
akumialice:Disciplinary daycareTeased this a while ago and forgot to post it, unu. 


Disciplinary daycare

Teased this a while ago and forgot to post it, unu. 

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akumialice:Little Girl Time


Little Girl Time

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The whole room was ugly. Cream walls (my least favourite shade of white), patterned curtains that clashed with the patterns on the various items of oversized baby furniture and a dull beige carpet. The whole thing was uninviting, but it was nothing compared to the purposed it all.

The inhabitant of the nursery was sitting up in the pink crib at the far corner from the door. She was patterned too, encased in a huge pink onesie that appeared too big for her yet not big enough to hold the bulging diaper around her waist. Her happiness was disconcerting. Being trapped as a babified prisoner was not an appealing idea yet she was convincingly enjoying it.

I was not enjoying my visit. My straight jacket was debilitatingly uncomfortable, made all the worse by the fact it was riding up between my thighs because I was hanging off the ground, hoisted around by a massive oaf of a man. My tour guide led us over to the crib, attracting the attention of the childish occupant.

“Say hi Maddie,” instructed my pompous captor. In response the woman in the crib stared into my eyes as she giggled out the word “hi.” I couldn’t find a plea for help in her face. That over cutesie voice and bashful innocence seemed to somehow be sincere. I found it genuinely scary.

The grotesquely bubbly woman leading me around seemed even happier at hearing “Maddie” speak to me. I heard her gleefully laugh by my side before she leant over the railing of the crib so the captive woman was in reach. Cheerfully and unnecessarily loudly she chirped, “Is it time for your diaper change?”

Maddie rolled her eyes up to gaze off at the ceiling, still grinning but now with some hint of mischief in that face. I tensed painfully at the mention of diapers. I was already trying to prise my eyes away from the comically large diaper Maddie was encased in. My captor continued her cringe-worthy questioning, sort of singing,“Have you got a wet diapie little baby?” I wanted nothing more than to stop existing, especially as my anxious mind forced me to see myself in that crib. I wouldn’t let myself believe that was really going to happen though, it just wasn’t possible.

Maddie let out some giggles, drooling slightly as she did to my disgust. Still not making eye contact with the woman, she babbled out a response of, “I u’nno?” The woman laughed proudly again at the pathetic sight before us.

“Awww, of course you don’t know,” she said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. She made an exaggerated turn towards me and looked me dead in the eyes. I stiffened under her gaze, not sure where to look. Staring at me with a half maniacal look, she continued on. “Babies can’t be expected to tell if they have gone pee pee or poopie in their diapers.”

I hated this woman. She was toying with me, trying to bring me to the peak of embarrassment and uncomfortableness before striking. I knew what she intended to do, but I couldn’t admit it. I needed her to stop tormenting me with coy allusions to what was coming but I prayed that she wouldn’t go ahead and resign me to the terrible fate that was bouncing excitedly in the crib before us.

She had finished the foreplay though and said those awful words that ushered in the real torture I was to be subjected to.

“Let’s take our guest round to pick out some extra cute, extra soft diapers and Maddie can keep playing.”

Image Credit: adultbabysource.com

In the park 2/2

There I lay now in the large park on a blanket on the meadow. I had a somewhat short T-shirt on and a Betterdry. Next to me sat my Honey and the psychology student Conny, who made Honey aware of us by changing my diaper. The ladies got along great and I snoozed in the sun, so time flew by for all of us.

Finally, Conny turned to us, “Do you guys still feel like joining me for a beer and some fries in the beer garden?”

“Well, that’s an excellent idea,” Honey replied, finally tossing me my pants.

Conny eyed me, “you’ve peed in something again, at least that’s what your diaper looks like.”

“yes,” I answered, “that’s normal, you were two times at the restroom since we met. But there is some capacity left.”

“Well then, that’s good, then you can also drink something.”

I pulled on my pants, which couldn’t really hide the Betterdry. Honey packed up our stuff and gave me a pat on my diapered bottom.

“Let’s go,” she called good-humoredly and we started walking.

