her colleague was good, it was nothing special. He wasn’t the one.“

Jessica, who was clearly tipsy, chimed in saying, "This means he didn’t give her ass enough attention. She’s got the best ass.”

Sophie stood up, turned her ass toward us and said, “He just wouldn’t take any hints, or worse, he didn’t have any interest in my bottom.” She wiggled and swayed seductively. I was stunned.

Rachel said, “You better sit down before Jeff’s eyes pop out!”

I exclaimed, “So was this colleague blind? Gay? Or just pathologically boring?” My eyes still transfixed.

Sophie was clearly pleased that I appreciated her derriere and wiggled it a couple more times. As Sophie sat back down, she continued her explanation as to whether she and Jessica weren a couple as Rachel had suspected from the start. Sophie had told Jessica that the only part of her relationship with her husband and her colleague that she would really miss was the long cuddle after sex. But, there was always something missing when she had sex. Then, without any inhibitions she explained that her orgasms were much better with her toys than with any of her former lovers.

Jessica then continued the story. She told Sophie that she too missed the cuddling and pillow talk after sex. She too enjoyed her toys but they weren’t very cuddly!

Sophie quickly added that Jessica had every hand-held sex toy known to womankind and then jokingly, that she did so much business with EverReady that they had invested with them in the stock market!

“We would play… separately… but found that we gravitated to each other… afterwards.” Sophie explained hesitantly. “But we wouldn’t do anything together! We weren't… lesbians.”

“At least that’s what we thought initially.” Jessica continued looking at her bestie with adoration in her eyes, “we would just cuddle after we separately enjoyed our toys in our rooms… but getting the timing right was awkward. Eventually, whoever finished first would assist the other to finish.”

Sophie smiled and added, “At first, the assistance was limited to some petting and kisses. Then later we added fingers or a second toy, and eventually, there were no holds barred. Soon, our 'alone time’ evolved into 'together time.’ So, to answer your question, we are not a couple, we are lifelong friends who have recently added benefits.”

Rachel and I were surprised by their openness and honesty. Jessica noticed our astonishment and said, “This is the first time we have admitted our 'friends with benefits’ relationship to anyone. Even my family and closest friends have no idea. I guess we are out of the closet. But what the hell! This works for us, and our friendship has flourished. Neither of us have sworn off guys, but I must admit, Sophie really knows how to push all of my buttons!”

“Jessica saved me from my failed marriage, and I fell in love with my best friend.” She smiled at her lover. “Without her I’d have nothing.”

We shared a table at dinner, ordered more wine and the friends thought that I needed a half-dozen oysters as an appetizer. I told them that “Oysters were overrated as an aphrodisiac.” When asked why, I told them, “Last Saturday night I ate six and only the first five worked!” Sophie was taking a drink of water and laughed so hard that water came out her nose. Jessica almost choked and I was pleased that I had found a new audience for such an old joke.

Rachel told the friends, “Don’t encourage him by laughing at his 'dad jokes’ …which rhymes with 'bad jokes’.”

After the main courses, we all shared a piece of cheesecake and the women made a great show by licking the rich dessert from their spoons. Sophie winked at Rachel and slurred, “If that sixth oyster works and you need some help with him tonight, let me know.”

Jessica said, “Hey, I’m right here! What about me?”

Sophie responded, “I thought you were recharging Big Bart’s batteries.”

Rachel looked at the friends and said, “Big Bart sounds fun too. Let me know when it is my turn with him!”

I informed them, “Rachel has a bit of a toy fetish, too.” Rachel slapped my arm as I motioned for the check.

On the way to our room Rachel asked, “Did you enjoy having two attractive women flirting with you?”

I replied, “There were three attractive women flirting with me and I loved it. Did you like having two attractive women flirting with you?”

Rachel thought for a second and asked, “Do you really think they were flirting with me too?”

“Wellll…”, I said, “the three of you did stare at one another and make great use of your tongues when you lapped the cheesecake from your spoons. I thought that was pretty suggestive.”

“Jessica looked captivating, don’t you think? I’ve never met anyone with such beautiful ginger hair.”

“I think you have the hots for a certain redhead,” I suggested.

“I think you’ve been daydreaming of your cock buried in Sophie’s peachy ass!”

“Guilty as charged,” I said forlornly as we reached our room. I opened the door and before the door even closed, we were snogging like teenagers. Soon Rachel snaked a hand below my belt and urgently stroked my hardening penis through my pants. I slipped my hands into the back of her pants, cupped her ass and then ran my fingers between her legs. She was positively steamy. Rachel humped my fingers a few times before pushing me away.

She told me to put another log in the fireplace and turn off the lights. She retrieved a small velvet bag from the bathroom containing her 'vibrating egg,’ massage oil and lubricant. She then opened the drapes, letting the nearly full moon shine into the room. In the moonlight, she did a slow strip tease revealing her new and rather sexy lingerie before encouraging me to remove them. She then crawled onto the bed and sprawled out with her face down.

“Still interested in giving me a backrub?” she asked.

Rachel maintains that I give a superior massage and I enjoy giving them as they always end in enthusiastic sex. Rachel inserted the vibrating egg into her pussy, and I straddled her legs and poured oil onto her back. As my hands stroked and kneaded her neck and shoulders, Rachel cooed, “That’s wonderful!”

I worked my palms between her shoulder blades and down the sides of her back while my fingers massaged the sides of her breasts and my fingertips lightly tweaked her hardened nipples. I marveled at Rachel’s beauty. She wasn’t as willowy or striking as Jessica. Nor was she as curvaceous and perky as Sophie but her avid gardening, biking, yoga and reasonable diet kept her fit and her luscious brown hair cascaded about her shoulders. Most importantly, she was young at heart, adventurous, and willing to try new foods, new theater and music, explore new ideas, and she was uninhibited in bed. Moreover, we were great friends with a long history who knew, and accepted, one another’s foibles. We had no secrets and were confident in our love. I found this to be an immense turn on.

