#friend ocs

some girlsome girl

some girl

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Loving you with no guard up would be…  ❤️




da fandom! show me your SWANA ocs! <3

(SWANA: as in, South West Asian and North African)

I would like to be blessed so I am just humbly requesting you gush to me about your SWANA ocs, whether they are Amazigh / Arab / Assyrian / Romani / Kurdish / Circassian… etc.

I’ll go first <3

Nariman Tabris – Palestinian Arab

She is my precious sword elf – and her fav pastime is punching dickheads in the face. She romanced Alistair and after they save the world, they travel the Free Marches together. @ bioware you hear that? Never do they ever go near Adamant.

Areina Lavellan – Afro-Palestinian Arab

My main inquisitor. The apple of my eye. I would cut down armies for her. She is an archeologist at heart and she upgrades from Solas after Inquisition and dates Bram Kenric <3

Baraa-Nour Adaar – Iraqi Arab

He’s my AU inquisitor. Proudly demi and full of platonic love. He’s so big bc he needs somewhere to hold all his love for his friends. He also dates Solas because I’m allergic to happiness.

Tanyeli Trevelyan - Turkish

She’s a trans half-elven lesbian who loves her wife, Sera. She takes shit from no one and has no tolerance for rules.

Enara Cemile Lavellan - Turkish + Syrian

My first ever Inquisitor and oc that belongs to my cultures <3 bi+demi, romances Cullen, owns many dogs and cats. She’s very soft.

Tansel Adaar - Turkish

Veeeeerrryyy gaaaaaay. Very tall. Dotes on his boyfriend, Dorian. Trans and buff as fuck because he deserves it ❤ he’s stoic and stressed and needs a break

Destan Hawke - Turkish + Syrian

Married to Sebastian. Purple Hawke who takes about 5% of things seriously. Laughs at terrible moments. Idealistic.

A thing I did a while back for my friend. Finally posting it.
