#diaper gal



Found an oldie ‍♀️☺️. I miss these pull ups so freaking much!

Diaper Booty

I have quite a few medium sized diapers but they don’t fit me anymore luckily I have a pack of plain white diapers in large and I have some xl pull ups so I still have stuff to make content with plz be kind I’m trying my hardest to accept how I look now

The arms were around her. The hands were patting affectionately. Even the warm press of the curvaceous, motherly breasts felt authentic. But the voice… ah, the voice gave it all away.

“You are a good girl. Yes… so good. You are a good baby girl for Nanny.”

Nanny?! Esther was shuddering now as the arms slipped inxorably tighter around her. How many times did she have to say it? Shewas the nanny! She had been here with the Hendersons for nearly a year now, taking care of their little sweethearts and watching them grow. She’d been doing her job well and faithfully and efficiently… or at least, so she’d thought.

So why had she arrived to find this- this- woman? Or not even a woman, but a nanny-bot? She’d heard them mention something about an impending delivery, but…

At least the cosmetics of this latest line were on point. She’d heard and seen plenty of ads for them, and the AutoNanny 13 was supposed to be the most realistic model yet. So as she felt the uncannily human touch and warm pressure of the bot’s presence against her, she could only shiver and reluctantly concede the point.

Though the voice recognition, TTS, and logic clearly left something to be desired.

“But I’m not a baby!” she wailed once more, struggling against the nanny’s firm – and increasingly tight – grasp. “I’m the real nanny! I’m Esther, and I’m twenty-two years old, and I don’t belongindiapers! Take this thing off me already!”

The tiniest pause, and then a smoothly oiled reply.

“You are not a nanny. I am the nanny. You are a good baby. A good twenty-two month old baby. Good girl. Good little girl must stay in her diaper now. Nanny will change you when your diaper is wet.”

The hands were probing now at her rear and at her crotch, and Esther winced as they pressed against her painfully swollen bladder. She’d been stuck in traffic- hadn’t had the chance to pee yet- had burst in her in a rush to prep the house before the family returned from their vacation. And then this awful nanny-bot had swept in and overpowered her, and it had all gone horrifically downhill from there…

She winced and let out a cry of desperation. “But I’m telling you, I’m not a baby! I’m an adult! Nanny, stop – please! You’re programmed wrong, okay? I’m twenty-two yearsold!Years, you stupid computer – not months!”

Yet all her wails produced was a whir and something almost like a laugh – if it wasn’t coming from the depths of an uncannily realistic robot.

“You are a noisy baby. Hush, or Nanny will get you your pacifier to be quiet. Hush. Nanny will change you when you have peed in your diaper.”

Of course she struggled – again. Of course she begged – for the hundredth time. But in the end, it happened. Esther knelt there, sniffling and captive in the arms of her replacement – the AutoNanny 13 – feeling her own hot urine flood out and soak into the depth of her swelling diaper.

Perhaps it wasn’t an error, she mused sadly, feeling the nanny’s hands patting and pressing her own soggy mess into her recoiling bum. Maybe the Hendersons really didn’t want her to be the nanny anymore…

Though to be sure, this had to be one of the worst possible ways to get a two-week notice.

Image Credit: @abdreams

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