There weren’t many tables occupied in the beer garden yet either. Honey chose a table on the edge.

We sat down and looked at the menu.

“Baby, you want some fries and sausage too?” asked Honey. She had a dangerous glint in her eye.

“Yeah, and a beer,” I replied.

“Let’s see,” said Honey, “Conny, let’s go get some food and drinks and let him take the table here.”

“Okay,” Conny replied. The two of them got up and walked toward the food counter. I could watch them. They stopped halfway and Honey told Conny something. Conny nodded and they both laughed and kept walking and ordering food and drinks.

After some time they both came back. Conny carried a tray with two large portions of fries and two plates of bratwurst, Honey carried a tray with two large beers and a large soda with a straw. Not Honey, but Conny sat down close to me and Honey sat down across from us. Honey put the soda down for me, and the sausages and fries went to the ladies.

I protested, “I asked for a beer too, the soda is here wrong.“

"No, no baby,” Honey said. Conny wants to play with you a little and has decided that beer is not for diaper pissers.“

I gulped. Conny turned to me and said, "We don’t think you’re ready to eat and drink by yourself. Just like you’re not ready to put on adult underwear. Please put your hands under your legs. You are not to take them out of there until we leave. Do you understand?”

“Yes Conny,” I said with my eyes downcast and sat on my hands.

“He does seem to like to protest, but he’s well behaved,” Conny said to Honey.

Honey nodded and smiled at us.

Conny patted my diapered bottom and stroked my back. I felt a cool breeze on my back, definitely my t-shirt had ridden up exposing the top of my diaper.

“Umm, can you pull my shirt back down?”, I asked.

“Oh,” Conny replied, “you can stand by the fact that you’re still not potty trained. The pants don’t really cover the diaper either. Do you like some sausage?”

I didn’t have a chance against the two ladies anyway. And probably a punishment was already waiting for me at home because of my protest attitude. So I nodded silently.

Conny cut off a slice of the sausage and blew a little to make it cooler. She held the slice on the fork to her lips to check the temperature and brought the fork to my mouth. “A bite for dear Conny,” she said with a laugh. I opened my mouth and ate the sausage slice.

Honey sort of copied Conny in the same way. “One bite for dear Honey.”

So I was fed by the two and was allowed in between to suck on the straw in the soda. The two ladies were visibly enjoying themselves. I found the helplessness at the same time humiliating and exciting.

When everything was eaten, Conny took a napkin, spit on it and wiped my mouth. My grandma had already done that and I hated it.

It was early evening by now and it was getting chilly. We said goodbye to Conny after the ladies exchanged phone numbers. Conny was intrigued by us and offered Honey to help her with babysitting.

We caught the next bus and headed home. Even though no one approached us, I felt exposed to a thousand stares. The bulge of the diaper, by now well swollen thanks to lemonade, was unmistakable. I was glad when we got home.

Once home, Honey checked the remaining capacity of my diaper by a spirited grip. “Well that’s a good full one. That’s just in time, I need to have a serious word with you. Go into the chamber and strip down to your diaper. I’ll be right there.”

Oha, I thought. This did not develop well. I fretted over all the back-talking I had done throughout the day.

Honey came into our little changing room. I had feared it, she had the paddle in her hand. Along with it a roll of duct tape. What she was going to do with it I would find out sooner than I would have liked.

“Take off the diaper and put it open on the massage table,” Honey said firmly. A moment later I was standing naked in front of her.

“Baby, I hate to do this, but you need to feel what works and what doesn’t. And so many backtalks like today don’t work. You have to learn that you are a little diaper pisser and need someone to educate you. Repeat after me: I am a little diaper pisser and I want to be educated by you. I’m sorry for talking back.”

I spoke the sentences with my eyes lowered and Honey asked me to repeat the sentences 3 more times.

Finally she said, “So, to help you remember that you are a little diaper pisser in the future, press your face into the wet diaper.” Reluctantly, I did as she commanded. It was a soft, moist warm feeling. Fortunately, my warm piss didn’t smell strong.

Honey taped the diaper shut over my head and wrapped some tape around it. Apparently I was to keep it on my head longer.