As I massaged her lower back, soft moans escaped her lips and her hips subtly rose to meet my full mast penis. I dribbled more oil onto her bottom and palmed and massaged her globes. I then slid my hands forward to shoulders once again which caused my penis to slide between the cheeks of her ass. She cooed and lifted her bottom imperceptibly to meet me. I could feel the vibrations of the egg in her pussy. Each time I slid my hands from her ass to her shoulders, my cock slid from her pussy lips through her ass cheeks. Again, I palmed her ass but this time I let my thumbs massage the rim of her pucker. Rachel lifted slightly and her rosebud opened a bit. I slid my left hand down to the entrance of her pussy and it opened and swallowed my thumb which joined the vibrating egg in her pussy. The fingers of my left hand reached down and teased her clit as my thumb pumped slowly in and out of her pussy.

Rachel was climbing rapidly toward climax when she turned beneath me onto her back. I was still straddling her legs and she leaned forward and swallowed my erection whole, gently massaged my balls, and she slid an oily finger into my ass. She looked into my eyes and requested that I make this 'a deluxe backrub’ which was her way of asking for anal sex.

I started to reach for the lubricant and Rachel said, “Use your tongue,” and got onto all fours and dropped her head to the mattress.

I got behind her and used my palms to separate her cheeks, blew softly on her rosebud, then took several long firm tongue laps from her pussy to her rosebud before working my tongue around and around the rim. I then buried my tongue inside her. Both holes were completely open as my thumb once again slid into her pussy and my tongue worked her ass. She pushed back onto my face. As I lapped and poked with my tongue. I could feel the egg vibrating through the walls of her ass.

Her hand went to her clit and started to rub. I pushed it away as I did not want her to orgasm until my penis was buried in her velvet confines. Rachel, in an uncharacteristic outburst of vulgarity, pushed my face from ass and urged me to slam my cock up her ass. As she sunk down to the mattress, she reached back and pulled her cheeks apart.

I paused and admired the wanton beauty as I squirted massage oil onto my manhood and her open cheeks. I then slid my well-oiled cock smoothly into her well-oiled ass. She reached her hand down between her stomach and mattress and began to work her clit. This raised her ass to a perfect angle to plow her… and plow her I did. The egg vibrating through the walls of her pussy added to my and her sensations.

Soon, Rachel’s legs straightened, and her toes curled, her whole body started to vibrate and squirm, and I lunged forward and shot the first volley of cum deep into her taboo hole. She moaned and when I plunged into her again and shot the second volley into her ass. Rachel panted, “Oh god, it’s so good. I’m cumming, don’t stop.” Her moaning filled the room, and when I unleashed the third volley her squirming nearly dislodged me. Her entire body tensed, and her ass, with me on top, rose 8 inches off the bed and convulsed as I pumped a final spurt of jizz deep into her. We then collapsed onto the bed.

As our breathing slowly returned toward normal. I rolled onto my back and Rachel quickly pulled the egg from her pussy and turned it off as it was now just too much for her. “I may have to borrow extra batteries from Jessica,” she said.

I replied, “THAT was a great fuck! I hope I can still peddle a bike tomorrow.”


The Second Day

We met our new friends at 8:30 for breakfast and ate heartily. Rachel and I then returned to our rooms, filled our water bottles, and quickly changed into our biking gear. Sophie and I loaded our bikes onto my car, and we drove down to the river road as we did not want to bike an additional mile up a good sized hill at the end of a long (for us, at least) ride. Jessica and Rachel, who were more experienced riders, wanted to start and end at the hotel.

Our ride along the river road was glorious. It was a bit brisk when we started, but near perfect temperatures for the rest of the day. Twice, large gaggles of geese passed low overhead in V formation. We stopped for a water break near a small bridge, where a stream emptied into the larger river.

The views of the river and the autumn colours were truly breathtaking although, I must admit, that most of the time my eyes were focused on the backsides of the three women riding in front of me. Jessica and Rachel often rode side by side and chatted, then Sophie, and then me. I was convinced that Sophie was teasing me as she would periodically stand up to peddle and wiggle her ass back and forth as she peddled.

There was really no reason to stand up to peddle as the river road had no real hills. One time when she was standing up and peddling, she looked over her shoulder and caught me staring at her wiggling tush. I gave her the OK sign with my thumb and forefinger and then pursed my lips for a kiss that I directed toward her ass. She laughed, did a couple of exaggerated twerks and then sped up a bit to join Jessica and Rachel.

She quickly betrayed me and told them that I was staring at their butts. When they looked over their shoulders at me, I let go of the handle bars, raised my hands above my head, and bowed toward them in worship. After a brief chat among themselves, all three stood up to peddle and wiggled their asses at me. I let go of the handle bars again with the intention of bowing again but almost lost control of the bike and came close to wrecking.

They laughed and Rachel said, “Keep your eyes on the road and your mind out of the gutter!” which prompted another laugh from them.

The small town down the trail was an interesting mixture of millennial chic and backwoods funky. There was an art gallery where a guy who looked like Santa Claus in bib overalls was using a chainsaw to carve owls, bears, eagles, and beaver out of four-foot logs. The carvings were quite good, and it was interesting watching him do both the rough and fine carving. In another shop, five female artisans made bird houses and various kitchen utensils out of dried gourds while new age electronic music played softly in the background. On the front page of the local paper which I purchased at a vegan restaurant and coffee shop, there was a picture of the high school homecoming king and queen.

