#lgbt couple

Nizzy couldnt resist anymore. Who knows, if he really played hard to get, if he simply was not interested before or had hard time accepting own orientation, but either way they end up back to their dorm and Nizzy having his first time with a guy… but the following morning is not as pleasant as the night.


 Aaaand here we go xD Dardar finally reached his plans, but Nizzy is not as happy as he was the night before. This page took me more time than any page before, angles were really hard, at least for me, plus i suck at drawing clothes being manipulated, so… But luckily it only took half of the page, now its back to normal xD Honestly, this thing of nizzy x darvon was NEVER planned for this comic before, but as i kept developing darvons character, i kinda started to fall for darvon x nizzy, it fits my future plans for the comic even better to be honest! I thought that nizzy will be returning back to the hometown in the next following two pages, but i think there will be need for a few more because of Nizzy’s actual disapproval xD


Theme, Nizzy, Darvon © AngiShy

Watch me on my Instagram for sneak peeks of following pages, some pictures before they get posted or pictures that might never make it to this website

!hashtags contain everything that will be happening through the whole comic, not only in this specific page!

Last year of school is still at its beginning and Nizzy still cant forget about the one he loved three years ago. With Darvon’s help Nizzy gets his last tattoo as a memory of Mary. But eventhough Darvon is willing to help and tattoo her face on Nizzy’s back, he is already fed up by all the whining, past is past and Nizzy should move on. This is also Darvon’s chance to again hit on him but this time going straight for the first base than just some drunk peck on a cheek. The question is, will Nizzy push him away or pull him closer?


I finally got to this part! YES! The story originally didnt have this planned, i mean Darvon hitting on Nizzy or gettin this far but… during the time i started to kinda like the ship so i just had to include it. It will also help the rest of the story and reason Darvon’s fate as some of you already may know xD


Theme, Nizzy, Darvon © AngiShy

Watch me on my Instagram for sneak peeks of following pages, some pictures before they get posted or pictures that might never make it to this website

!hashtags contain everything that will be happening through the whole comic, not only in this specific page!

Aaand we’ve reached the end of the montage! Nizzy turned 18, which means party hard! And getting unwanted kisses from drunk Darvon xD Sadly it still doesnt change anything on Nizzy’s memories. But eventhough he still won’t tell Darvon about anything, at least he is still there fo him. And how else to clear your mind than by exercising?
Another year passes, Nizzy is turning 19 and guys find out about cigarettes, Darvon clearly preffers clean lungs while Nizzy doesnt seem to be too bothered by lungs health. Darvon is also finally getting all the girls he wants thanks to his buffed body now, everything seems to be getting better and better, right?


 Finally the montage is over! And i thought that its gonna be maximally for two pages, ends up being three and half pages as Darvon says by breaking fourth wall xD
Our boys finally reached their adulthood and designs i made for them. Only Nizzy is missing one last detail! Can you guess what’s still missing?


Theme, Nizzy, Darvon © AngiShy

Watch me on my Instagram for sneak peeks of following pages, some pictures before they get posted or pictures that might never make it to this website

!hashtags contain everything that will be happening through the whole comic, not only in this specific page!

Music montage is still not over! Nizzy is celebrating his 17th birthday and Darvon’s present is a gift card for getting a tattoo of course! But Nizzy doesnt want jsut any tattoo, he made his own design, letter of N as in Nizzy and M as in Mary merged together. But of course Darvon doesnt need to know that, to him there is a lie that it is letter M as for “I ♥ Mom” or something. Darvon uses this chance to get a tattoo himself, a tentacle wrapped around his leg from knee up to his hip. And in the end Darvon decides that its time for a new haircut, a green mohawk!


 Our boys are finally developing. Its really hard to show the blending between their teen design and adult design, im slowly extending Nizzy’s hair and Darvon’s hair in front of his ears, same for them slowly getting taller too! Only Sebi remains the same tho, just getting taller xD


Theme, Nizzy, Darvon, Sebastian © AngiShy

Watch me on my Instagram for sneak peeks of following pages, some pictures before they get posted or pictures that might never make it to this website

!hashtags contain everything that will be happening through the whole comic, not only in this specific page!

Music montage continues as our boys are on their spree. Nizzy is slowly realizing how free he can be if girls think he is gay. Darvon finds his favourite pants, he finally notices how cool mohawk haircuts look and boys decide to get some piercings, it’s a tattoo and piercing focused school after all. Thanks to this they also meet third one of their trio friendship - Sebastian, not so emotional but usually calm guy. But there is still more ahead of them!


