#king of scars



I have mentioned this before, but it genuinely does annoy me in books (or media in general) how female characters always have to ‘soften’ to become likeable. This trope of woman who are considered harsh or bitchy are only ever accepted and liked when they shed their harsh shell to become more palatable usually for the men chasing them. 

Fuck. That.

It’s why I loved Zoya as a character and always have (yes even in the original trilogy before her backstory had every been explained). She has every reason to be bitter and cruel, but at no point does she try and make herself more palatable for the people around her. She is enveloped in tragedy, bad choices and past trauma, and she stays harsh and cold. If you don’t like it she doesn’t care.

This ideal that women who are cold and ‘bitchy’ are unlovable is sickening and at the very root, misogynistic. I’m not saying there’s anything wrong with soft, sweet women, not at all. But it’s a complete double standard. Women are only deserving of love and consideration when they are fawning with constant tears in their eyes. ‘I’m so sorry I was such a cold terrible person, truly you have melted my heart and opened my legs.’ How many times have we read or watched that?

It’s also why I like Zoyalai though this is not a ship post. Nikolai notes how edged and vicious Zoya is and he appreciates her for that, rather than trying to change her into something soft and manageable. She has a heart, that is incredibly apparent, especially in King of Scars (but can we call back to the Ruin and Rising epilogue where she sends Alina the kefta and note? Totally heartless), but she is more ice and daggers and i wouldn’t want that to change, even for Nikolai. 

We need more women who are storms and hellfire. Who don’t apologise for who they are and the sharp edges they have. For the women who have been victims and refuse to be meek and mild because of it. For women who don’t apologise for standing up themselves and who refuse to be soft because that’s what is expected of them. 

howeverlongs:Nikolai sighed and opened his arms to her as the coach rattled to a stop. “Then come hehoweverlongs:Nikolai sighed and opened his arms to her as the coach rattled to a stop. “Then come hehoweverlongs:Nikolai sighed and opened his arms to her as the coach rattled to a stop. “Then come hehoweverlongs:Nikolai sighed and opened his arms to her as the coach rattled to a stop. “Then come hehoweverlongs:Nikolai sighed and opened his arms to her as the coach rattled to a stop. “Then come hehoweverlongs:Nikolai sighed and opened his arms to her as the coach rattled to a stop. “Then come he


Nikolai sighed and opened his arms to her as the coach rattled to a stop. “Then come here, Zoya, and kiss me sweetly as a new bride would.”

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