
No clothes? I think you’ll look good in stripes

No clothes? I think you’ll look good in stripes

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Ladies, pay attention to this fucking sleazy bimbo. You should aspire to be like her. A cute little thing who’s done her makeup to look all pretty for strange men, who’s willing and eager to utterly dehumanize herself for our pleasure, and enthusiastically violates herself to make cocks hard. This slimebag skank is an example for every female; if you’re not like her, you’re not trying hard enough.

#oral sex    #camwhore    #camgirl    #gagging    #throatfuck    #deepthroat    #sucking    #exhibitionism    #exhibitionist    #pornography    #erotic    #sex object    #sex slave    #sex toy    
Lovely upskirt. I want to eat her pussy so bad!! Hornynphilly@gmail.com Kik: hornynphilly

Lovely upskirt. I want to eat her pussy so bad!!

[email protected]
Kik: hornynphilly

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How sexy is she!! Part 2 Hornynphilly@gmail.com Kik: hornynphillyHow sexy is she!! Part 2 Hornynphilly@gmail.com Kik: hornynphillyHow sexy is she!! Part 2 Hornynphilly@gmail.com Kik: hornynphillyHow sexy is she!! Part 2 Hornynphilly@gmail.com Kik: hornynphillyHow sexy is she!! Part 2 Hornynphilly@gmail.com Kik: hornynphillyHow sexy is she!! Part 2 Hornynphilly@gmail.com Kik: hornynphilly

How sexy is she!! Part 2

[email protected]
Kik: hornynphilly

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How sexy is she!!Hornynphilly@gmail.com Kik: hornynphillyHow sexy is she!!Hornynphilly@gmail.com Kik: hornynphillyHow sexy is she!!Hornynphilly@gmail.com Kik: hornynphillyHow sexy is she!!Hornynphilly@gmail.com Kik: hornynphillyHow sexy is she!!Hornynphilly@gmail.com Kik: hornynphillyHow sexy is she!!Hornynphilly@gmail.com Kik: hornynphillyHow sexy is she!!Hornynphilly@gmail.com Kik: hornynphilly

How sexy is she!!

[email protected]
Kik: hornynphilly

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Riley Anne

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New! Kelli Smiththis image is offered by:Only secretariesYou can get more clicking above and subscri


Kelli Smith

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Todd browsed quickly thru his recent emails. A couple worth reading and the rest the regular annoying shit.

One from a guy promising instant riches, several from girls who really wanted to fuck him bad and a couple urging him to increase the size of his cock for her pleasure.

He clicked the little square box next to each one but something made him look twice at the third one down, the one that read “Real Penis Enlargement”, no pills, free consultation.

He had seen a million of these come thru his inbox, but for some reason he decided to open this one.

The first thing he noticed was that it didn’t just jump out at him with some bullshit line, but was from a man called Dr. Hanson, and for some reason the name sounded familiar.

He started to read the letter and the context was actually quite intelligent. It simply said that he had been recommended for a free consultation on a groundbreaking new penis enlargement procedure that was guaranteed to work, no obligation to but anything. It went on to list the reasons why he should, of course the major one being her pleasure and more confidence.

He was just about to dismiss it when he noticed the address. It wasn’t but three blocks from his work, and on his way home. He drove by this place every day and had never noticed it apparently. But then again the area he worked

It actually sat on the edge of a pretty exclusive neighborhood. For some reason he was intrigued and decided to click the link that said make an appointment here now. He was sure that the bullshit was coming with that click. Or either that it was a very clever worm about to be loaded onto his computer. But no such thing happened. Instead it brought him to a very professional looking website with testimonials of previous customers, (and their smiling wives). It wasn’t sleazy or oversold, but rather very low key and tasteful. It even had a bio of some of the staff, but no pictures. It listed among the names some men and women he could pick for a free visit with, and he chose the third one down for no particular reason.

After a few quick clicks and the giving of some very general info, like name and phone number, age, married, sexual preference, (but surprisingly it didn’t ask for money or credit card info),it informed him that his appointment would be Saturday evening at 7pm. An odd time for an appointment, but hey, who was he to question them and by now he would have gone on Christmas morning, his curiosity was so peaked now.

He was emailed a confirmation number and told to print it and bring it with him, or else he would not be let in. He was also informed that cell phones, tape recorders, iPod, iPad or any other electronic device were not allowed into the facility, but that he would be provided a locker for their safekeeping on arrival. It made him think they might really have a unique process, if they were so guarded about their product.

Todd checked his work schedule and realized he would be working on Saturday anyway, so he decided to tell his wife Karen that he would have to work late, rather than tell her the truth.