Finally i got to the point of having Sebastian’s first appearance! He is quite unknown character of mine that never had any fans, but i already know one person who seems to like him so i hope even you all will get to know him better thanks to this comic ♥


Theme, Nizzy, Darvon, Sebastian © AngiShy

Watch me on my Instagram for sneak peeks of following pages, some pictures before they get posted or pictures that might never make it to this website

!hashtags contain everything that will be happening through the whole comic, not only in this specific page!


While browsing some poses for inspiration and stuff on pinterest, an image started to draw itself in my head so i jsut had to put it on a…digital…paper uvu" And especially when its this pride month, why not to have some more of Darvon x Zik sexiness -u-

Eventho Zik’s body was surprisingly easy and fast to draw, the lifted face angle was pain in the ass to draw without making it look too creepy…and not even gonna mention how much i suck at drawing male crotch in tight pants uvu"


Not so willing to go with this idea, Nizzy in the end agrees to Darvon’s plan just to avoide all those girls around and it’s time to transform! Nizzy is slowly getting his future design, jsut a few little details are still needed. Enjoy the music montage without music though xD
Time to torture my OC for some time and Darvon will gladly do that for me…poor nizzy is now forced to dress up as gay to get rid of all girls. Will this work? And what if gays will be newly interested from now on?  Nizzy is finally getting closer to his future design i made long time ago. He only needs a few more details and grow a little older. Same change is awaiting Darvon and his famous and beloved (in the past) haircut xD Also…i love it when cartoons use music montages.. its harder to use it in comics tho, but i got inspired a bit by Sonic Boom comic where they were able to make a montage look just so cool like if it was in its show. Expect the montage to take a little longer tho


Theme, Nizzy, Darvon © AngiShy

Watch me on my Instagram for sneak peeks of following pages, some pictures before they get posted or pictures that might never make it to this website

!hashtags contain everything that will be happening through the whole comic, not only in this specific page!


Once used to be known as a bad boy and a leader of a gang suddenly starts getting to get a new template in this school as a gay guy yelling it in the middle of class, and that is some reputation he doesn’t want to have for next 3 years at this school. If you count in also all the stress from leaving his home country and friends, suddenly not even living in a house near the nature but in a big city apartment, it could me a little too much for one 16 year old. Will his new pal be helpful?


Theres a little easter egg that should be noticed even by new readers uvu


Theme, Nizzy, Darvon © AngiShy

Watch me on my Instagram for sneak peeks of following pages, some pictures before they get posted or pictures that might never make it to this website

!hashtags contain everything that will be happening through the whole comic, not only in this specific page!


After first 37 pages being done, the comic finally has its cover AND its name is corrected from “Seclusion” to “Separation”. I started the comic many years ago when i barely knew any english words and google translator helped me with everything and for some reason it thought that “seclusion” was the correct word. Now, 8 years later this comic deserves some main revamp in some details, including its title uvu

I admit that i was kinda lazy with coloring tho but i like how darvon came out the most but im weirdly happiest mostly about the title for some reason. I just like making logotypes and stuff tho uvu 

But anyway, the comic will get renamed even here on tumblr later when i have time. For now, enjoy the late cover!


Everything is getting spicier at least for Darvon who is really not ashamed for every step he does. Sadly, poor Nizzy wont escape from now on and this annoying hyena will become part of his life together with his annoying and pervy hints :D


Theme, Nizzy, Darvon © AngiShy

Watch me on my Instagram for sneak peeks of following pages, some pictures before they get posted or pictures that might never make it to this website

!hashtags contain everything that will be happening through the whole comic, not only in this specific page!


No way to chicken out from this cheerleader, saying “no” wouldnt help anymore, therefore there was only one way out with the idea given thanks to Karu’s little gift bow in the pocket xD But getting out of one awkward situation leads into another awkward situation because Darvon heard it all >u>


 Theme, Nizzy, Darvon © AngiShy

Watch me on my Instagram for sneak peeks of following pages, some pictures before they get posted or pictures that might never make it to this website

!hashtags contain everything that will be happening through the whole comic, not only in this specific page!


And finally, time for Darvon to flirt with some girls, probably the first time something made Nizzy smile since he moved out of his city, but not so funny for poor Darvon who is getting burned every single time.


The next page is finally going to “reveal” something to cause some problems to Nizzy. You can check all the sneak peeks on instagram!


Theme, Nizzy, Darvon © AngiShy

Watch me on my Instagram for sneak peeks of following pages, some pictures before they get posted or pictures that might never make it to this website

!hashtags contain everything that will be happening through the whole comic, not only in this specific page! 
