
After many years, they became lovers eventually. I hope it can happen between you and me alsoAfter many years, they became lovers eventually. I hope it can happen between you and me alsoAfter many years, they became lovers eventually. I hope it can happen between you and me alsoAfter many years, they became lovers eventually. I hope it can happen between you and me also

After many years, they became lovers eventually. I hope it can happen between you and me also

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Genre: Fluff

Member: Cha Eunwoo

Synopsis: Your boyfriend, Eunwoo, flirts with you while drunk. yep that’s it

Word count: 1,000+

Eunwoo’s eyes fluttered open and Sanha immediately called to the other members. He held his head, groaning in pain.

“Eunwoo’s awake! He’s still alive!” The loud maknae shouted out. The other members laughed while Eunwoo still remains clueless.

“What happened? Argh… my head hurts.” You went over to your poor hung-over boyfriend and placed the soup on his bedside table, giving him a concerned look. “Oh, y/n you’re here too?”

You chuckled and nodded your head. He really doesn’t remember a thing. “Yup, that’s what you get for drinking more than you can tolerate.” His eyebrows furrowed in confusion but his expression immediately changed into that of realization.

The boys were offered drinks as a celebration for their win (excluding the minors, of course). The restaurant was filled with noises of joy. Chatters, laughter and whatnot heard from various staff of Fantagio. Eventually, one of the staff suggested a game to liven up the mood even more. Everyone agreed rather loudly.

Long story short, Eunwoo lost and was forced to drink more than he could take as penalty. At first he, at least, looked sober but then the alcohol eventually hit him. Eunwoo started as a crying drunk at first, meaning the unfortunate person beside him had to comfort him as he wipes his snot on the person’s shirt. That person was Moonbin and everyone could tell that he wasn’t having it. Then he started singing off key, cried once again and started flirting with the members. He got way too out of control that Jinwoo had to call you over for help.

You snuggled into your fluffy blanket, thankful that you were finally reunited with your beloved bed which you may or may not have kissed upon your arrival. Your eyes have finally closed shut as you drift to dreamland when your ringtone blasted throughout your room. Annoyed, you grabbed your phone, squinting at the brightness, and read Jinwoo’s name on the screen. You answered with an annoyed huff.

“What?” You said sharply.

“Hey, y/n, uhhhh….” Your brows furrowed in anticipation for his reason and confusion when you heard some sort of screaming on the other end.

“It sure sounds noisy as fuck there, Jinwoo.”

He laughed slightly before speaking once again. “Yeah, actually that’s your boyfriend screaming pickup lines at Moonbin across the room. He may or may not be drunk and extremely uncontrollable. We.. uh… need you to pick him up.”

“Are you saying that you guys made Min drunk and now you’re asking me for help?” You sighed before telling him that you’ll be there in five to collect him. Despite being annoyed at having your sleep cut off you found yourself putting on your coat as fast as you can with your pyjamas under it. You were too worried to care (and you kind of want to record drunk Eunwoo for future purposes). Grabbing your car keys you drove to the address Jinwoo had texted you.

You were greeted by Jinwoo and MJ stopping Eunwoo from tackling poor Moonbin into a hug with tears streaming down his face. Their faces visibly relaxed upon your arrival. Even Eunwoo suddenly stopped his drunken shenanigans. 

“Oh!” You all turned your head to red-faced Eunwoo pointing at you. “That girl’s cute. I’ll ask her out.” You raise your brow out of amusement and readied your phone. He pushed his two members out of the way and attempted to fix his dishevelled hair.

“What are you talking about that’s your girlf-” He cut Moonbin off while also showering him with spit.

“Shhh! Look she’s looking at us. Stay here, I’ll go.” He walked- or wobbled over to you which took quite a long time. This time you took your phone out and started recording. “Hey miss, are you single?” You had only raised an eyebrow at him a response. “Well, I’m Cha Eunwoo and I wanna be your star.”

The three other members cringed at the cheesy pickup line while you were dying of holding back your laughter. He even winked at you and flashed his infamous eye smile. The staff were now roaring with laughter at the sight of him flirting with you.

“Alright, let’s go.” You pulled his arm and dragged him out of the restaurant with his eyes widening but quickly going back to normal.

“Ohoho, so you agree to going out with me.“ He made a smug face while letting himself get dragged.

Eunwoo continued to scream into his pillow as you and the members tell him last night’s events. The two maknaes are laughing their asses of at the corner while watching their drunk hyung from your phone. You couldn’t help but laugh as well as your boyfriend’s screams somewhat turned into fake sobs.

“I don’t know where you keep your crappy pickup lines but there was a shit ton of them on the way home. I had to stop myself from kicking you out of my car at least a dozen times.” You commented which made everyone laugh even harder.

“Remind me not to let him drink next time,” Jinwoo said.

Later on the members stepped out to give the two of you time together. Eunwoo had his face still buried into his pillow which was now placed on your lap. How he was still breathing is beyond you.

“I’m sorry for making you come out last night,” His apology was muffled but still understandable.

“It’s alright. I mean I got to see you drunk, I have something to blackmail you with and I got to spend time with you,” You bent over to kiss the back of his head. You heard him chuckle and he finally turned to face you. Gathering every ounce of cuteness in him (which was a lot) he gave you his best puppy eyes which confused you.

“Please delete that video,” He said in a small voice. You almost gave in but you remembered that the video could be of big help to you in the future so you smirk at him.

You pecked his lips and whispered, “Never.”
