#daichi sawamura

i-like-to-look-at-your-back: DETAILS *in your face* Funny story: I thought of painting some DaiSuga


DETAILS *in your face*

Funny story: I thought of painting some DaiSuga but more complicated than the gifs

me: Yeah, I feel like making some DaiSuga. With cute lightning.

my brain: Totally! But don’t forget to use some neat colour palette, add lots of details, use light+shadow+anatomy properly and make all of those in a wicked perspective. MUAHAHAHA!! (。・`ω´・。)

Enjoy my first autumn-ish DaiSuga


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aleksandra-chabros: So it seems I can’t stop drawing DaiSuga… they are just too cute to handle. Trie


So it seems I can’t stop drawing DaiSuga… they are just too cute to handle.

Tried new drawing app on my phone and I think it works fine. Though it’s quite hard to draw when bus bumps all over the place (and I bump inside it barely holding my phone).

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