



Downtown Nashville

byGeoff Brown, volatileproximity.tumblr.com

Daily original photographs and creations selected by the imigingteam!

imiging: thesdcowgirl:“Do not wait; the time will never be ‘just right.’ Start where you stand, and



“Do not wait; the time will never be ‘just right.’ Start where you stand, and work with whatever tools you may have at your command, and better tools will be found as you go along.”
George Herbert
#sdc_highkey #winter #snow #hifromsd #snowyhorses #ranchlife #westernlifestyle #equinephotographer #equinephotography
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ (at Ducheneaux Quarter Horses)

byJenn Z, thesdcowgirl.tumblr.com

Daily original photographs and creations selected by the imigingteam!

Post link


As though they were a single object,
they were stacked on top of each other.
Await their fate as a container for a product
that will be kept in good condition until
it reaches the ultimate user.
Then, like everything else, it will be recycled…
which is environmentally …


Glass - challenge 57 - April Challenge Abstract Challenge - @stephiramona

zdspOtted the other zdmOtiOn blog
zdspOtted a new look on the photo
zdspOtted experimental photography


Quantities of dyes and pigments in bottles,
each with its own mix.
Dyeing recipes and color creation matrices
they brighten our day-to-day with their color.


Glass - challenge 57 - April Challenge Abstract Challenge - @stephiramona

zdspOtted the other zdmOtiOn blogzdspOtted a new look on the photozdspOtted experimental photography


Spring has arrived, bringing with it a rainbow of colors.
Not only did the streets receive flowers, but also faces,
visible smiles…, and goodbye masks.
The atmosphere has changed, becoming lighter,
more natural, carefree, and joyous…
The crystal balls are out of calibration, as I wrote in another post, therefore it’s best to live in the moment now, because tomorrow… well, tomorrow is still a big mystery.


Glass - challenge 57 - April Challenge Abstract Challenge - @stephiramona

zdspOtted the other zdmOtiOn blogzdspOtted a new look on the photozdspOtted experimental photography


A glance accompanies dusk,
signaling the end of another day.
Was it a success or a failure?
Everyone knows each other,
therefore it depends a lot
and varies even more.
Everyone will have one tomorrow,
regardless of the response.


Glass - challenge 57 - April Challenge Abstract Challenge - @stephiramona

zdspOtted the other zdmOtiOn blog
zdspOtted a new look on the photo
zdspOtted experimental photography


By the evolution of current events,
demand for a safe haven and a place
to hide will be unsurprising.
Even the finest interpreter cannot see
anything through the crystal balls
since they are all out of calibration.
We have the impression that we are
somewhere inside a massive tunnel,
into which we entered without
understanding how and from which
we have no notion where the exit is.
It’s just the way things are…


Glass - challenge 57 - April Challenge Abstract Challenge - @stephiramona

zdspOtted the other zdmOtiOn blog
zdspOtted a new look on the photo
zdspOtted experimental photography


Days slip by, and they all appear to be the same.
Even evenings are interspersed throughout.
The only thing that distinguishes them
is the amount of work that has been completed,
and the one that has not, which is
still expanding and uncontrollable.
Despite the monotony of the days,
new ideas continue to flow unabated… thank goodness.


Glass - challenge 57 - April Challenge Abstract Challenge - @stephiramona

zdspOtted the other zdmOtiOn blog
zdspOtted a new look on the photo
zdspOtted experimental photography


It was a golden era, and a golden existence.
Golden eras, golden epochs, golden age
Other timesteps, different lives.
It’s all part of the same chain,
all flowing from the same river…
unstoppable… will it last forever?


Glass - challenge 57 - April Challenge Abstract Challenge - @stephiramona

zdspOtted the other zdmOtiOn blog
zdspOtted a new look on the photo
zdspOtted experimental photography


Circular circles that aren’t circling,
but rather piled and waiting for their fate.
Glass volumes that are recyclable and environmentally friendly.
This shot is required due to the fluidity
of curves and their combination.


Glass - challenge 57 - April Challenge Abstract Challenge - @stephiramona

zdspOtted the other zdmOtiOn blog
zdspOtted a new look on the photo
zdspOtted experimental photography


You can alter the world by changing your perspective.
We no longer see it since we have been looking at it so much;
the perspective shifts, a little or a lot; the surprise -
because we hadn’t noticed it before;
don’t conform to the situation where you are;
changing perspective is the first step
to finding something new, new perspective.


Glass - challenge 57 - April Challenge
Abstract Challenge - @stephiramon

zdspOtted the other zdmOtiOn blog
zdspOtted a new look on the photo
zdspOtted experimental photograp


- Patrol Omega 14 control..

- Control Omega 14 proceed,

- Omega 14 in Zulu 21 position.

- Control aware Omega 14 wait.

- Omega 14 awaits….

glass in abstract image

reminds me of spaceship…


Glass - challenge 57 - April Challenge
Abstract Challenge-@stephiramona

zdspOtted the other zdmOtiOnblog
zdspOtted a new look on the photo
zdspOtted experimental photography


Glass is not only used in the interior;

it is also used in the exterior.

It is vulnerable to all forms of weather.

And amazing abstract visuals

emerge from these storms.


Glass - challenge 57 - April Challenge
Abstract Challenge-@stephiramona

zdspOtted the other zdmOtiOnblog
zdspOtted a new look on the photo
zdspOtted experimental photography


A weird species arrives

from a faraway world.

It looks to be completely glazed.

… begin a science fiction story.


Glass - challenge 57 - April Challenge
Abstract Challenge-@stephiramona

zdspOtted the other zdmOtiOnblog
zdspOtted a new look on the photo
zdspOtted experimental photography