We ate burgers and smoked trout for lunch at the Bay Horse pub, which had a sun splashed patio overlooking the river. There we watched a kingfisher dive repeatedly into the river for minnows then return to his perch. As we were leaving the Bay Horse, Sophie was walking backwards while talking effusively, and stepped off the curb awkwardly and wrenched her back a bit.

During the hour and a half return bike trip, we stopped for water, took scenic pictures, and we think that we saw river otters near the opposite bank. I could also see that Sophie was frequently rubbing her lower back, but it didn’t stop her from occasionally teasing me with her stand-up peddling and fanny wiggles.

When we got back to the hotel, Jessica and Sophie joined us in our room for a beer and some cheese and crackers. The ladies decided that we should take a two-hour rest. After dinner, the ladies would then use the jacuzzi in our room, as the jets would soothe Sophie’s lower back.

Rachel decided that I would be exiled to the billiard-dart-TV room near the pub and restaurant “to watch some game on the tube” because none of the women brought bathing suits.

When Jessica and Sophie returned to our room, we all went out onto our small balcony to watch the sunset. At dinner, I had a beer, but the ladies ordered a bottle of white wine. After dinner, they took the remaining half bottle back to the room to drink while lounging in the jacuzzi. While I would have gladly sold my soul to join Rachel and the friends in the jacuzzi, it was still pretty nice to have a good buzz, a cold brew in my hand, and some football on the TV. Moreover, I was hopeful that Rachel would be motivated by our 'splendid day’ to have another evening of inspired sex.

An hour later I received a text from Rachel, “Bring another bottle of Pinot Grigio to the room,” followed by a second text that read “Please.”

When I got to the room, I knocked and said, “Room service,” which gave them a few seconds to 'get decent’ and then strode into the room. The fireplace cast a warm glow to the room and the humidity from the jacuzzi gave the room a feel not unlike a tropical evening. As my eyes adjusted to the dim room, I noticed only two heads in the jacuzzi. My wife and Jessica were both naked. Rachel reached out for the wine bottle and then pointed to the bed. Sophie was face down and naked on the bed with a small towel over her hips.

Rachel said, “The jacuzzi jets helped her back a lot but she now needs a good backrub.”

Sophie chimed in, “Rachel has been raving about your skills as a masseur. Hope you don’t mind.” My mind went into overdrive. Don’t mind! Hell, I would risk my marriage to run my hands over her for an hour or so!

Rachel had her back to me and didn’t realise Jessica, who was facing her, and me, had risen slightly out of the water. I stole a quick glance at Jessica’s tits… they were shaped like ski slopes capped by pencil erasers. Her pointy nipples were clearly aroused. Rachel’s more modest nipples, but larger breasts, also seemed to be aroused. I fought the urge to reach out and cup Rachel’s tits while latching my mouth onto Jessica’s beckoning nipples. The stunning redhead smiled, she had intentionally given me an eyeful with my wife between us. I felt my penis strain my pants. Rachel turned to me once more and motioned with her eyes toward the bed. I turned and walked towards the semi naked blonde sprawled on the bed I hoped to get lucky in later that night.

Rachel barked, “Take off your dirty shoes for god’s sake and lose those pants too. They are the only pair of dress slacks that you brought on the trip and you are going to get massage oil all over them.”

I turned to my wife with a pleading look in my eye and a semi erect penis tenting my pants. She smiled and gestured me away with her hands beginning a conversation with Jessica. So, I dropped my trousers and I suppose I was grateful that my response to the breasts on display in the jacuzzi made my 6 and a half inch package look quite acceptable in my underwear.

I straddled Sophie’s legs between her knees and towel-covered ass and poured some massage oil onto my hands to warm it up. I then did a slow lap with my hands over her back and quickly found a large knot in her lower back to the right of her spine.

Sophie whispered, “Yes, that’s it… oh fuck! Yes… you’re on it” and I concentrated my efforts on that spot. She yelped slightly when I occasionally dug into the knot. “Oh Jeff, that hurts so good,” she mewled. As the knot loosened, I worked my hands on the trapezius muscle up to the shoulders and then back to the now receding knot. Sophie whimpered, “That’s sooo good, don’t ever stop. I tingle all over.”

After twenty minutes, Sophie seemed to melt into the bed and the knot was almost completely gone. I was delighted that I was able to provide her with some relief. I was completely into the therapeutic aspect of my duties. Without thinking, I rolled Sophie onto her back and bent one leg so that her foot was near her knee and pushed her bent leg over the straight leg. Her backbone rippled and cracked, and I repeated this with the other leg.

Sophie looked at me with her big brown eyes and said, “Holy shit, I’ve experienced a miracle cure! My back feels great, every tension is gone. I feel like jello, soft, hot, horny jelly.”

That is when I noticed that the towel was no longer hiding anything. Sophie’s legs were slightly parted. Her pussy was bare and her labia glistened. Then my eyes traveled upwards to her breasts. They were just perfect in size and shape, dark areolas and puffy nipples centred on the rounded peaks. I continued to gaze upon her pretty face, pale and flawless, and eventually to her wanton glassy eyes.

I looked at Rachel and Jessica in the jacuzzi, they were side by side and kneeling at the near edge of the jacuzzi and facing the bed. The bubbles were frothing at the surface between their bodies and the edge of the jacuzzi causing their breasts to bounce and jiggle. I could tell that the jet was aimed right at Rachel’s pussy. Jessica’s arm was draped over Rachel’s back and her hand was on Rachel’s ass. Although I couldn’t see Jessica’s fingers, the movement of her hand suggested that her fingers were busy stroking Rachel’s sex with her husband in the same room!

