#idolmaster cinderella girls


last week’s findings and good-luck charms (?)

hello everyone :)

last week, i was too exhausted to show you guys what i brought, and what i gained in my gacha games, but since i’m too exhausted now, i’m taking advantage of this to show you everything :)

(actually, i’m just going to talk about three days from last week : tuesday, wednesday and thursday. also, i have some questions that i wanted to ask here, but it will be in the end of the post.)

without further ado, i’ll start now :)


this day, for personal reasons, i had to go to my college, so after i did, i strolled in paris’ street who is known for it’s japanese and korean stores, and when i went to the second-hand store (they specifically sell books, dvd, video games, manga, k-pop and j-pop cds, etc.), and i found this jewel.

as soon as i saw it, i had no choice but to take it. the goodies were already taken, but since i have a pretty good luck with photocards, i didn’t really care about the album’s goodies.

and on the same night, i obtained this card in utapri shining live.

ai, along with tokiya, is one of my oshis in the game, and in utapri in general, so i was overjoyed. and when i understood it was the one for the fourth anniversary, i was more than overjoyed.


for this day, there is going to be one item only. that day, i was strolling in the chinese district of paris (i dunno if it’s the good way to say it, but i always say it in french, so i don’t know how i could translate it in english). anyway, it’s this item.

i know it’s not a rare one, i mean, but i was so happy to get my hands on it. because honestly, i was afraid that the store clerk was going to tell me, “i’m sorry, but we don’t have any stock left”, but that didn’t happen, so i’m happy. also, even if i didn’t get hyunjin or felix in the photocards, i got another item where the two of them are together, so i’m pretty content with it :) (as for the photocards, in case the quality is shitty, i have chan, i.n and changbin)

(also, “sorry, i love you” is the best song of the album for me)


finally, it’s the last day. don’t worry, it’ll be quick. so it was really late into the night, and thanks to the free gachas in cinderella girls, i obtained this card.

rin is my ult oshi in the game, and i longed for this card since so long, that when i obtained it, i just couldn’t believe it. i don’t have anymore to add about this.

anyway, i’m sorry for this post being so long, but i wanted to share it somewhere, and i thought my tumblr would be the best place for it, so here it is!

also, i did mention that i had questions, and it will be only two :

  1. first, lately, i like to watch emissions with onf and txt, i listen to some of their songs, but i don’t own a lot of albums from them (i have one for txt, and zero for onf). so my question is, can i consider myself a fan of those groups, even if i have only one, or zero albums?
  2. second, youtube recommands me a lot of videos where people show their photocards binders, and i wanted to know if there is a way to buy them physically (i live close to paris), or if i can only buy them online? because i want to do the same with the ones i have.

with that, stay safe guys :)
