#delicious party precure


Delicious part precure’s designs are god awful, like not a single one fo the curea or villains isn’t overdesigned, the theme is a total mess that doesn’t know what the heck it’s doing with some of the weirdest possible choices, their names are just straight up bad, the attacks are meh, the conflict is really weird and feels like its grasping at straws, there’s a baby, there’s a romance…

But god damn if this season doesn’t have a really good story and characters so far. Like it feels like it’s been a long while since there was this much going on and important characters besides the cures. There’s male pseudo-cures! Mari is one of the best characters in the entire franchise only ¼ into the show. The cures actually got build up instead of being rushed in the first 5 episodes, the girls are all great. I love this season so far!

Draw Everything June 2022, day 4: Cure Spicy.

Draw Everything June 2022, day 4: Cure Spicy.

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Second episode was so cool! action was great <3

Second episode was so cool! action was great <3

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Delicious Party Precure first episode was so good <3 <3 <3

Delicious Party Precure first episode was so good <3 <3 <3

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Delicious Party Precure Girls <3

Delicious Party Precure Girls <3

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上北ふたごさんはTwitterを使っています 「おはようございます 『デリシャスパーティ♡プリキュア』16話 「らんらんって変…!?肉じゃがとウソ」


 「おはようございます 『デリシャスパーティ♡プリキュア』16話 「らんらんって変…!?肉じゃがとウソ」

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 プリキュア プリティストア@pps_as【出張店in #静岡パルシェ】 \あと3日/ 静岡出張店は6/26まで営業中 お店の中にはかわいいプリキュアのフォトスポットがいっぱい! 新商品「Happy  プリキュア プリティストア@pps_as【出張店in #静岡パルシェ】 \あと3日/ 静岡出張店は6/26まで営業中 お店の中にはかわいいプリキュアのフォトスポットがいっぱい! 新商品「Happy  プリキュア プリティストア@pps_as【出張店in #静岡パルシェ】 \あと3日/ 静岡出張店は6/26まで営業中 お店の中にはかわいいプリキュアのフォトスポットがいっぱい! 新商品「Happy

プリキュア プリティストア@pps_as

【出張店in#静岡パルシェ】 \あと3日/ 静岡出張店は6/26まで営業中 お店の中にはかわいいプリキュアのフォトスポットがいっぱい! 新商品「Happy Rainy Day」も発売中だよ!

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上北ふたごさんはTwitterを使っていますおはようございます 『デリシャスパーティ♡プリキュア』15話 「ドキドキ!ここね、初めてのピクニック!


おはようございます 『デリシャスパーティ♡プリキュア』15話 「ドキドキ!ここね、初めてのピクニック!

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Delicious Party♡Precure puzzleDelicious Party♡Precure puzzleDelicious Party♡Precure puzzleDelicious Party♡Precure puzzle

Delicious Party♡Precure puzzle

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【公式】劇団飛行船 宣伝部さんはTwitterを使っています✨✨✨✨✨ 「デリシャスパーティ♡ プリキュア ドリームステージ♪」 6月18日(土)~7月3日(日) 10~11月公演 一次先行(抽選)✨【公式】劇団飛行船 宣伝部さんはTwitterを使っています✨✨✨✨✨ 「デリシャスパーティ♡ プリキュア ドリームステージ♪」 6月18日(土)~7月3日(日) 10~11月公演 一次先行(抽選)✨

【公式】劇団飛行船 宣伝部さんはTwitterを使っています

✨✨✨✨✨ 「デリシャスパーティ♡ プリキュア ドリームステージ♪」 6月18日(土)~7月3日(日) 10~11月公演 一次先行(抽選)✨


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If you could add a physical trait to any cannon precure character, what would it be? I’m talking about teeth gaps, freckles, slit eyebrows, anything to add a touch more character without changing the essential design.

For me; I’d give Yui chubby cheeks and stretch marks since she’s got such an appetite and likely is always going through sudden growth spurts (leaving stretch marks). And some more fat on her legs since I have thick thighs and I’d like to see it nonsexually on a character. If characters have fat on their thighs it’s always to make them “thicc” and not just a body type.


Original image

Delicious party’s 6th ranger

Cure Finale pictures!

Despite her coloring; I believe she’s a purple cure or a rainbow cure. She has a unique transformation item on her chest which as of right now has not been released as a toy yet. I wonder why they are selling her pretty holic line of makeup before selling any dolls or electronic toys for her??

Ruka from Blue Reflection Ray: I always felt at ease when I was alone.ALT
Kokone from Delicious Party PreCure: For me, being alone was comfy.ALT
Ruka: Interacting with others just complicated things.ALT
Kokone: Relationships were so bothersome and made me so tired.ALT
Ruka: But she...ALT
She might be different.ALT
Kokone: But when I'm with her, I feel something warm in my heart.ALT
A desire I've never had is growing.ALT

I love characters like this so much. They’re always my favorite.
