

cause there we are again,

(i remember it all too well)

fanart of New Year’s Resolutionby@sodamnradd

(such a fluffy coffee shop au dramione oneshot. it makes me very very happy :)))))))

the slytherin’s mermaid

(hermione, the recently cursed into mermaid trying to find help at slytherin’s dungeon x draco, potion professor and the head of slytherin’s house)

the head girl and her silly boyfriend

(dramione dating in hogwarts shenanigans with draco’s gangs to make me feel better *sneeze*)

dating and before dating dramione


Covid finally got me so I haven’t had energy for anything too complicated lately, but please enjoy t

Covid finally got me so I haven’t had energy for anything too complicated lately, but please enjoy this quick sketch for Draco’s 42nd birthday!

I love them so much and definitely want to flesh this out one day.

Also on the mend and working on a few more things to show you soon! ♥

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You saw Draco’s favorite photo, so it’s only fair that you see Hermione’s favorite too :-)

You saw Draco’s favorite photo, so it’s only fair that you see Hermione’s favorite too :-)

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As a general rule, Hermione Granger did not like to be surprised.Just this once, she found herself m

As a general rule, Hermione Granger did not like to be surprised.

Just this once, she found herself making an exception.

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I am so weak for fiercely protecting each other in battle scenes!!!While the overall vibe turned out

I am so weak for fiercely protecting each other in battle scenes!!!

While the overall vibe turned out very different, this started as a 1 year later redraw of my very first Dramione fan art (which is in fact signed with the wrong year, because I am silly and remembering the correct date in January is very hard - oops). 

Drawing has been a hugely important creative outlet this past year, on a brief serious note, and the redraw was a really fun way to reflect on what’s changed over the course of that year. I am so grateful to have found such an amazing, hilarious, and supportive community through this ship, especially during difficult times that have so many of us physically isolated. Hope that the new year has wonderful things in store for you all, and thank you for everything!

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May the next year be a little kinder to us all. 

May the next year be a little kinder to us all. 

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• After Midnight •



So psyched to be part of @dhrfestofstars this year! Big thanks to the organizers, and I hope that everyone has a fabulous winter holiday season!

The mood of the day is angst with a side of I-felt-like-writing-a-little-something:“Why can’t we jus

The mood of the day is angstwith a side of I-felt-like-writing-a-little-something:

“Why can’t we just run away from it all?” he asked her, not for the first time. 

She blinked and exhaled very slowly, letting her shoulders slump forward toward him with the movement. 

And then after a moment, Hermione looked down at the cuff of his shirt and set herself without a word to rolling up his left sleeve. Her eyes shone as he watched her, but her hands were steady as ever.

When she was done with his sleeve, she pushed her own to her elbow and looked back up. He knew where she was going with this but kept his grey eyes fixed stubbornly on her face, not wanting to think about anything in this moment except for the way that the light illuminated fiery golden streaks in her hair.

“You need to look,” she told him, softly but insistently, as if reading his mind.

He looked.

No matter how well he knew what awaited him, seeing them next to each other - the cruel brand of pureblood supremacy and the crueler scar it left behind - never failed to hit like a punch to the gut. 

Hermione exhaled again, breathing out a bit more shakily this time as she glanced down at the crooked letters carved into her skin.

“Why do you think that we can’t just run away from it all, Draco?”

A second punch to the gut.

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Draco’s favorite photo.(The lighting still annoys me on this one honestly but then ugh cozy bb’s swe

Draco’s favorite photo.

(The lighting still annoys me on this one honestly but then ugh cozy bb’s sweet faaace and little dragonnn!!!)

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Artist:Efinna | @efinna
Pairing: Draco Malfoy/Hermione Granger
Medium:Digital art + Drabble

A Dramione doodle and drabble for Fluff Fest 2021

See on AO3 

Fluff Fest reveal is here, woohoo! Check out the rest of the fest too for tons of adorable fics and art to make your weekend extra happy, and thanks to the mods for all your hard work organizing.

PS sorry for being quiet here lately. Just got a new job so life’s been busy but great!

One of these days I really owe From Wiltshire, With Love by the fabulous @mistresslynndramione somet

One of these days I really owe From Wiltshire, With Love by the fabulous @mistresslynndramione something a little higher effort, but for now, here’s a silly Franken-meme (see this+that) that’s been living in my head rent free since the first few chapters!

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Liiive from New York, it’s NYC Dramione for @kolumnist-art DTIYS!And just like that I’ve developed s

Liiive from New York, it’s NYC Dramione for @kolumnist-artDTIYS!

And just like that I’ve developed so many headcanons for them oops. Draco definitely lives in an extravagant loft apartment in Tribeca but visits his parents in the Upper East Side for weekly dinners. Hermione I think lives in the northeast corner of Park Slope, as close to the Brooklyn Public Library as she could find a cat-friendly rental with plenty of room for books.

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And the double trouble begins! We have 22 stunning art+fic collaborations in store, and we can’t wait to share them with you!

Day 16

Title:Something Just Like This
Hogsmeade - Woolen Hats - Snow

Wiping the smile off Ron’s face by informing him that yes, she did have a date to the Yule Ball, thank you very much, would have been a flawless plan - if only it were true.

So, when Draco Malfoy proposes an arrangement that might solve all her problems, she’d be mad to say no, right? Even if it does involve pretending to go as hisdate.

But as she gets to know him, Hermione can’t help but wonder whether she’s really still pretending.

Go give some love to our talented author and artist duo!

It’s heeeere!! Thank you to @leilahmoon for gracing this art with your AMAZING writing and to @aetherioswrites for organizing and bringing us all together! Make sure to check out the creations from other days too - so many awesomely talented artists and authors to squeal over and throw all your well-deserved kudos at!
