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long time no shitpost


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a Film Hoe™: i only watch movies made by federico fellini, ingmar bergman, jean-luc godard, d.w. griffith, orson welles, akira kurosawa, jean renoir, françois truffaut, fritz lang, the cohens and paul thomas anderson, what about you?

me:*holding my blu-ray copies of all resident evil and final destination movies tight to my chest*

Request I did for my pal, iscythea! She wanted Claire from Baccano!! claire x fork is my otp

Request I did for my pal, iscythea!

She wanted Claire from Baccano!!

claire x fork is my otp

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akatiiin:i felt like drawing a lot of monster girls/boys and then this happened *lazycry* Claire aakatiiin:i felt like drawing a lot of monster girls/boys and then this happened *lazycry* Claire aakatiiin:i felt like drawing a lot of monster girls/boys and then this happened *lazycry* Claire aakatiiin:i felt like drawing a lot of monster girls/boys and then this happened *lazycry* Claire a


i felt like drawing a lot of monster girls/boys and then this happened *lazycry*

Claire and ??? are roommates who share a really small apartment in the city. Claire is a NEET/hikikomori and stays indoors 24/7; she makes some money by writing music and drawing porn. ??? is a part-time model who also works in a department store. They don’t really make a lot of money and their apartment is so tiny they have to share a bed. 

Pocky is a graveyard-lurking harpy who is way too naive and happy-go-lucky for his own good, and often gets into shit without realizing it. He’s super tolerant though, and loves (almost) everyone and everything.

The cyclops and harpy girls at the bottom right belong to my kouhai Mango! They’re apparently a bankrobber-conman duo, mhmm.

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