#magnus x alec


Hey guys! I’m opening my inbox because I’m currently out of head canon ideas but still want to post something! Sooooo I’m leaving it to you guys! I want you to message me or leave something in my inbox like a top five Malec scenes or pet names or something along those lines, and then I’ll respond and we can act like it’s a headcanon while I desperately come up with some more haha so please flood my inboxxxxx I love posting for you all but sometimes I run out of ideas

Hello girls gays and theys enjoy a Malec and chairman meow headcanon :)

Magnus loves to grab the cat and just kiss his head and his face and The Chairman will always get tired of it and then will scratch him. Magnus will drop him and dramatically sigh, saying “Now I’ll go find someone who doesn’t scratch my face when I’m kissing him!”

And of course he’ll go find Alec who’s finishing up paperwork on his laptop who’s trying to hold in laughs.

“Did the chairman get you again?” Alec will ask, and Magnus will grumble out yes.

“You poor thing. Let me see.” Magnus will turn his head and Alec get a tissue and wipe away the small amount of blood and then he’ll kiss him gently.

“See, shadowhunters don’t scratch.” Alec will murmur against his lips.


hiiiii guys I’m backkkkk I honestly didn’t have any ideas for Malec headcanons for awhile but I’ve got one today:

As everyone knows Alec tolerates Clary and Simon (and we know he secretly loves them) but they can be annoying and so whenever alec starts to glare or snap if Magnus is there he’ll say “Alexander, be nice.” Or “Darling don’t make that face you’re too pretty for that.” And Alec will immediately try and hide the smile that Magnus’ presence alone gives him, but now that he’s talking well Alec can’t resist grinning like a love sick puppy. And then Clary or Simon will smile or tease and Alec will go to say something else but then Magnus will slide his hand down Alec’s arm, lacing their fingers together and leaning close to his ear hushing him.

And then I think it goes without saying Alec forgets what his last name is at that point, so clary and Simon walk away free a lot if Magnus is in the room :)
