#jack harkness

ianto-j0nes: janto-owns-my-soul: torchwoodian-confessions: Even though a lot of people find the mo




Even though a lot of people find the moment between Jack/Original Jack to be incredibly poignant and romantic, I can’t watch the episode or read stories about it without cringing and getting upset all over again. There is nothing romantic about Jack telling Original Jack there is no one at home for him when Ianto is shooting Owen as a measure of loyalty to Jack. And then Jack kisses him in public in the next episode! It makes me wonder what’s wrong with me that it affects me so much.

I’m glad I’m not the only one that feels this way. 

I tend to yell at the TV during that bit.

Jack sometimes acts completely wack, not jack/ianto but in some episodes he just snaps at toshiko?? She’s just doing her damn best leave her alone

Let’s also get into the fact that what Jack did to OG Jack was so reckless and selfish? Yes the man was going to die the next day but you do not out a man in front of the entire dance hall? A dance could be brushed off but a kiss??? It is the 1940s where OG Jack could have been discharged and arrested for being gay? OG Jack didn’t know he was gonna die the next day? What if OG Jack woke up the next day and purposely crashed his plane out of internalised homophobia and guilt? I hate the Torchwood writers for this episode.

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