She ordered me to lean on the massage table with my forearms and stick my ass out. After each stroke, I was to repeat the sentences. The paddle whizzed on my burning ass a total of 30 times, then she stopped.

She then led me into the living room and put me face to the wall in a corner. I had to put my hands together above my head. She sat down on the couch and turned on the TV. In the following two hours, which passed like chewing gum, she made me recite the sentences several times.

Finally she had mercy. She cut the duct tape and removed the diaper from my head. I was allowed to take a shower. Afterwards she lovingly creamed my burning butt and wrapped me in a fresh diaper.

I love my Honey.


That Saturday the weather was beautiful. It was the end of May and the emerging summer showed itself for the first time. Honey had already been to the hairdresser early in the morning and I had made breakfast for us in the meantime still in pajamas and night diaper.

Honey came back with a few croissants and we had a leisurely breakfast. She had apparently been bored at the hairdresser and had made clear plans for the day: “You, baby, I want to enjoy the sun today. Let’s pack everything up for a little picnic and we’ll just lie lazily on a blanket and relax. Agreed?”

“Yes, Honey, that’s a wonderful plan!”, I replied.

“Then let’s clear the breakfast table quickly, and then you can go take a shower. I’ll lay out something summery for you to wear and pack everything up. Let me know when you’re done showering and I’ll help you with your diaper.”

We slowly finished our delicious breakfast and put Honey’s plan into action. I went into the bathroom, changed out of my pajamas and opened my night diaper. As always, I proceeded with caution. It’s too easy for the wet, heavy diaper to fall to the floor or for one of the boosters to fall out. But also this morning everything went well and quickly the diaper was rolled up. Finally, I stood in the shower “dressed” only with chastity cage. As always, when she did not unlock me, I took extensive care of the cage contents by setting the shower to a hard concentrated stream. This hurt a little, but served its purpose. A short time later I stood still naked, but clean in the kitchen door. “Honey, I’m ready,” I called attention to myself.

“Go ahead and lay down on the changing table, I’ll be right there,” she replied.

So I continued to wait naked on the massage table for my Honey.

Shortly after, she came and took a Tena Active Fit from the closet and put it on me professionally as always.

“Wait a minute, if you’re already lying here, I’ll put your pants on as well”. She disappeared into the bedroom for a moment and came back with the clothes she had picked out for me.

When she unfolded the pants, I protested.

“Honey, these are my gym shorts. They barely go over the diaper and you can clearly see the bulge, I can’t wear them.”

“Baby, you know I don’t like it when you question my choices. I’ll keep that in mind. And besides, those pants look good on you and accentuate your tight ass, so of course you can go out in them. And I’ve explained to you a thousand times that you don’t have to be ashamed that you still need diapers, even if someone else sees that.”

Gritting my teeth, I had my pants pulled on and stood up. The waistband of the diaper peeked out of the top of my pants and the diaper was already clearly showing when dry. Honey handed me the T-shirt, which I also would have loved to criticize. But I bit my tongue and reluctantly put it on. It was a yellow t-shirt with a Chevrolet Corvette as a somewhat childish motif on the chest. And it was short, reaching just above the waistband of my gym shorts. A disaster. When bending over, sitting, or if the shirt slid up just a bit, my diaper would be visible. I guess she wanted to test me. But I didn’t dare contradict her.

Honey put on a nice, colorful, long summer dress and we left the house with picnic and diaper changing supplies in our backpacks. Honey had fortunately chosen the big country park a few towns over to the east, rather than a park in the big city to the west, where we had some friends I didn’t want to run into in my pants.

On the way there by train and bus, I kept nervously tugging at my T-shirt to make sure it hadn’t ridden up. Fortunately, no one was staring.

Once we arrived at the park, we spread the blanket out on a large grassy area. Only few others had a similar idea, so there were large distances between us and others.

We made ourselves comfortable and I took Honey in my arms. So we enjoyed the sun until the desire for a picnic grabbed us.

