#hypno slave



Photo Composite By MuscleSavage with element from flhypnoflex.tumblr.com.

I snap my fingers. You now can’t move but feel me take your arms and start to pose you, folding your hands into fists. Fists on your hips. I lift your chin, your gaze held high, in a classic superhero pose. SNAP. Your thoughts are now gone as I admire my new action figure toy!

(Art by Nemesis Bondage on Twitter).



Hey, Ryan. Thanks for coming in for this audition, I’m really looking forward to bringing this character alive through you. Alright, just look at the screen, we’ll show you the lines we want you to say on that…

Oh no, did we put a spiral on the screen instead? Yes, Ryan, still look at the screen. Fall deep into that spiral. Let your conscious mind be sucked into the middle. Let Ryan disappear. Good… and now, you will become my character. His personality will use your body. Can you call it method acting? Regardless, it’ll be a genuine performance indeed.

puppetbrojock: He just finish his shower as he leave his bathroom. He notice a strange flash from th


He just finish his shower as he leave his bathroom. He notice a strange flash from the left. His last own thoughts was: how the fuck, why is a big spiral apears at my window? He watch at his window for hours, as the spiral suck out his mind and will

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Ready and waiting for his Orders. Because no matter how strong his muscles, how cocky he is with everyone else when it’s just his and his man all he wants is to kneel and obey.



Put the headphones back on and sink deeper under Master’s control. Feels so good to be a big dumb muscleboi


Over the years, the country’s hypnotists have created an underground community of sorts. A group of powerful, dominant men, coming together to show off their newest catches.

One game they like to play is pitting their strongest against each other in the boxing ring. Prizes go from simple cash to the ultimate prize; the losing boy himself. That was until, one day, a bold, bearded hypnotist increased the stakes; if his boy won, then he would make the losing boy’s master into a slave of his own.

Suddenly the room of doms became a lot meeker. No one wanted to accept. Until a brave, young man came forward. And their little pets boxed. It was a nail biting match, until suddenly, the bearded man’s boy suddenly sweeped the legs of the other, taking him out.

The young man’s face dropped. He knew he had made a mistake. He tried to run, but two of the bearded man’s other slaves robotically jumped to action and grabbed him by the arms.

They pulled him over to the victor’s master, and the entire room watched as bearded man turned the young hypnotist into nothing but another one of his mindless slaves. His shirt was removed and a steel collar locked around his neck, before the bearded man laughed and asked who wanted to box his new pet.


You know it’s fiction when a woman has to cast a spell on a man to get him to accept a blowjob.

jockcontrol: Mind switched off, conditioning switched on. No thoughts, no worries, no desires. Just


Mind switched off, conditioning switched on. No thoughts, no worries, no desires. Just complete obedience, and a body built for his owner’s pleasure.

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jockcontrol:For the third time that week, Ryan awoke to a cool, sticky mess. He assumed it was just


For the third time that week, Ryan awoke to a cool, sticky mess. He assumed it was just another wet dream - after all, he hadn’t gotten any tail in a while, and he figured this was just his body’s way of complaining. 

What Ryan doesn’t remember is he conditioning file he turned on before climbing into bed the night before - the same conditioning file he’s been listening to for months. After so much training, Ryan drops into a trance almost immediately, his unconscious mind eagerly absorbing the soft, steady cadence of my voice. Now that I’ve installed enough obedience triggers in my new jocktoy, I’ve started using them to send jolts of pleasure rushing through his muscled frame, teaching him that only I can make him feel this way and warping what’s left of his free will around my commands.

For now, I’ve kept Ryan in the dark about what I’m doing to him, and he wake each morning with no memory of the previous night’s ecstasies. But soon, we’ll reach an inflection point, and I’ll be able to show him what real pleasure feels like. 

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hypnoboys: Just relax..that’s the only thought in your mind when Master messages. The cock grows har


Just relax..that’s the only thought in your mind when Master messages. The cock grows harder as your mind quickly empties. You are a good boy. Good boys obey. Good boys sink.

Obedience is Pleasure

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blankite9: The spirals are so alluring. You tell yourself you’ll just take a quick look at them. But


The spirals are so alluring. You tell yourself you’ll just take a quick look at them. But there’s no such thing as a quick look; you’re stuck in now. You can’t look away, and you’re only falling deeper.

Soon, your conscious mind has fallen to the spirals entirely. You stand there, mindless, head tilted dumbly, as the people now in charge of your head get to work. You don’t stop them fastening the collar around your neck, because you can’t think at all. Your body isn’t yours anymore.

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Reblog If This Is Who You’re ,And This Is Want You Ever Wanted For The Rest Of Your Life

Female Supremacy