Rachel then shocked me by saying, “I think Sophie needs a 'deluxe’ back rub, Jeff.” It took a second to sink in, but I realised that Rachel had just given me permission to not only have sex with Sophie but to have anal sex with her. I was confused but not stupid. Sophie looked like she’d been plucked from my dreams and deposited on the bed in front of me. She was naked and smiling and I was in awe of her beauty.

Sophie then pushed me off my knees and onto my back and started to crawl over me. Obviously, Sophie had been instructed as to the meaning of a 'deluxe back rub.’ As Sophie crawled over me, I stopped her when her tits and dark puffy nipples were hanging near my mouth. Without saying a word I feasted on them.

Eventually, Sophie straddled my ears, lowered her pussy to my mouth, leaned forward and fondled, stroked, licked and sucked my cock to its fullest extent saying, “Oh Jeff! You are the perfect size for what I want you to do with me.” I didn’t think it was possible, but my penis got even harder. I was attracted to Sophie but, somehow this stunning young woman was attracted to me!

I worked my tongue into her pussy and lapped upon her lips as they opened. I then nibbled gently on her clit until the pearl hardened, and finally I raised my head slightly to view her magnificent ass. Sophie lowered her hips a bit. I lapped her rosebud and worked her rim with my tongue until it loosened and opened slightly.

Sophie cooed, “Oh shit! I love your tongue in my ass. This is truly deluxe!”

After several minutes, Sophie scrambled off me, got onto her hands and knees, and said, “Get your penis nice and wet in my kitty.” I got onto my knees behind her and buried my penis into her pussy in one smooth stroke as Sophie said, “Oh yes, so goddamned nice. Oh Rachel… you lucky, lucky girl.”

“I need a condom.” I gasped as I bottomed out inside her velvety vagina.

Sophie looked back at me, shook her head and bit her lip before saying “No you don’t. I need this… please fuck me?”. I stared into her dilated eyes and she smiled as I withdrew from her snatch slowly before sliding all the way back inside. Her hands gripped the duvet as I built up speed and started to slam into her. My heavy balls were slapping wetly against Sophie’s thighs and exposed clitoris as her beautiful breasts began to swing to the rhythm of our sex.

I had lost track of Rachel and Jessica for a while, but while on my knees, I saw that they were out of the jacuzzi and drying each other with towels. They scrutinised us as we made love, whispering to themselves. As soon as they were dry, Rachel got onto her back and maneuvered herself from the top of the bed, headfirst, and scooted herself under Sophie to lap at my balls while Sophie bent down and suckled on Rachel’s tits.

Rachel’s legs dangled over the edge of the bed and Jessica dropped to her knees and began to lick and finger Rachel’s pussy and ass. Rachel pulled my cock out of Sophie’s hot pussy and placed it at the entrance to Sophie’s ass. I slid it in slowly as I wanted to relish every moment of this paramount experience.

“Oh… Jeff!” Sophie squealed.

Sophie then dropped her pussy onto Rachel’s mouth. I looked down and saw my penis sliding in and out of Sophie’s perfect ass. My hands palmed her globes which shook and jiggled each time my body bounced against those heavenly cushions. I also saw my wife eagerly lapping at a cunt for the first time in her life and I saw Jessica bury two fingers up Rachel’s ass while nibbling, licking and rapidly flicking her clit.

Rachel was the first to cum. She opened her mouth to scream but nothing came out but a rush of air. Then her legs clamped tightly around Jessica’s head and she pumped her hips up and down posting on the two fingers in her ass and forcing Jessica’s tongue to focus on her clit. Rachel then collapsed and slid off the edge of the bed. She and Jessica kissed deeply.

With Rachel no longer under her, Sophie dropped her head to the mattress and urged me to pound her harder. The sight of her luscious tush twerking on my penis combined with the tight velvet confines of her ass soon had me on the brink. When Sophie slammed her knees together and her ass spasmed around my cock, I began to unleash my seed deep within her. I reached around and grabbed her tits and pulled her to her knees and pumped the remainder of my load into her welcoming bowels. I held her tightly as her body quivered and shook repeatedly. Eventually, she turned her head toward me, and we kissed.

I sank into my knees and caught my breath as Rachel urged Jessica onto the edge of the bed with her face up and her long legs touching the floor. I bent down and my mouth latched onto a long, hard nipple. My hand fondled her other breast and my fingers tweaked and rolled her nipple. Each time I tugged on them she moaned and when I lightly pinched her nipple she whispered, “Harder.” I was eager to oblige.

As I sucked and stretched her nipple with my mouth, I saw Rachel’s mouth engulf Jessica’s clit. Rachel looked at me and said, “Her clit is as large as her nipples. It’s like sucking on a little cock.”

Sophie was now kneeling beside Rachel and spreading lubricant from her wrist to her finger tips. When Sophie’s hand was good and slippery, she worked two, then three fingers into Jessica’s pussy as Rachel continued to suck and lick Jessica’s clit.

Jessica’s hair was an explosion of red on the duvet cover. She made eye contact with me and smiled before breathlessly urging Sophie for “More”. Sophie soon worked four fingers into and out of her needy vagina as Jessica humped her hips against the four fingers.

Sophie looked at Jessica and asked, “More?”

Jessica responded, “Oh yes Sophie, yes, give me more, I want it all.” Sophie curled her thumb into her fingers and slowly slid her entire hand into Jessica’s pussy and held it still for a few seconds. Sophie then started to slide her hand back and forth in Jessica’s pussy.

Sophie’s other hand still held the tube of lubricant and she squirted some onto Rachel’s fingers. With her mouth still fellating Jessica’s clit, Rachel slid first one and then two fingers into Jessica’s ass. I tugged and stretched her nipples with my mouth and fingers. Jessica’s head pressed into the mattress and her back arched and then her legs began to vibrate uncontrollably as she moaned, “Oh my fucking god, oh god” and then shouted, “yes, Yes, YES” and clamped her legs together around Sophie’s arm.