It’s not that she would have objected, but she would have tried to discourage him from going to something that was, in her mind, so foolish an endeavor. She had patiently put up with his obsession with size over the last fifteen years, even though she repeatedly assured him that he was plenty adequate for her. And in truth, from her point of view, he was. But he was the one that wanted something larger, feeling that he could satisfy her just a little more and make her a little happier sexually if he was just a tad bigger than his current 6 ½ inches. (Which was quite respectable he was told, and kind of thicker than normal, but still, he wanted length). But he was getting ahead of himself, he still felt it was a scam and he would be disappointed come Saturday.

After telling Karen he would be late on Saturday, and preparing himself mentally for a letdown, he decided to cruise by the place Saturday morning, to see just where it was, so he wouldn’t be searching for it come appointment time. Surprisingly he found it quite easily, and realized he had passed by it several times. To their credit it was a very no descript building set back from the main road and kind of obscured by some nice live oaks. Now that he knew where it was he would be going, his anticipation grew. He was nervous and hopeful all at once, like on prom night, when he had hoped he wouldn’t be disappointed by not getting any, and was surprised when his date actually gave it up easier than he had thought. But the moments leading up to the actual act had been exhilarating and even yet, as he got further and further, he was still unsure at each stage until the deed was done (actually his nervousness in this department had earned him the reputation of a gentleman among the high school set, and after that he knocked them down quite regularly)

Anyway, be that as it may, work went quite slow because it was a slow day for sales, the weather being beautiful out for June. He talked with Karen who wanted to know if he was still going to be working late, and when he said yes, most definitely, she informed him she had been invited to dinner by her friend and would probably not be home when he arrived, and dinner would not be served, so suck it up, buttercup. He was glad she was going to be preoccupied, because he had no idea how long this was going to take.

Finally the time arrived, and he made his way anxiously to the suite number printed on the confirmation email. He remembered to leave his phone locked in the car, but did bring his invite.

He was pleasantly surprised at the appearance of the office, it was very modern and clean. He really hadn’t known what to expect, maybe something a little more seedy or downtrodden, more like porn shop decor, he guessed. But this reminded him more of a lawyer’s office. He was greeted by a very good looking brunette who reminded him of his wife in her younger days.

She smiled as he said hello and began to explain why he was there. She stopped him politely and asked for his name, then told him to have a seat and his consultant would be with him shortly.

As he waited patiently, he began to have serious reservations about what he was doing here, and had just decided he was going to politely leave, when the receptionist called his name. He started to explain to her that he would not be needing their services, when she sharply cut him off and told him to follow her. He stopped his speaking and followed her, and his eyes followed her shapely ass. She led him to a room and asked to have a seat in the reclining chair by the back wall. The room was very nicely furnished, with plush carpeting, rich paneling and a full length mirror on one wall. As he sat she removed a clipboard from the wall and handed it to him.

She explained that it was a questionnaire, and asked him to fill out the form as honestly as possible. She then said she would be back in fifteen minutes, and walked out and shut the door. He could have sworn he heard it lock behind her, but he wasn’t sure.

He began to read over the questions carefully, and many of them pertained to his penis size, ethnic background, frequency of sex, etc. At the bottom of the page it said over, and he flipped it over. The next set of questions were even more bizarre, getting into fantasy and sexual history. He couldn’t see what they had to do with the whole process, but he would answer them if it helped. The last couple he thought strange, have you ever had fantasies of your wife with a larger cock? Well, to be honest, yes. Do you ever fantasize about your wife’s past sexual history? Umm, again yes. The last one stopped him cold, it was like they could read into his mind without knowing him. It actually made him paranoid. Have you ever fantasized about your wife with a black man? Again, he answered yes.

He sat mulling the questions, and was beginning to feel uncomfortable with some of his answers, and was going to change some of them, when the receptionist walked in and asked him for his form. He hesitated and asked for a few more minutes, but she abruptly cut him off again and told him that they were very busy, and no more time would be granted. If he liked, he could forget today’s appointment, and come back another time. But, she stated, second appointments were hardly ever granted.

Deciding that he had come this far, why waste the time, he reluctantly handed over the clipboard. She browsed it quickly, and gave him a sly smile towards the end, then explained that the doctor would be in to see him shortly.

He took a seat as she left, and he was sure this time the door locked. He tried the handle and found he was locked in. Now he was very nervous. After waiting what seemed like an hour, the doctor knocked, and came in.

