#herbert west


No re-agent means yes herbert goes to sleep

I just had to draw the one picture from behind the scene

its 2am listening to “i am a gummy bear” song and starting to headcanon that herbert actually loves lime flavored gummybears or just green candies ya know

Just have to make an edit out of my fav artists drawing my fav ship!!

tagging my fav artists here!!


I’m a menace for drawing this without a sketchanyway i fucking love this movie


I forgot to post these the other day, Herbert being angry and hot and stuff. Enjoy.

GIFs made by @hesawifebeaterdanusethegun aka me!

do i actually like this movie or do i just like jeffrey combs?? will i ever actually think abt how l

do i actually like this movie or do i just like jeffrey combs?? will i ever actually think abt how light sources actually work??? will i ever let the sharpen function in photoshop stay away from my artings???? no-one knows

Post link
expect nothing less from a mf named herbertexpect nothing less from a mf named herbert

expect nothing less from a mf named herbert

Post link


Imagine # 783


If this gif is yours (or you know who’s it is) please let me know, so I can give you/them credit.

Gif credit goes to - @prettynerdieworks (Unless told otherwise.)

Year posted - 2021



oh you know I had to do it……

ouGHHH this is my best idea ever actually


your fave may be deranged but I love to make him worse

umm soooo the re-animator is pretty cool…