As Sophie slowly slid her hand out of Jessica’s pussy, she instructed Rachel to keep licking and sucking. Sophie quickly slid two fingers back into Jessica’s vagina and rapidly massaged her g-spot. Jessica’s feet shot toward the ceiling, as she frantically pushed Rachel off her clit, she gushed and squirted onto Rachel’s and Sophie’s faces. Jessica then clamped her legs together as her whole body convulsed, and finally rolled to her side and into a fetal position. Jessica’s whole body spasmed repeatedly for thirty seconds or so as Sophie, Rachel and I gently ran our hands over her.

Sophie said, “That was a killer orgasm!”

Jessica replied, “The best EVER! I’ve never cum so hard. I’m so embarrassed. Thank you Rachel, thank you.”

Sophie hugged me and placed little kisses on my neck, chest and nipples saying, “Your deluxe backrub was extraordinary. Rachel is a very lucky lady.” She stared at me for just a few seconds but it seemed like minutes. I was struck by her beauty. I was a very lucky man.

As the four of us hugged and cuddled, Rachel said, “I had a night of many firsts and a mind shattering orgasm that left me limp, but Jessica’s explosive orgasm was truly a sight to behold!” We all laughed, kissed, cuddled and eventually said goodnight.


The Third Day

At breakfast the next morning, Sophie and I lobbied for a canoe rental from Jack’s Canoe Rentals. Jessica and Rachel, however, wanted to load the bikes onto the cars; drive into the village and do a 31-mile loop that was described in a brochure as the 'most beautiful country road bike loop in the world.’ But 31 miles seemed excessive to me, even if the loop is relatively flat. Besides, I was secretly hoping to save some energy for the evening and whatever adventures that may bring. Jessica and Rachel, who were far more avid cyclists than Sophie and me, tried to convince us to 'challenge ourselves’ but also seemed more interested in spending time together.

Sophie said, “I’m already saddle sore from yesterday’s ride. I’d rather save my ass for something more fun.” She winked at me.

I whispered, “I like your idea and couldn’t agree more.” So, we decided to split into two groups of two for the day’s activities.

After breakfast, Rachel and I returned to our room to change our clothes. I put on a pair of hiking pants that could zip off into a pair of shorts, a T-shirt, and a windbreaker. As Rachel was struggling to pull on her spandex biking shorts, I came up behind her and rubbed my penis against her panties and squeezed her breasts. She turned her head and we kissed. She asked, “Are we playing with fire? We’ve never done anything like last night.” Then she quickly added, “But it all seemed so organic and natural and FUN!”

“Does it bother you that I had unprotected sex with Sophie?” I asked. Rachel paused considering her answer.

“I think it would have bothered me more if you ejaculated in her pussy. Did you want to empty your balls into that blonde bombshell…” it was my turn to struggle for words. Rachel continued, “I do know you have a thing for redheads.” She laughed. “Just so we are clear - you can have whoever you want. Last night taught me a lot about us… it was not at all dangerous to our marriage or relationship. It was eye opening.”

I tried to ease Rachel’s mind by saying, “We are married - I belong to you. I would not make love to Sophie, or any other woman, without obtaining your consent, but I can’t guarantee that Sophie and I won’t do some teasing and flirting today.”

“Jessica and I might just do the same!” After a few more kisses and some petting, we agreed that we should just enjoy the day and be open to any adventures that might occur.

After a few moments of silence, Rachel said, “I can’t believe that I licked and fingered both Sophie and Jessica. Did that bother you? Me with another woman?”

I thought for a moment, then said, “I was a bit surprised by your enthusiasm for it, but it really didn’t bother me. The fact that you were really enjoying being with a woman, added immensely to my pleasure. As you said, it all happened so organically. Would it bother you if I had sex with another man!” I joked.

“Actually… I wouldn’t mind that at all.” She replied seriously, catching me completely off guard.

Rachel reached back and rubbed my semi-hard cock through my pants for several seconds, then stepped away and said, “Save that for tonight. I’ll take good care of it, even if our new friends aren’t interested in an encore performance.”

I was pleased to hear that Rachel was not opposed to another sexually charged evening. I filled a couple of water bottles, took a few granola bars and stuffed them into a small backpack. We then headed down to the reception area to meet the friends.

It turned out that Jack’s Canoe Rental was managed by a small girl, maybe still a teenager, named Hayley. Hayley and I loaded a canoe onto a truck, and she drove us upstream to a landing. She said it was a three to four hour downstream paddle back to Jack’s. Hayley was petite. She looked like a pixie with her pale complexion and brightly coloured pink hair which she pushed back over her ear revealing multiple ear piercings. She wore a scoop neck T-shirt which showed off her peach sized breasts. She was clearly bra-less as her perky breasts bounced and wobbled as she walked. They looked so round…

Hayley may have been a teenager but she just looked so fucking cute! Her breasts were still clearly on display as we unloaded the canoe, paddles, and life jackets from the truck. When Hayley and I bent at the waist to position the canoe onto the landing she caught me staring down her blouse at her tits. She whispered in a voice loud enough for Sophie to hear, “See anything that you like?”

I responded, “Oh! Err… Sorry, and yes, I guess.”

“Oh really?” The young woman smirked and raised a perfectly shaped eyebrow. Hayley caught Sophie’s attention and said in a voice loud enough to be overheard, “What would your wife say if she knew you were looking at my tits?”