Honey unpacked the goodies and opened a bottle of champagne, which she had kept well chilled with cooling cuffs. We enjoyed our meal and continued to sun ourselves. With the coffee and juice from breakfast and the water and champagne from the picnic, my tena was already well wet.

Honey had been checking the fill level of my diaper all day by occasionally reaching into my crotch, and then noticed during her next check that it was time for a change.

“Baby, you’re all wet, we need to change that.”

“Yes, Honey, if you give me the backpack, I’ll go to the beer garden and change there in the bathroom.”

“Baby, why so complicated. There’s no one around, I’ll do it right here.”

I was startled and looked around. 4 small groups of Friends of the Sun were lying on their blankets some distance apart. A few strollers were strolling on the path around the large meadow and two park benches in sight were occupied. Lots of potential spectators.

“No Honey, you can’t,” I protested.

“Baby, I decide when and how your diaper is changed. I expect the proper respect from you and no crying. This is the second time today you’ve talked back. It makes me angry.

Meanwhile, Honey had already gotten a diaper out of her backpack. It was also a Betterdry. Even thicker than the Tena. Embarrassing.

For all to see, Honey spread out the diaper and fluffed it up.

Honey took off my pants and opened the wet Tena. She lovingly cleaned my diaper area with wet wipes. I lifted my butt and Honey pulled out the wet diaper and slid the dry diaper under me.

She sealed the tape and again heartily grabbed the outside of my cage to check for proper diaper fit.

Finally she pulled my pants back up and gave me a kiss.

"Thank you Honey,” I said dutifully.

“You’re welcome little one, I don’t want you to get sore in a wet diaper. I have to pee too though - I’m going to the bathroom at the beer garden.”

She packed the rolled up Tena in the transparent garbage bag with the few leftovers of our meal and ran off.

Fifteen minutes later, I saw her again on the walking path at the edge of the meadow. A woman sitting on a park bench approached her.

Honey sat down with her and the two talked for probably 10 minutes before both got up and walked in my direction.

As the two got closer, I got a better look at the woman. She was maybe in her mid-20s, had dark long hair and a normal, slightly padded figure, wearing tight jeans and a white blouse.

“Hey baby, this is Conny,” Honey said, turning to Conny, “Sit down!”

I greeted Conny kindly and she took a seat.

“Conny saw our diaper change and asked me why you were wearing diapers. I told her that you like to pee in your diaper and that you need it at least at night.”

Conny added: “A friend of mine once had a boyfriend with the same fetish. I found it fascinating, also because I study psychology. That’s why I approached your Honey.”

Honey, meanwhile, grabbed my waistband and motioned for me to lift my butt. She then took off my pants so that I was just lying there in a diaper and shirt.

Conny eyed me with interest. “Is this comfortable,” she asked me.

“Yes, very,” I began. Honey interrupted me, “He loves it and it’s good for him and therefore good for us.”

“That means the diaper improves your relationship - sexually, too?” asked Conny with interest.

“Yes,” Honey replied, “and since I locked him in the chastity cage, we enjoy even more s—.”

“S—?, without his part?”

“Yeah, he’s got a pretty small one anyway and has always been a quick squirter. He’s a great licker for that.”, Honey replied and I blushed. I don’t know how Honey manages to talk about intimate things so openly and easily.

“If I still had a diaper, I would take it off so that you could have a look at the cage, but we no longer have a replacement. If you like you can feel through the diaper. I can assure you, if you touch the diaper, you won’t get a lascivious hard cock in your hand, it’s caged.

Conny moved closer and actually quite courageously kneaded my cage through the diaper.

"Exciting, I would have liked to see properly.” Her hand still rested on the diaper and she made no effort to loosen it. This created a pleasantly uncomfortable feeling for me, making the cage feel tight.

“Come on, we can work this out. Baby stand up for a minute and you can look in the diaper waistband upstairs if you like. I just cleaned it fresh, after all.”

Conny nodded.

“I can’t stand up here now in just a diaper and shirt,” I protested.

“Conny, he’s well on his way to a spanking, I don’t know why he’s so petulant today.”

