

Maria Yuki is a good girl and deserves the world. Thanks for coming to my TED talk.

Some thoughts on Ria’s unknown Doppel aka my prediction:

Ria’s Doppel should be based on a swan, since they are generally considered to be elegant and beautiful birds. This aligns perfectly with Ria’s role and dream of being a professional model aka someone beautiful and elegant. Another good reason why the swan would be a good motive for Ria is because of a certain story all should know to well. The ugly duckling.

Ria, as implied by herself in her mss, was in fact not a very pretty girl (or maybe even a boy who knows) and wished to become a naturally beautiful girl. She became a beautiful girl just like the ugly duckling became a beautiful swan. In terms of swans in literature and arts the first name most would think of is obviously:


The female main character from Tchaikovsky’s Swan Lake, most famously known for being a popular ballet play and being a BCU (Barbie Cinematic Universe) classic fairytale.

(The white Swan aka Odette)

But Odette is not the right fit for Ria’s witch/Doppel. There is another Swan though and her name is:


Odile serves as the black swan and a twisted mirror image of Odette. She is not real, basically an illusion or lie. Just like Ria’s beauty which was the result of magic. Odile as well as Ria’s appearance are the result of magic and even her classification alignes with Ria’s element which is Dark.

This sums up why I think a swan themed Doppel named Odille would be a perfect fit for Ria Ami’s Witch and Doppel

I call this team Triple D! Dead Dark Dames.

I’ll let myself out bye

Breaking news: Local gang leader gets beaten up by girl with a mushroom obsession during fashion show

Just me casually checking the story section of the magia record discord server to see everyone talk about Ria.

I haven’t started the event story yet but apparently she is part of it and is trying to teach Yachiyo? Please let this be a sign that she will be uncapped soon

Idk if you can tell but she’s my fave side character

Night on the Milky Way

Nanami Yachiyo (Tanabata ver.) - (Magia)

Konoha Shizumi|Hazuki Yusa|Ayame Mikuri

Azalea Trio Masterpost


Konomi Haruna (Magia)

Some impressions from Felicia subplot in the new chapter. Yeah I’m not fine

 Magia Record boarders out here like “okay, this is an anime about girls who are told they can Magia Record boarders out here like “okay, this is an anime about girls who are told they can

Magia Record boarders out here like “okay, this is an anime about girls who are told they can be Sailor Moon when actually it’s a trap, and that was a big twist in season 1, but now it’s common knowledge, so the visuals don’t have to be subtle? On it.”

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