I replied, “Oh… this - this is not my wife… My wife is out galavanting with Sophie’s girlfriend. Sophie probably appreciates your brazen honesty and I apologise for gawping at you.” I said sincerely.

“You do have amazing tits, Hayley.” Sophie cut in and Hayley smirked once more. “I can’t help but admire them myself. Jeff is just a man and men do get preoccupied with our bodies don’t they?”

“I guess I should appreciate his lustful looks then.” She winked at me.

“Personally, I thank you for reminding this older gentleman of the perfection of a firm, youthful body and for putting me in my place.” As her breasts were still on display from our kneeling position and Hayley startled me by asking something completely unexpected.

“Well if your wife’s not here… and your blonde girlfriend approves… Do you want to feel them?” Hayley looked down to her hanging mammaries, I looked at Hayley and then at Sophie in complete surprise.

“I think you should take her up on her offer… I know I would.” Sophie said, staring at the exposed cleavage in front of my face.

“I won’t tell…” Hayley whispered, still smirking. She arched her back and leaned her torso a little closer to me. Tentatively, I reached out with my left hand and fondled her hanging tits for several seconds. I withdrew my hand and then said, “Those really are… amazing… thanks!”

“You made an old man very happy!” Sophie laughed, “Now let’s get this puppy into the water because I want him to stare with impunity at my ass for the next three hours.”

Hayley replied, “The river and autumn leaves are worth a look too.” And pushed us off. Her eyes sparkled as we departed the shore, she looked as if she wanted to say something but we just watched each other as we drifted apart. I sat with an uncomfortable erection in my pants and looked forward to seeing the beautiful blonde travel companion handle her paddle.

When we got onto the river and fumbled our way into a reasonable paddling rhythm with Sophie 'fore’ and me 'aft’, we waved goodbye to Hayley as she drove back to Jack’s Canoe Rental. As we drifted downstream, I said, “I can’t believe that I actually touched up Hayley’s tits within minutes of meeting her. I have NEVER done anything like that… never even seriously contemplated doing anything like that. Perhaps the police will be waiting for me when we get back to Jack's… or maybe Jack will just bloody my nose. But,” I added, “it would be worth it.”

Sophie replied, “You didn’t just grope her, Jeff. You asked politely, and she consented. For a large fee, I would testify to that in court.” She then turned her torso toward me (we were both facing the front of the canoe), lifted her T-shirt and lowered the cups on her pale orange, lacy bra. She asked, “Are her tits really that much better than mine?”

I said, “Let me see. Lift them up with your hands.” With a devilish grin, she complied with my request. I then suggested that she should fondle and arouse her puffy nipples. Again, she complied while staring directly into my eyes for several seconds as she tweaked her nipples.

Eventually, she demanded, “Well, are they?”

I pondered for a few more seconds, then said, “Yours are bigger and your puffy nipples are spectacular but Hayley’ tits have a youthful firmness. You should keep in mind that I never said that Hayley has better tits than you, I only commented favorably on their firmness. You didn’t want me to give the young lady an inferiority complex, did you? Hayley extended a favour to me, and I thanked her and returned a compliment. It would have been rude to mention that your tits are far superior to hers.”

Sophie readjusted her bra and said, “You are quite the gentleman.” She then turned around and once again picked up her paddle.

About an hour later, we spied the river otters near the shoreline and glided over to get a closer look. We took our phones out of the water tight containers to take some pictures. We each snapped dozens of shots hoping to capture this magical moment. Mostly our pictures were near misses… lots of pictures of ripples in the water where an otter had just submerged…or pictures of an otter’s back that could easily have been a floating branch or twig… but Sophie got one super picture which she texted to me.

It showed an otter on the shore getting ready to slide into the water next to a floating yellow, red and orange maple leaf which was just behind the face of an otter sticking out of the water and watching us closely. The water surface was glistening with the dappled sunlight of the overhanging trees. I raved about the picture and noted “It is definitely suitable for framing.”

Sophie responded, “The creative process has gotten all of my juices flowing!”

We texted the picture to Rachel and Jessica. A while later, we received a return text from Rachel. “Wow, very neat!” followed by some emojis that I didn’t understand. Below the text was a picture of Jessica standing next to her bike overlooking fields of goldenrod and purple asters on either side of winding country road, with cows grazing on a hillside pasture near a barn and silo, and brightly coloured trees at higher elevation. If it was a painting, it would just be too cheesy to put on a wall. But with Jessica in the picture, it demonstrated that the beauty of the countryside was real. We responded with 'ooohs and aaahs’ and then proceeded downstream.

When I grabbed some water and a granola bar from my backpack, Sophie twisted around and said, “Pass me some water and snacks, too.”

I responded, “What’s the magic word?”

Instead of saying 'please’, Sophie raised up slightly from her seat, pulled down her shorts revealing a sexy pair of pale orange 'boy shorts’ that matched her bra and said, “Is this enough to get me a granola bar?”

God did she have a perfect bubble ass. I made a licking motion with my tongue and said, “No, but it makes me hungry enough to eat a second granola bar. Boy, are they good and I was parched. The cool water really hits the spot.”

She then peeled down her panties, reached back and separated her glorious globes and exposed her pussy and ass to me. When she looked over her shoulder, my mouth was agape, and my eyes were wide and laser focused on her display. She made an oohing sound, turned her head forward and wiggled her ass slightly. I swear that her ass winked at me. I quickly snapped a picture before she turned her head again to look at me.

When she did turn toward me, I reached into the backpack, saying, “Yeah, that’s definitely worth a granola bar and bottle of water!” and tossed them to her. A few minutes later, I texted her the picture of her ass with the caption, “Full Moon over a meandering River.”

When her phone dinged and she looked at the picture and text, I could tell that she was surprised that I had taken the picture. She examined it for a few seconds, and then said, “Maybe tonight you will get a chance to see the dark side of the moon!”