“Get up,” Honey turned to me again, “it reflects badly on me and my parenting efforts when you are so petulant.”

I gave up my resistance, “Conny, if you take your hand away from there, it will be easier to stand up.”

Startled, Conny snapped her brown eyes open and pulled her hand off my diaper.

I stood up slowly, making sure that at least no one was watching me directly. Conny and Honey also stood up.

“Do you want me to hold the diaper open,” Honey asked.

Conny looked at me and said quietly and a little uncertainly, “If I may, I’d be happy to do it…”

“Sure Conny,” Honey replied and I nodded to give Conny assurance

Conny grabbed my diaper waistband from the top front with two fingers and pulled the diaper away from my body. I pulled my belly in a little and she looked from above into the diaper. With the second hand Conny grabbed again from the outside through the diaper at my cage. She raised her head in a flash, “Oh, can I push it up a little.”

I nodded.

Conny looked down into the diaper again and courageously pushed on my testicles to push the cage up. I suppressed a rising “ouch” due to the pushing on my testicles, so as not to make Honey angrier.

Finally, Conny had seen enough and let go of me.

I immediately sat back down and tried to get the cage back into a comfortable position from the outside. Conny and Honey also sat down on the blanket. Conny had understood that I had nothing to say here and turned directly to Honey, “but the cage is small, doesn’t it hurt him?”

Honey replied, “first, he has a small part too and second, it’s good to have an erection nipped right in the beginning. Actually, he only has problems when I irritate him extremely. Then the cage pulls on his testicles.”

Thus a woman’s conversation developed between both about education methods with the man and with me in the special one. I lay next to it in a short T-shirt and diaper, I did not get my pants back.


Second part will follow

Restocked: my fiancée ensures since November that I wear diapers 24/7 and use the toilet only for No. 2. I took out a subscription for this and get a monthly supply. The last few weeks, however, my diaper consumption has been pretty high (no idea where all the water comes from), so I had to place a small order out of line to avoid risking wet pants.

She doesn’t want to be disturbed tomorrow morning. Breakfast will be around 10:30h. Until then, I should stay in bed. So maximum capacity is needed tonight. Can’t wait to get changed into the Tykables Camelots.

My standard day time diaper is the Tena Active Fit Ultima, at night I prefer a Betterdry with an Abrilet Maxi booster. And then there is the Incontrol Elite Hybrid. She is my fiancée’s favorite because, thanks to the hook and loop fasteners and the taping guide, it is easiest with them to change my diaper properly and to correct the diaper fit if necessary. Unfortunately, the diaper rustles very loud, so that it is more a product to use at home. (But once when we were on vacation I had to wear it for 4 days at a time and nobody seemed to notice). At home, however, I like to wear them on lazy sundays or in the home office (like today). They are comfortable and soft, they can be easily taken off and on if its necessary to poop (I do not use the diaper for that) thanks to the hook and loop fasteners on this PLASTIC BACKED Diaper and they have a high capacity. And my fiancée likes it.


New friends

A few weeks had now passed since our exciting spa day. Honey had stayed in touch with masseuse Maria. They were texting and talking on the phone more frequently by now. Maria had probably fun with building up a female led relationship combined with chastity for Max and Honey supported her in dealing with her husband.

After one of the phone calls, which Honey usually made alone in the bedroom, Honey came to me in the living room: “Baby, regards from Maria, she is making great progress with Max. We decided she’d come visit me sometime.”

“Oh great,” I replied, “glad to see you getting along so well with her.”

“Yeah, as much as we’ve talked on the phone, it’s about time. She’d like to bring Max with her, do you mind?”

“No,” I replied. “I’ve only met Max with his mouth wide open, but I’m sure he’s very nice.”

Honey laughed at my joke. “We were thinking next Saturday. They’ll come over for coffee, we’ll have a little foursome chat, and then we’ll send you to the bar to watch some soccer and have some more girl talk. You were going to watch the international game at Mario’s bar anyway, right?”

“Yes, that’s a good idea, we can do it that way. How far is Maria with Max currently, by the way?”

