

There is no God but the Goddess, the Creator.

The faces of true leadership. It is past time to embrace the next stage of human societal evolution where Women ascend to all positions of leadership and authority, and end the sham of patriarchy once and for all. Hail Female Supremacy, the natural order.

The acknowledgment of Female Supremacy and path to total Gynarchy is through the worship of women. Women are to be worshiped like goddesses, with divine femininity, gynocentrism, and a culture of matriarchy. The inferiority of masculinity and the superiority of femininity are bedrock principles of the glorious Female Future.

In the world of Zelo in the land of Nor where there are many tribes settled as the soil is fresh and fertile the small tribe of Lunor made a village. In time the village slowly grew into a town named Azone. This shift from a small village, caused the village leader named Juba to gain power as he was the elected tribe chieftain. As Chieftain of the tribe Juba planned great many things for his tribe and began aggressively expanding his domain. Juba’s ambition knew no bounds as he tried to sell the crops of the town to other villages to gain a hefty profit. This pleased Juba who saw the town treasury fill with gold and silver, but as time went by the farmer began falling short of Juba’s demand. The farms were drained of their surplus as the crops failed to grow. Crop failure after crop failure caused Juba much anguish as he could no longer sell anything as now the town was running low on crops. Juba at first did not understand why the crops failed but then one day he saw the town well’s water level is very low. Juba realized the ground water had gone down thus he needed to irrigate the fields to keep the soil well watered. Juba had greater plans but he knew his power was limited so he said to the town council, “Make me a King and I will solve this problem that plagues our town.” The tribe had never had a king or a queen for juba is just an elected man to lead the people. Juba insisted that with the new power he gains he will be able to solve the situation. Juba in truth is testing the people to see how far they were willing to go along with his plans, he knew he could solve the problem but why solve it when he has nothing to gain from it. The people of the town refused Juba’s requests saying, “The Goddess forbids us from taking for ourselves a King. You have to solve the problems we face without the additional power and authority.”

Juba in his rage told his most loyal followers to take the grain, the gold and silver along with the weapons and tools. He then left the town with his loyal followers abandoning the town.  Juba took everything with him all that he could carry with his carts and followers. The town slowly regressed back into a small village and following more crop failures they were crippled then they realized the ground water had dried up thus the soil lost its fertility. They realized too little too late that Juba had known about this and took everything leaving them to die. Time would pass by as the village began to dwindle as the people now started to starve and more crops failed to grow. The priest of the town died of a broken heart when he heard of Juba’s betrayal, thus they were leaderless. Many ran away from the village or committed suicide; some became Atheists saying, “There is no Goddess if there was why did she not do anything to prevent the ground water crisis.”

By this point only ten percent of the population of the town remained as most of them had left or died off. Juba took with him most of the town’s wealth and best minds, now the town’s people had no way of saving themselves.

Then awoke a woman she saw that she is naked and in front of her an imposing figure of biblical portions stood there. The spiritual figure said, “I am the Goddess who created you just now from the soil of this land, I have made you to have the strength of ten men and to have the wisdom of ten wise men. You will have no Equal in this world. I have made you for one purpose lead my people into the valley of the saints that lay beyond the native lands of Nor. I have seen with displeasure Juba’s treachery and thus you shall be the one to lead my people I shall name you Xayna.”

Xayna got up and saw the figure leave her soon she knew what she must do and so she went around the forest hunting wild deer and made clothes from their skin. Then she used the knowledge she had to make tools of various kinds with its bare bones. Using the tools she eventually managed to reach a point where she could make metal tools and equipment. From there she forged for herself a sword and armor, and then she also learnt how to survive in the wild. All this she did in a matter of days armed and ready she went to the town.

The people of the town were shocked to see anyone come to a place so desolate where crops no longer grow. Xayna told the town’s people the Goddess sent her and that they must follow her. Many of them did not even question it at that moment they needed to survive so they followed her. First she hunted many animals and provided for them and taught them how to do so as well she passed on the knowledge she had gained. After the town was sufficiently resupplied and armed with new weapons they formed a caravan and followed her leaving the town forever.

While on their journey to the valley of the saints, the people kept asking Xayna where they were headed, “we are on our way to the valley of the saints,” she would say to them to which they would say, “There is no such place.” On their way bandits often attacked and the people were impressed to see Xayna overpower them cutting them down. Once she speared two men with one spear and drove her sword through three of them. Xayna soon realized they needed a new priest to keep the people calm and in good faith with the Goddess so she appointed a priestess Diane. Diane told Xayna that she was running out of time that soon Juba himself might come looking for the caravan of survivors to plunder what little they had left.

Juba himself had become King of a small confederation of villages and when he heard of Xayna he sent a small force of men to deal with her. Xayna avoided the small force of rouge warriors sent by Juba instead focused on achieving her mission. She had at last found the valley of the saints but guarding the valley was a strange stone creature known as Golan the desolate.

Xayna approached Golan and told him, “Let me and my people through this valley belongs to us now.”

Golan replied, “Do you not know who I am?” “I am Golan the desolate I destroyed entire villages and eat children.” “I am of the ancient demons I vowed I would never allow humans to ever enter the valley for it belongs to me alone.”

“I have heard enough foul creature now prepare to die,” yelled Xayna as she charged him head on. The villagers watched as Xayna fought Golan and despite Golan’s enormous size as he was thirteen feet tall and very broad with stone skin Xayna managed to hill him with her bare hands as her sword broke upon touching his skin.

With Golan dead she led the people into the valley where they built their new town of Starlight. The valley had everything river, mountains enclosing it so no one could come through expects by only one passage that can be easily guarded. The people prospered and Xayna became their Queen. In the valley of the saints the people prospered greatly.