When we finally paddled into Jack’s after three hours on the river, we were low on water and ravenous. I helped Hayley pick up the canoe and carry it to a rack. Before bending down, Hayley looked at Sophie and winked. My eyes were focused on her dangling peach breasts and said, “a vision of loveliness, would it be too much to ask if I could wrap my lips around them once?”

Hayley looked at me and said, “It would, but thanks for asking.”

Sophie kicked me in the leg and said, “No young women wants a lecherous old man gawking and pawing at her.”

Over lunch at the Bay Horse, I asked Sophie if it was true that no woman wants a lecherous old man taking an interest in her. Sophie replied, “I must admit I always had a thing for older men. Especially if the lecherous old man is not terribly overweight, has some hair, and can still get it up.”

I whooped and said, “check, Check and CHECK! That is so reassuring.” I was really hoping that Rachel would let me have another go at Sophie’s ass tonight.

Right then, we got a text with two pictures… one of a parking lot with seven grungy pickup trucks, two bicycles, and a sign that said, 'Claude and Emma’s BBQue’ and a second picture of two plates with giant mounds of pulled pork, a massive platter of curly french fries, and two bowls brimming with Coleslaw. The food platters sat on a linoleum covered table next to a napkin dispenser. Sophie responded, “That should put some meat on Jessica’s skinny body.”

I responded, “I wonder what a dozen guys with pick-up trucks would do to two women in tight spandex shorts?”

Rachel replied to my text, “Emma’s big enough to keep 'em in line!”

After lunch, we returned to the hotel, went to our separate rooms to shower, and then I dozed off while checking my emails. Rachel returned some time later. Grabbed a quick shower and then crawled onto the bed with me. While rubbing my cock through my pants, she asked if I had a good day.

I said, “It was marvelous, but Sophie teased me mercilessly and left me extremely horny.”

Rachel sarcastically replied, “You poor thing,” and then added, “but I am sure that problem will be solved later.” She then headed out to their room, ostensibly to check out the antiques and historic paintings that adorned their walls in the historic section of the hotel. I decided to take a Viagra… I wanted to make sure I performed well for my wife.

I may have dozed off again while listening to an audio book and checking emails when I heard a knock on the door. I was lying on the bed in my underwear and the Viagra had given me a semi-stiffy. I thought that Rachel had forgotten her key, so I opened the door without thinking.

Sophie walked in, looked me up and down, smiled, and said, “Jessica wants to show Rachel some of her toys and Rachel sent me here to keep you company and to get you in the mood. They will be over later.” She then stepped closer, dropped her hand to my underwear and lightly stroked my penis. “Looks like it won’t be difficult to get you in the mood.”

I put my arms around her, dropped my hands to her luscious ass, and massaged it through her tight yoga pants, and kissed her neck. After a few seconds, I asked, “What would you most like me to do?”

Sophie stepped back and I sat on the edge of the bed while she started to unbutton her blouse. I applauded and she started to do a strip tease for me. First the blouse came off. When she unhooked her bra and let it fall to the floor. She then moved between my knees and put her tits with their big dark areolas and puffy nipples right in my face. I wrapped my lips around one and after a minute or so, I moved to the other. My hands slid down the back of her yoga pants and rubbed and squeezed her ass while licking her nipples. Sophie’s hand moved softly over my still encased cock. Eventually, my fingers found their way to her now juicy pussy and when they were good and wet, I moved them to her rosebud and ran them around her rim. Sophie then moved closer to me and we kissed.

She then backed away and turned around, bent at the waist and with her head near her knees, she pealed her yoga pants down over her ass. She looked up between her legs and said to me. “Worship it!” I dropped to my knees and began to kiss, nibble and lick over the entirety of her wondrous globes. Eventually, my tongue found its way to her pussy where I licked and probed until her hole was dripping and her clit emerged from its hood. I buried a finger in her pussy and dragged my tongue up to her pucker which smelled deliciously like apricots. As I licked over and around her ass, her rosebud started to open, and I circled the inside of her rim with my tongue.

Sophie was making the most delightful cooing sounds and whimpered, “Oh god yes,” and “That’s it, don’t you dare stop. I need this sooo much after our day together, so heavenly.” Her pussy was positively leaking onto my hand and wrist.

After several minutes, Sophie straightened up and said, “Let’s go to bed, Jeff.”

“Errr… I’m not sure that’s a good idea. Do you want to have sex?”

“I’m not sure yet,” she said softly.


“It just seems like a bit too much, don’t you think? We both have… other people in our lives.”

“Baby, I can’t keep playing this game. You are my dream woman and I’m horny as hell. I need us to fuck or stop.”

She bit her lip. “But I like playing this game. I’m horny too, you know?”

“Then dare me to make you cum,” I told her.

“How would you make me cum?” she asked. “Without sex, I mean?”

“I’ll rub my cock against your pussy,” I told her.

She wiggled her crotch. “I’m already doing that.” She grinded her vulva against my aching penis. She gasped. “What if you accidentally put your cock in me?”

“I wouldn’t do that. If that’s not what you want?”

“You promise not to?”

“I promised Rachel I wouldn’t have sex without her permission.”

“But Jeff… she sent me up here? She knows we are both hot for each other. We are going to end up fucking.”

“I told you, I wouldn’t do anything you didn’t want me to. I wouldn’t dare.”

Sophie was blushing red. “OK. I dare you to rub your cock against my pussy until I cum.”

“Challenge accepted! Lie back,” I told her, smiling.

She did as she was told, lying on her back, looking up at me with trepidation.