“He’s locked tight, like you baby. I’m proud and very happy for them both.”

Honey was really crass, because she certainly has a significant part in the career of the two. Her powers of persuasion don’t just work on me.

Honey confirmed the appointment to Maria and Saturday arrived faster than you could look.

At 4:00pm the doorbell rang. We both opened the door to Maria and Max. Maria greeted Honey stormy with a hug and hugged me afterwards also quite warm and familiar. Max was a bit more shy and greeted us both with a handshake. He was inconspicuously dressed in a pair of somewhat loose jeans, over which he wore a shirt. Maria had again squeezed into a very figure-hugging pair of pants that put her magnificent butt in the spotlight. Over it she wore a wide, colorful blouse.

For coffee I had baked a cake and we talked at the coffee table about this and that. I learned that Maria had Italian roots and had been with Max for 15 years. Max ran a successful business importing spices from all over the world. He was a big soccer fan and liked photography. Those were two of my hobbies as well. I found it very pleasant that the conversation remained 100% vanilla, even though I was sure that the two of them, or at least Honey, had something else in mind for us.

When we were done with coffee, we moved to the couch. I cleared the coffee table, getting some unsolicited help from Max. From the kitchen we heard Honey’s words of praise, “Well Maria, your Max is hand-tame, I’m thrilled.”

Max and me had to laugh at that.

Finally, each of us sat down on the couch with his goddess.

Shortly thereafter, Maria began to destroy the vanillalike mood. Addressing me, she asked, “So, do you have a diaper under your jeans?”

“Yes, of course,” I answered truthfully.

“So, is it nice and wet yet?” she followed up.

“No, Honey got me dry just before you guys came over.”

Now Honey took the initiative and asked questions about the current state of development of the relationship between Maria and Max.

I learned that Max had been locked for 5 weeks by now. Maria had put her plan into action directly after our visit to the spa. While Maria was talking, Max was looking at her very much in love. And that, although the excitement could be read in his face. Basically, they both seemed very happy with the development. Maria kept emphasizing how attentive Max had become. At some point she took his hand and looked at him: “Oh, Max, your hands are freezing and your face is all red. You don’t have to be so excited. They are so sweet and we should be grateful for having met them. I think you should calm down a bit my dear.” Turning to Honey, she added, “Is that okay if I give Max the breast? This may sound strange because Max doesn’t usually exhibit particularly regressive behavior. But he’s become so breast-fixated.”

Max’s face color intensified once again.

Honey replied, “Sure, no problem. Can you give milk then?”

“No,” Maria replied, “but I’d like to try it through regular stimulation and pumping. It would be a great desire of Max’s.”

She unbuttoned her blouse, revealing a soft, large, bare belly and even larger breasts wrapped in a white lace bra. She simply pulled the bra up so that her left breast fell out downward. She put one of our couch cushions on her lap and Max put his head on it, turned to Maria and started sucking. I think he was quite happy to be completely with his Maria.

“Baby, don’t stare at Maria’s breasts like that. That’s naughty,” Honey snapped me out of my thoughts. “But you see how many things Max and you have in common. Maria, my breasts are also his favorite toy. Come on Her baby, you may as well.”

Honey pulled her top and bra up so I could dock her soft, beautiful breast just like Max. She gently stroked my head to do so. So far we hadn’t shared this intimate moment, but it was also so insanely beautiful and at the same time absolutely amazing how indifferent I became to everything that was going on around me. The ladies talked a lot about us, but I did not listen at all, but was completely with Honey. It’s a shame that this doesn’t work on the train or in other public places. I think it’s the best way to get away from it all. Appropriately rudely, I was finally brought out of my daydreams when Honey, with an examining grip between my legs, found that the coffee had already made its way into my diaper.

“Baby, you have to leave for soccer in 30min. And you need to get dry again. I’m afraid we’re going to have to start slow.”