He introduced himself as Dr. Cochmore, and Todd almost laughed. A penis enlargement specialist named Cochmore? This had to be a joke. This did not go unnoticed by the doctor, who waved his hand and said “I know, I know, I get that all the time, it must be fate.” He laughed himself. Anyway, I have read your survey answers, and we have concluded that you are a candidate for our services. He explained the process, and the fees. It was really not much more than a boob job, and if he decided to go forward, a deposit would be required to ensure a spot and ensure his commitment. Todd said he would be interested, and then asked the magic question, how big could he go? The doctor sat down and asked him to do the same. Todd wearily took his seat, and thought here it goes, the same old speech, we can’t guarantee results, nothing is permanent. But he was wrong.

Instead the doctor explained that every woman was different, and because he was married, they would want to have his wife tested for a good fit. Todd immediately saw this as a problem. He knew his wife would balk at this proposal, and he said so. The doctor then explained that they had excellently trained staff in dealing with this situation, and when it came right down to it, most were happy to have a penis that was a perfect fit. They didn’t want to admit it to their husbands, but when push came to shove, they wouldn’t mind something bigger, or sometimes smaller.

He explained the way that each vagina was different, just like a penis, and their goal was to make a perfect match.

Now before I leave the room, are there any other questions? How soon would we begin? And how does the size fit process go, what does it involve? Doctor Cochmore explained that they would bring his wife in, and do some very noninvasive measurements with x-ray, then some examination directly of her vagina, then they begin on him. This would be done without him there, so his wife would be comfortable answering any questions about her preferences without him there. He would not be told her size preference until the surgery was done, then he could see for himself after it was complete.

The answers all sounded reasonable, even though it was a long shot his wife would go for it. The doctor then asked him for a credit card to secure a deposit. Todd hesitated, but the doctor then explained that in case his wife was not willing to go forward, it would be 100% refundable. Todd asked for a few minutes to think it over, and the doctor agreed. He left the room, and told him the nurse would be right in. After about ten minutes of telling himself he was crazy, Todd talked himself into it. He was just digging his Visa out of his wallet, when the nurse came in. He was stunned. She was sexy and slutty all at the same time. Her dress reminded her of a Halloween sexy nurse outfit, low cut showing lots of cleavage, mini skirt style coming just to mid-thigh, showing plenty of sexy leg and she was wearing fishnets. He had an instant chubby, and when she leaned over his shoulder to hand him the payment form, he stirred even more.

He was sure this was a ploy by the doctor to help him along, she rubbed her breasts on his shoulder, and touched his arm lightly as he filled out the paperwork. Her long brown hair wisped against his neck, and he was now very hard. This did not go unnoticed. She looked at him and smiled, then reached down and rubbed him thru his pants. “MMMMM, not bad,” she purred,“ are you sure you need this?” What a way to sell, he thought, but he was committed, and she took hi card and told him she would be back.

After about a half hour of waiting, he was getting impatient. His wife would be wondering why he hadn’t called after work, and he was hungry. He began to pace around the room, and for the first time he noticed an intercom button. He pressed the talk button, and he heard a buzz. “Hello, is anyone there?” A voice he recognized as the nurses came on and told him there was a problem with the card machine and she would be right there. “I really have to go,” he said impatiently,“ maybe we should just forget the whole thing”. The buzzer clicked off and almost immediately the doctor came in. “Listen Todd”, he said sternly, “ We can’t have you wavering, are you committed or not”?

Todd told him was, but he was running out of patience. He had been here two hours, and was getting hungry. The doctor apologized, and asked him to be patient and they would be done soon. The doctor rose to leave, and left him alone again. After ten minutes the sexy nurse came back in, carrying his Visa, and a tray with an assortment of meats, cheese and breads.

He stomach growled, and she explained that it was complimentary, and they had just a few more minutes and some paperwork to fill out.

As he was filling out the paperwork, the nurse sat next to him, and then asked if he was ready for his size measurement. They liked to take before and after pictures, for their really skeptical clientele. From a cabinet in the wall she pulled a camera and a laptop computer.

She showed him some before and after pictures, and he was quite impressed with the results. As he was looking at the pictures, she slid closer and began to rub his thigh. “The pictures always turn me on,” she moaned, “I just love cock”. Todd gulped, and she sensed his discomfort. He really didn’t know how to respond to her statement, but she made it easy. She again stroked his cock through his pants, then slid to her knees in front of him. She began to unbuckle him, and urged him to lean back and relax. Todd stiffened in more than one place. He hadn’t expected this, and was wondering if this regularly happened, or he was just lucky.