“OK,” she whispered. My eyes were ready to take in the sight of her pink puffy lips, but she shyly cupped her pussy with her hands, blocking my view. “Now I’m embarrassed.”

“You shouldn’t be, you look amazing.”

“I didn’t think I would ever be with another man after reconnecting with Jess. But you are… older… wiser… a gentleman. I didn’t believe in love at first sight,” she said. “But… I could easily fall for you. I thought we would just tease and flirt with each other a little tonight. But now I want more. I want you, Jeff.”

“I want you too, Sophie.” I said feeling my heart pound in my chest, “Please move your hands and spread your legs, baby.”

She opened up her legs and moved her hands. I crawled between her thighs, sitting on my calves. She kept her legs nice and wide as I scooted closer. I was holding my cock up, but as I came closer, I let it drop. It fell right on top of her crotch, lying across her wet pussy and pubic mound.

“Oh, oh, Jeff. we are really going to do this,” she said, looking down and watching me. “You promised, not inside me, right?”

“Trust me,” I whispered, holding my cock by the base. It was a bat made of solid steel. I gave it a swing, tapping her pussy flesh. It rippled when I hit it and she squirmed and moaned.

“God, Jeff. That felt good.”

“You want me to do it again?”

“Yes, please.”

I did as she asked, gently tapping her pussy lips with the shaft of my cock, her wet juices amplifying the sound of each quick slap. She was breathing hard, lifting up her back to try to meet my cock each time it connected with her pussy.

“Mmm fuck,” she said. I glanced at her and realized she was cupping her breasts, rolling her nipples between her fingers, giving them gentle squeezes. “More,” she said.

I carefully pressed my fat cock up against her pussy lips. They spread open to hug my long shaft. I moved my cock from side to side, all while my mushroom head batted her hard little clit.

“Aaaaahh Jeff! Fuck, I’m so wet.”

“I know you are, baby. Your pussy is drooling all over me,” I said, slapping my cock onto her vulva again, splashing little droplets of pussy juice all over our thighs.

“I wanna cum so bad,” she said. “My clit…”

“Rub it with my cock, Sophie. You take control of it.”

I reached for her hand, taking it and bringing it down onto my throbbing member. She stretched her neck to get a better look as she took hold of it then carefully grinded my mushroom head right into her hard clit. Her hips started gyrating, rubbing her clit up into the head of my cock.

“Ah fuck, right there, right there!” she said.

I was pushing back, crushing my cockhead into her clit as she rubbed. I was so hard, so horny for her and so worried she was going to make me cum. I needed to hold on. I didn’t want to cum until I was deep inside that hot pussy of hers. Inside her? Fuck! What was I thinking?

“You love my cock, don’t you, Sophie?” I asked as I watched her slapping her clit with it.

“Fuck, yes, I love it.”

“Just imagine how good it would feel inside you, stretching you open.”

“Ohh, Jeff, I know it would. But I made a promise to Jess. I love her. And you made a promise to Rachel, that we wouldn’t fuck unless she was here.”

I pulled my cock back and pushed forward, rubbing the head up along her pussy lips and back into her clit where she lifted her hips to rub against it again.

“Fuck, that feels amazing!” she said, “You are amazing….

“Can I put it in your pussy, baby?”

“God… Yes… but, we can’t fuck each other.”

I took control of my cock and started slapping her clit in quick succession. She moaned loudly and threw her head back.

“Fuck! I want you, Jeff. I know it’s wrong but I want you inside me.”

“We shouldn’t,” I whispered, assaulting her swollen clit with my rock hard manhood.

“Jeff! Oh, fuck! I’m cumming!” she screamed, “You’re going… to make me…” Then her eyes rolled and she threw her head back onto the pillow.

While I rubbed, grinded, and slapped her pussy with my cock, I could see her muscles contract and spill her little girl cum. I watched it run out and soak the bed. She was still whimpering and moaning as she finished twitching. She was smiling and breathing heavily when she came back to her senses. I never stopped rubbing.

“There, do you feel better now, Sophie?”

“Yes, oh yes,” she said, her brown eyes opening and focusing on me.

“Truth or dare, baby,” I said.

“Jeff, we can’t.”

“Truth or dare.”


“I dare you… to let me put my cock inside your gorgeous pussy.”

She bit her lip hard as she looked down. “Jeff… we both know we won’t be able to help ourselves.”

“Double dare,” I added while I gently stroked her pussy lips with the shaft of my cock, thrusting my hips in slow motion to slide my dick across her slippery channel.

“Um, what if I said just the head?” she said.

“Just the head?”

“Yeah, just the head, and only for 60 seconds. It’s not the whole thing, so it’s not as wrong, right? We will be keeping our promises.”

“I want to know what you feel like. I need to get you out of my system, Sophie. I’m besotted with you.”

“We can’t fall in love, Jeff.” She didn’t sound convinced with her own words.

“We can’t.” I breathed, as my cock basked in the heat eminating from her sex.

“I want you inside me. But I get to put it in,” she said, reaching down, wrapping her delicate fingers around my shaft. “No thrusting.”

“I’ll be good,” I said, but I would have said anything to get into her pussy at this point.

I watched her with all the care in the world hold my cock firmly around the shaft, her fingers carefully coiling just under the head, presumably to stop any more from going in. As she squeezed, my cock head grew bigger and purpler, turning it into a raging bull ready to charge at the pink flesh of her pussy. She brought the head down and gently slid it against her pussy lips, parting them. She seemed to hesitate.

“It’s OK, Sophie,” I said. “It’s just us… like you said… they knew we were horny for each other. They sent you up here… to me.”

“This could end up being adultery!” Sophie chuckled.

“Do you think they are both being virtuous? I want you, Sophie. Just slide it in.”

“They looked like they were
