

Mac: “There’s only one thing worse than dying.”

Bozer: “Riley dying?”

Mac: “What?”

Mac: “Wait—“

Mac: “I was gonna say dying alone.”

Mac: “But oh my God, Boze. That’s so much worse.”



Finally getting around to this, like I said I would.

this took me 92 years

you, too, can now play house with Himbo Barbie ❤️

Happy early Valentines Day from me to you ❤️

Mac: .. .-..-. – / … — .-. .-. -.–

Riley: “What’s that?”

Mac: “Remorse code.”

Riley: “Oh my God. That’s—”

Desi: “Incredibly dorky?”

Riley: “I was gonna say hot.”

I wrote another thing for Febuwhump.

I’ve taken my “hurt Riley to hurt Mac” MO to another level.



I whole heartedly believe that Riley Davis fell in love with Mac, on their way to Area 51.

Try and change my mind.

I will not, because you’re 100% right.

Underneath the stars, listening to him talk about life in other galaxies? I’d have fallen in love with him too.

There may or may not be a fanfic in the works that inspired this edit.

Who knows?

“You’re siding with Taylor over Mac. Who doesn’t have an evil bone in his body.”

“Why did you do it?”

“Because at the end of the day, I trust you Mac.”

“I did it to protect him.”

A lot can be said about the dynamic between Mac and Riley, but I wanna make it clear that there was nobody after Jack left who stood more firmly in Mac’s corner than Riley. She was fully ready to go back to prison to protect him.

And whether or not you ship them romantically or prefer spy sibling dynamics, I think we can all agree nobody loved him more than she did in those last two seasons.


So, as most of the people in this fandom know, Mac’s house is an absolute nightmare when it comes to the layout. I, being the stubborn prick that I am, tried to piece together what I could based on pretty much any clear shot I could find throughout the episodes and nearly gave myself an existential crisis cus who the fuck designed this thing???

Anyways I compiled the shots and based on them I made a rough layout sketch of the house. I have no idea if there’s a basement/upper level/attic etc, but here’s the ground floor

Please note that the proportions are most likely off and that a lot of the ‘smaller details’ (i.e. deck chairs, furniture, trinkets etc) aren’t present cus I’m lazy, but you get the picture. Pink highlights are doors, and the one closest to the kitchen on the right side is the front door. I hope it helps!

I FINALLY found the post. Imma make Mac’s house in the Sims now



Whumptober 2021

Day 13: That’s Gonna Leave a Mark

“this is gonna suck” | burns | cauterization

MacGyver 1x17
MacGyver has his gunshot wound cauterized to kill the infection.


Happy Father’s Day to the Jack Dalton who would have stayed.


Mr. Angus “I’ll fix it for you” MacGyver.


Have you heard about #GiveBackSaveMac? Our charitable efforts as a fandom will take over the month of July, with the biggest one a WORLDWIDE blood drive! Print out the posters below and hang them in your community, and visit savemacgyver.com/blood-drive/ for more info!


okay but bozer immediately tugging mac in for a hug with a hand on his waist when finding out about frankie, we stan emotionally supportive and physically affection besties <3333333333333333333


posting this for @deadmacgyver because it’s fucking hysterical and their lil macdoc heart will appreciate it