By now she had his pants unzipped and was tugging at them, he lifted his hips and she pulled down his pants, then stroked her hand up his bare thigh and reached up inside his briefs. She grasped the base of his cock and licked her lips. “I just love to suck a hard cock’” she whispered, and freed his hard dick from his underwear. In one swift motion she leaned forward and darted her tongue out. She licked the head quickly, then sucked his cock into her mouth swiftly. He moaned, and stiffened. She was a real pro, and began to take him deeper, and her tongue was like a tickle machine. It seemed to be going over his all cock all at once. She bobbed her head up and down, and her sucking became harder. Todd felt himself starting to come, and she quickly stopped sucking and moved her tongue to his balls. “MMMMM, shaved and clean and full of cum” she purred again. “Just the way I like them”. She sucked his balls into her mouth, and then tongued the base of his cock. He was ready to explode when she brought her head up and looked into his eyes. “Feel good?” she asked. “

"Oh yeah,” he replied. She stroked his cock as she looked at him, then gazed at his cock lustfully. Then she whipped out a tape measure from her back pocket and went to the base of his cock to the tip. “Hmmm, 7 inches, not bad”, she laughed. “Not the smallest I have seen, but certainly not the biggest”. She then wrapped the tape around the thickest part of his cock. “Hmm, 2 inches,” She looked disappointed “I thought it was a little thicker than that.” She stood up, told him to stand up, and took a couple pictures. Then she waited as he went down, which took quite a while, and took a couple more of his flaccid dick, which was decidedly more unflattering. “I’ll be right back with the contract,” she stated, now all business like,“ get dressed”

Todd laughed to himself, he should have known better, she was there to get him stirred up. Well, he thought hopefully she would be there to perform again after his surgery. He dressed himself up, and sat down on the couch. When the nurse came back, what was her name anyway? she had an official looking folder, and a pen.

Are you ready to sign your penis away? She sat next to him, and as he started reading the contract, she rubbed his arm. “Todd,” she said softly,“ that was nice before, but now I need you to direct your attention to the mirror”. Todd was puzzled, but looked toward the mirror, as she got up and turned off the lights. Instantly a light came on behind the mirror, and he realized they were being watched the whole time. But there was some movement and he was sure that was a woman back there. Something about her looked familiar, and then the room lit up even more and he saw the doctor walk in. He spoke to the woman, who had her back to the mirror, and was sitting on a couch facing the door. The nurse got up and pressed the listen button, and he heard the doctor speak.

“Welcome Karen, nice to finally meet you”, Wait, Karen that was Todd’s wife’s name. He began to stand up, but the nurse pulled him down softly and her look told him to wait. “Thank you for coming today Karen, are you ready to begin?”

Todd expected her to object, but then something the doctor aid hit him, nice to meet you? She was in on this. As the realization hit him, he started to get up, but the nurse pulled him back down gently and shook her head. Karen spoke “yes I am ready to be measured, I am not sure why he has this obsession, but I am willing to help him out”.

“Excellent,” the doctor said and began to explain the process. He told her they would measure her, using latex dildos, until she found one that fit her perfectly, then they would make her husband that size, plus a little extra, just for good measure. Wait, rubber dildos, that wasn’t what they told him. “Umm,” Karen interrupted,“ That won’t work for me, I have a latex allergy”

“Oh dear”, the doctor tapped his chin,“ I am afraid this is the only way, unless, but no” He shook his head. “That’s just crazy”.

“What would that be?” Karen asked, now curious.

The doctor hesitated and then said “We have some real penis’s that you could try in different sizes” “ Some of our clients volunteer here, and if you were willing to go that way, I am sure they would be willing to help”

Karen hemmed and hawed, then said “What the hell, it’s not like an affair, and Todd won’t know and it is only clinical.”

“Excellent,” said the Dr. Cochmore,“ let me round up some of the guys up”. He was gone for about ten minutes, when he returned with several men. This was getting interesting, and I watched in fascination as the doctor told them to undress and show Ms. Karen what they had to work with. My wife stared at the men as they began to undress, and I was waiting for her to change her mind, when the first guy was unrobed. Instead she just looked him up and down, and commented that it was very nice. As they all disrobed, the penis’s got bigger. All were bigger than mine, and the last gut was very black, very thick and very long. My wife looked them all over, and the doctor explained that part of the process was to see if they fit her mouth. I couldn’t believe this was happening right in front of me, and I watched as she got up and kneeled on several cushions that were placed on the floor. The doctor asked her to pick a couple that she thought she would like, to eliminate the need to test them all. She looked disappointed at first, then reached out and gave each one a tug, finally deciding on the first man, one guy with about 9 inches that was kind of slender, and the black man. I stiffened at that, this was getting interesting.

Written by ynotadd1more - View original