#good content



so uh, bricked my computer accidentally on top of my insta staying in the possession of a hacker thanks to meta’s fuckawful support, so to say that the past two months have sucked unfathomable ass would be an understatement

so in the meantime, im stuck on my spare computer picking back up MS Paint which has been. wild to relearn as someone who grew up using it solely on mouse… guess i still Got It?


everyone needs to look at these




that old butch les survey where one of the Qs was like “who is your butch role model?” n most of the butches answers was jst gay men. like soooo tru besties

this oneee, from Dagger: On Butch Women

peak solidarity! god i love being gay



A haunted doll mistaking a creepy android to be a bigger, stronger, haunted doll, and the creepy android mistaking the haunted doll as a smaller, sassier android.

Android: [gets hit with rain water and short circuits]
Haunted Doll: H̷O̷L̴Y̷ ̶W̵A̷T̸E̷R̶ ̵W̴A̵T̴C̵H̴ ̶O̶U̷T̴

Haunted Doll, dying: N̶E̵E̸D̷ ̷S̸O̵U̵L̸S̷
Android: [opens the haunted doll’s back and replaces the batteries]
Haunted Doll: A̶C̶C̷E̷P̸T̶A̷B̸L̵E̴ ̷S̴U̴B̸S̵T̸I̷T̷U̴T̵E̴

Android: [transfers their data into a better body]
Haunted Doll: A̸ ̵F̴L̸A̷W̵L̷E̴S̵S̷ ̷B̶O̸D̶Y̵ ̷P̶O̵S̶S̵E̷S̶S̵I̷O̷N̴





Unmute !

POV: You are Simba

Love it when you can see the impending disaster before it hits, lol.

you know the camera is going down, so you’re just guessing which dogit’s gonna be

until suddenly you know

kenmai:ricchan and his maakun~♡ requested by anonymous!kenmai:ricchan and his maakun~♡ requested by anonymous!kenmai:ricchan and his maakun~♡ requested by anonymous!kenmai:ricchan and his maakun~♡ requested by anonymous!


ricchan and his maakun~♡ requested by anonymous!

Post link


I was very amused that when you refuse to take the backpack, Mason just….puts it on you lol

e-22912: So. I like Mr.Nimbus…Very Evil would frick fish man.(tumblr please this is tasteful-)


So. I like Mr.Nimbus…Very Evil would frick fish man.

(tumblr please this is tasteful-)

Post link


(late post) happy birthday mappi


I can’t stop thinking about the wisecrack carrie fisher would make about debbie reynolds dying a day after her: the joke about her family, always bringing the drama, the ‘she couldn’t stand to let me have all the attention even when I had just died. I want you all to remember that I did it first.’  

I like to imagine her in the afterlife adding material to her stand up: ‘I’m really disappointed to be here tonight, I was hoping I’d get to haunt george lucas for that metal bikini.’ ‘do you know how long the line for this place is? I flipped off nancy reagan and fidel castro on the way in. ’ ‘when I said dear lord please don’t let me live to see that orange buffoon be president I should have been a helluva lot more specific.’

playing to a sold out audience, her mother in the front row. bowie and rickman at a table in the back. 
