

More hot bimbos - bimbo-threesome.tumblr.com

More hot bimbos - bimbo-threesome.tumblr.com

As usual, my sets experience a few reboots early in production. In this case, I ended up not liking As usual, my sets experience a few reboots early in production. In this case, I ended up not liking

As usual, my sets experience a few reboots early in production. In this case, I ended up not liking the wall colours. Why did I even change it from previous renders? Because I wanted a unique look. Of course I went for pink but then something told me to not do a pink OD for a change. Mari’s already wearing enough pink.

But really I didn’t like the blue either, and on top of that there was no depth of field effect. The lighting felt a bit flat too. So I rebooted and what I’m rendering out now looks amazing. So stay tuned for those previews :D Meanwhile, these are freebies. Enjoy!

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