#derry girls



When James and Erin get engaged and give the girls a list of jobs to do Orla is going to misread Ring Bearer as Ring Bear, insist on being that, and then come to the wedding in a bear onesie and a bow tie.

big fan of this headcanon op


can you even imagine if they hadn’t announced an hour long episode tomorrow and THATS how they ended derry girls

it’d be like game of thrones all over again

Ngl I had no clue about the bonus episode and was raging for a solid 20 mins lol


id like to add tho orla in the hospital like “hes going to be ok though isn’t he?” and james just putting his arm around her.

my heart.

the derry girls category on ao3 having 481 fics brings me so much joy. praying there are some WLW ones bc i absolutely will be reading once the season’s over and i’m in need of my fix
