
Well trained he’s one of the best ranch hands the Rancher has. He’s even shaping up to bWell trained he’s one of the best ranch hands the Rancher has. He’s even shaping up to bWell trained he’s one of the best ranch hands the Rancher has. He’s even shaping up to bWell trained he’s one of the best ranch hands the Rancher has. He’s even shaping up to b

Well trained he’s one of the best ranch hands the Rancher has. He’s even shaping up to be a real promising Cowboy too.

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They don’t remember changing into their matching gear, they didn’t even know they had matching shirt

They don’t remember changing into their matching gear, they didn’t even know they had matching shirts. But they remember speaking with the Rancher before and after they knew they’d give him a good hard day’s work. The rest, the rest didn’t worry them. They were good Cowboys.

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Hanging on the Rancher’s every word.

Hanging on the Rancher’s every word.

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They may not be a classic Team but in a lot of ways they still are one.

They may not be a classic Team but in a lot of ways they still are one.

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Sometimes the Rancher and Sheriff like seeing their men play together.

Sometimes the Rancher and Sheriff like seeing their men play together.

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Just because a Jock or Cowboy gets hurt doesn’t mean they aren’t part of the Team it jus

Just because a Jock or Cowboy gets hurt doesn’t mean they aren’t part of the Team it just means the Rancher just needs to help with a work around or some sort.

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For now he’s just visiting the Ranch, but one summer he’ll call it home.

For now he’s just visiting the Ranch, but one summer he’ll call it home.

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It started with a simple talk, just hello, how are you, that kind of stuff, but before long he was j

It started with a simple talk, just hello, how are you, that kind of stuff, but before long he was just listening. Hearing about how great it is to work on a Ranch. Working the fields and herds all day and then coming home to the bunk house and his fellow Cowboys every night…when the Rancher asked if he wanted to come home with him yes was all he could think to say.

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When the Rancher speaks all his Cowboys listen.

When the Rancher speaks all his Cowboys listen.

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They did it by pushing each other, each making the other work hard, give more, to be his best for th

They did it by pushing each other, each making the other work hard, give more, to be his best for the Rancher. And now they both are amoung the best.

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Cowboys love wearing a bit of leather too.

Cowboys love wearing a bit of leather too.

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A smart man reads every word before turning his life over to his Owner because it is his life. At le

A smart man reads every word before turning his life over to his Owner because it is his life. At least for the moment.

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With the Rancher’s training and guidance they knew their best would put them on top. *Also I find it

With the Rancher’s training and guidance they knew their best would put them on top.

*Also I find it amusing that the prize for winning a BareBacking contest is a saddle.

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sunbound:Love a cowboy that rides with his boots on…A good Cowboy should be reasy to ride anywhe


Love a cowboy that rides with his boots on…

A good Cowboy should be reasy to ride anywhere any time.

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With a few words his head dropped and his mind started drifting off. Just like the Rancher wanted.

With a few words his head dropped and his mind started drifting off. Just like the Rancher wanted.

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He doesn’t remember when he stopped wearing suits to work and starting wearing jeans. He doesn’t rem

He doesn’t remember when he stopped wearing suits to work and starting wearing jeans. He doesn’t remember when ties were replaced with cowboy hats. All he can remember is how much more he loves his life.

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newtoscia:Love to teach these boys how to ride :)Teamwork and uniforms, Cowboys, Jocks, Soldiersnewtoscia:Love to teach these boys how to ride :)Teamwork and uniforms, Cowboys, Jocks, Soldiersnewtoscia:Love to teach these boys how to ride :)Teamwork and uniforms, Cowboys, Jocks, Soldiers


Love to teach these boys how to ride :)

Teamwork and uniforms, Cowboys, Jocks, Soldiers, they’re all more alike then not.

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Yes Cowboys following the not shirt rule do get thumbs ups.Yes Cowboys following the not shirt rule do get thumbs ups.

Yes Cowboys following the not shirt rule do get thumbs ups.

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Relaxing with his dog after a hard day working the Ranch, he’s earned it.

Relaxing with his dog after a hard day working the Ranch, he’s earned it.

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