#exotic shorthair



LOL kitten moments

cecilaloysius:I say old chap, I appear to have mislaid my monocle


I say old chap, I appear to have mislaid my monocle

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bofurbofureverywhere:This is our new kitty, she now has a name… Roma, after the Goddess of Rome! 


This is our new kitty, she now has a name…

Roma, after the Goddess of Rome! 

We chose this name because it is cute, she seems to like it, and there is an arch of Titus which has Emperor Titus in a chariot with the goddess Roma, this just makes me feel like I’m not forgetting Titus, Roma is like the sister he never had :’)

Hope you like her!

I want to see more of this little sweetie. <3

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mostlycatsmostly:Kungcat - A little gentleman hat, made from wrap plastic sheet of persimmon. Pret


Kungcat - A little gentleman hat, made from wrap plastic sheet of persimmon.

Pretty~ right?


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belafontelavender:Belafonte and Lavender mumble plans for attack while pretending to look cute. It


Belafonte and Lavender mumble plans for attack while pretending to look cute. Its a ruse I tell you!

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I love Tiger’s purr talking. <3