Still a little dazed, I sat up and Honey got her clothes in order. Max was still engrossed in sucking. But Maria also gently signified to him that it was time. When Max was sitting upright again, Maria didn’t take her eyes off me and got up to get dressed again. By now both of her breasts had slipped out of her bra. Due to size and weight, they were of course not entirely unaffected by gravity and were resting on her upper belly. Maria smiled and clutched her breasts. She knew perfectly well that I couldn’t look away from that, even if it made me feel a little guilty.

“Do you guys want to come and see baby’s changing room?”, Honey asked our guests.

“Yes with pleasure,” Maria replied and the four of us walked over.

“Drop your pants and get up on the couch,” Honey ordered me, “don’t be shy, they’ve already seen you naked.”

I complied.

“I’ll put a Betterdry on him for tonight. It’s been good and two or three beers should be possible with this diaper. The Betterdry is a little thicker, but our experience is that no one will see it anyway.” Professional as always, Honey took off my rubber pants, opened my Tena, cleaned me with wet wipes and put on the Betterdry. I then did the rubber pants and pants myself.

“Max, you know what we talked about before,” Maria then said, “this is a chance for you to try this out. You know how much I’d like to put you in diapers too. Will you do it for me?”

Max nodded bashfully and stripped down. He had been given the same cage as me. As he lay on the cot, Honey gave Maria a Betterdry. “First unfold it and make sure that the spill barriers don’t get stuck. Then knead the diaper some more to loosen the absorbent core.” Honey showed Maria all the necessary tricks.

“Bottoms up my little one,” Maria called out, pushing the diaper under Max. “Would you close the diaper?” she turned to Honey.

“Sure,” she replied and got to work. Again, she took great care to explain all the moves to Maria.

Max didn’t get a pair of rubber pants and shortly after we were standing in the hallway fully clothed again. Only for Max the situation was a bit uncomfortable. He walked a bit wide-legged.

But his Maria calmed him down: “Turn around, my little one… No, the diaper is not visible under your wide jeans. You don’t have to worry about that.” Honey agreed.

We put on our jackets and kissed and hugged our wives goodbye. Both of them didn’t miss the opportunity to give us both another hearty smack on the diaper butts.

“And remember,” Honey laughed, “I wouldn’t have more than three beers!”

And so we made our way to the soccer bar, well wrapped up. It turned out to be a fun evening. Germany won.


Wellness part 3/3

Freshly showered I put on my bathrobe and left the shower. Behind it Honey was already waiting for me. I took her hand and wanted to start with her directly in the direction of the locker room, but she pulled me in another direction.

“What are you still up to?”, I asked.

“I was still texting with your masseuse Maria, she and Sandra are off work now and have a few more questions.”

I swallowed. After my experience in the shower, I didn’t feel much like further teasing.

Sandra was already behind the counter when we arrived. The massage department was already closed for the day and Sandra had exchanged her smock for a shirt and a short skirt that looked great on her.

“It’s nice that you came again. Come along. Maria and her husband are already in Room 1.”

We followed Sandra in our bathrobes to room 1, where Maria was giving her husband a back massage. So he was lying on the couch with his upper body naked. Maria had also put on street clothes in the meantime. Under a rather wide shirt she wore tight leggings, which emphasized her big butt wonderfully.

Her husband was startled when he noticed that 3 people entered the room and sat up.

Maria: “Ah, cool that you are here. This is Max my husband. Max, the two of them showed us a little secret today at noon that I really want to show you too.”

Max stammered, “Uhhh, I’m curious about that, I was wondering why I was getting a massage when I just wanted to pick you up.”

“Now you know,” Maria replied.

“So what’s the ominous secret?” asked Max.

Maria pointed, “His Honey found a way to tame him a bit. He was also an intense wanker like you.”

Max blushed.

Honey took the initiative. “Max, why don’t you get up off the couch and Baby, take off your robe and lay on your back on the couch.”

“Do you have to?”, I grumbled.

“Yes baby, you do want to earn an orgasm,” Honey replied with sparkling eyes.

A minute later I was naked in the chastity cage in front of the three women and Max on the massage table.

