





Hey Tumblr followers!!! We are on MeWe as

Scwife 09 but we are only going to expect real blogs with intros and pictures!!!! This way we can be more friendly with our followers!!!! Thank you to everyone who has followed us and understand!!!!!

Days are running low before all the naughtiness is gone!!! Cum find us on MeWe but remember (blank profiles and no intros) will get you declined!!!!!!

Hey Tumblr!!! I’m trying to play catch up on MeWe!!!! Please remember to have a avatar!!!! We are being a little more picker and this is so we can interact more with you!!!! Thank you


Tumblr it’s getting closer to the 17th!!!!!!! I’m keeping this blog open as long as tumblr doesn’t delete it! I honestly don’t know how much I’ll post on it anymore. Thank you for all the love over the last year if you are interested in keeping up with us, you may follow us on MeWe @ scwife 09 but I am a little picky!!!!! Thank you so much again


Hey guys!

We created a MeWe account that is NSFW. Still keeping our Tumblr blog but it will be PG rated

Username: WhiskeyWine6609

  • Click the link below to go to our page!