#commentary track


This week on the pod, we’re doing our commentary track for Pretty Little Liars s01e19 “A Person of Interest.” Caleb gives Hanna what Sean refused to. Aria cosplays as Ezra’s undersexed wife, but he’s more focused on the Jenna Thing’s semi-autobiographical essay. Paige gets Emily to sing karaoke, and Spencer is the big spoon with Toby on a stakeout.

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This week on the pod, we’re doing our commentary track for Pretty Little Liars s01e18 “The Badass Seed.” Aria is a terrible stage manager and everyone in the whole school can tell there’s something going on between her and Ezra. Hanna gets a peak at Caleb in the shower, and it’s weird with him afterward. Emily gets to have scenes with Toby one more time before he’s Spencer’s forever, and speaking of Spence, she’s discovers a new clue and for the first and last time, trusts the police with it.

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This week on the pod, we’re doing our commentary track for Pretty Little Liars s01e17 “The New Normal.” Hanna is letting the Artful Dodger sleep in her basement, and he comes in handy when he clocks James Leland as a lying goldbricker trying to con her mom vis a vis dead old Mrs. Potter’s safety deposit box. Aria is perturbed when her Dad thinks there’s something going on between Ezra and Ella. Emily has to deal with Paige’s homophobic dad, and then Paige showing her tongue down her throat. And Spencer goes snooping around creepy Jenna Thing’s house looking for clues.

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This week on the pod, we’re doing our commentary track for Pretty Little Liars s01e16 “Je Suis une Amie.” Spencer is newly interested in Sad Boi Toby Cavanaugh. Aria is freaking out because it seems like her mom was at the same museum where she went on a date with Ezra, and is clearly lying about it. Hanna bonds with Rosewood Bad Boy and all around total babe Caleb Rivers by pointing out which of her classmates he can exploit, and how. And Emily is living in the greatest Melissa Etheridge video of all time with Paige.

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This week on the pod, we’re doing our commentary track for Pretty Little Liars s01e15 “If At First You Don’t Succeed, Lie, Lie Again.” Hanna betrays Aria so that A will put out a hit on Mrs. Potter. Emily has a meet-cute moment with Paige where Paige tries to drown her. Ezra goes on a fancy adult date with his child girlfriend Aria. And an old, haunting photo of Ali from That Night reminds Spencer that she kinda did want to murder her friend.

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Go buy our new book, Trouble Always Finds Me.

Pull our strings and we’ll wink at you, we’re your puppets! Special guest Sarah won the Trouble contest, and picked Benji’s favorite episode of Pretty Little Liars to talk about. It’s s03e23 “I’m Your Puppet.” Please enjoy this commentary track where we discuss how to fence a hot bell, The Dark Spencer Saga, Pam suddenly working for the cops, Aria’s encounter with Red Coat in the morgue, and so much more.

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Go buy our new book, Trouble Always Finds Me.