Honey directly grabbed my caged cock and began to tell: “He continuously could not keep his fingers off his cock and increasingly neglected me. No longer had any focus to make me happy. I didn’t want to put up with that. So we both decided that I would get full control of his cock. Since I’ve been consistently keeping it locked, a lot has changed. He is more attentive, does more around the house, he much prefers cuddling and we have better sex, even without penetration. Or baby, you like being kept chaste better too, don’t you?”

“Yes,” I stammered, “that was a good decision.”

“Max, ladies, do you have any questions? Feel free to step closer, touching is allowed, it’s kind of my cock and not his anymore.”

Honey stepped back a bit and the 3 others closer to me. Max was pushed by Maria more in my direction and looked quite disturbed at my cage.

Maria immediately grabbed it and examined the cage and balls in detail with her fingers. As unpleasant and degrading as the situation was on the one hand, on the other hand I found Maria very sexy, so my cock wanted to grow now.

“Oh, what’s going on?” asked Maria, pulling her hand away.

Honey surveyed the situation and laughed, “You seem to have magic powers. You’re welcome to keep going, though. We chose a very small cage so that any erection would be stopped early. At most, it hurts his balls because the cage then pulls on them.”

Maria started to tickle again. Max stood by with his mouth open. I felt sorry for him.

“Max,” Maria began, “I think that would be right for you, too. Our sex life is not really active anymore, instead of spending time with me, you prefer to go to the pub with your boys. Come feel how well the cage fits.”

She pulled Max’s hand to my cock and he touched it tentatively, still speechless with his mouth open. At least this eased the testicular tug a little.

“Ummm, Maria, I don’t agree with that, I do love you and I’ll do anything for you,” Max finally stammered.

“Max, we don’t have to discuss this now, but you’ll agree with me that we don’t have a relationship that is as intimate as in the beginning. And I’m sure after everything Honey told me today that this is the right solution to our problem, precisely because we love each other.”

Meanwhile, Sandra was checking the fit of my cage. She did so rather roughly, pulling on it so that an “ouch” escaped me.

“Oh, sorry, just wanted to check if something like that was safe,” Sandra said, turning to Honey, “how many times is he allowed to squirt?”

“Good question Sandra. You have to make a differenciate there. Every few weeks I massage the prostate with a toy. Then he leaks, which minimizes his pressure. He doesn’t have an orgasm though. He hasn’t had a real orgasm in the last 4 months, but it’s clear to me that it should be in the next 1 to 2 months, the point is not to let his horniness fall asleep, but to maintain it and focus on me. And for that, he should be allowed an orgasm occasionally.”

“And why is he wearing diapers?” followed up Sandra.

Max’s eyes almost fell out of his head.

Honey answered, “First of all, it’s practical. He doesn’t have too big a bladder and so he doesn’t have to keep looking for a toilet and me waiting. And then he also gives control to me. The sexual one with the chastity cage and the one over his bladder with the diapers. I decide when to change and I decide how we deal with his problem in public. It’s a bit of a hassle, but this dependency has also made him much more cuddly, gentle and preferable. But to be clear. He put the diapers in himself and confessed the fetish to me. He loves the safe, warm feeling.”

Maria found words of admiration for Honey, “Wow, I’m really impressed with how you have him under control, you’re living every woman’s dream.”

Finally I made my presence known, “Can I maybe get dressed again?”

“Sure baby,” Honey replied and after 10 minutes of continued conversation we said our goodbyes and headed towards the locker room.

While Honey was changing in her street clothes, I told her about my awkward encounter in the shower and added, “You wore me out today, I can’t take it anymore. So much exposure and excitement. It’s too much.”

“Oh baby,” Honey breathed, taking me in her arms. “I’m sorry about the shower. Other than that, you were super good today and gave me a lot of joy. And it was arousing for you more than once, too. I love you very much for being my little chaste diaper pisser. Let’s go home and you can snuggle up and play with my two big little ones.”

Honey helped me put on a dry Betterdry. Even before I had pulled my pants and shirt over it, I had already slightly dampened the diaper. It was a wonderful, secure feeling, that I needed badly. That night, Honey gently caressed me to sleep with my head between her breasts.

I love my Honey very much.

