#miyagi ryota


the blush is way too adorable miyagi

miyagi ryota
  • Today’s the day! It’s Anzai sensei’s birthday and the Shohoku basketball team has decided to plan a surprise party for him! Many preparations were made in hopes of impressing the coach! Everyone seemed to be quite anxious if the surprise will be a success, especially Mitsui! “Dang it, I really hope I don’t screw this up for Anzai sensei! Today’s a special day and everything needs to be perfect!” Mitsui thought to himself. Anzai sensei has always been Mitsui’s mentor and someone he looked up to, and so he thought that the best way to repay him would be to plan the best party for Anzai sensei! “Alright guys! Let’s get to work! Everyone knows what their job is so let’s start setting everything up!” Ayako announced to the team.
  • Kogure, Yasuda, Shiozaki, Kakuta, and the rest were in charge of setting up the decorations all around the school gym. “How do these streamers look, Kogure?” Yasuda asked. “They look great Yasuda, but maybe try putting them a little higher!” Kogure said.
  • While the decorations were being set up, Mitsui and Miyagi both went out to pick up the food they had ordered for the party beforehand! “Here’s your pizza order! Have a nice day!” the cashier said as she handed Miyagi two large pizza boxes and Mitsui two large bottles of soda. “AAAGHH!! It’s hot!” Miyagi yelled as Mitsui laughed hysterically at him. “HEY! It’s not funny Mitsui! Why don’t you stop laughing like an idiot and help me out here?!” Miyagi said. “Laughing like a- WHAT DID YOU CALL ME?!” Mitsui shouted with anger. Although Mitsui and Miyagi did have some bad blood in the past, they’ve become really good friends! But that isn’t to say they never argue sometimes (even though Anzai sensei has told them not to fight anymore). 
  • “Um excuse me! Please don’t argue with one another! There are other customers here trying to enjoy their food in peace!” The cashier said, pointing her finger to the customers staring at both Mitsui and Miyagi in shock. “Oh- Right sorry about that! We’ll make sure that doesn’t happen again! Heheh” Miyagi said, his hand rubbing the back of his neck, embarrassed. “Hey Miyagi! Let’s get out of here before the pizza gets cold!” Mitsui said. And so the both of them had left the pizza shop and were on their way back to Shohoku HS. While Mitsui and Miyagi were on their way with the food, Akagi and Sakuragi were in charge of setting up all the tables, chairs, and cutlery! 
  • “Alright Sakuragi! Listen up! Today’s a very important day, we have to make sure everything goes according to plan! I don’t wanna see you fooling around! Got it?!” Akagi said trying to get Sakuragi’s attention but he was too busy eyeing Rukawa and him setting up the audio system for the music that will be playing at the party. Rukawa always seemed to be listening to music on his Walkman, so it was only natural that the team chose him as the DJ for the night. “ URRGHH!! Look at that sly fox Rukawa setting up the speakers! Why does HE get to be the DJ?! Everyone knows I have the best taste in music! What does Rukawa have up against me?! Nothing!! Absolutely nothi-“ *BONK* Akagi gave Sakuragi’s head a big knock to get attention. “OWW GORI WHAT WAS THAT FOR?!” Sakuragi said as he rubbed the top of his head in pain. “YOU IDIOT!! Why don’t you ever pay attention for once!? That’s it! You’re no help Sakuragi! Go sit on the bench and wait till we’re done setting everything up!” Akagi said, fed up with Sakuragi and his antics. 
  • “HMFP! Fine then! You guys will regret getting help from a genius like me!” Sakuragi said, walking towards the bench and sitting down with his arms crossed. 
  • Not long after, Mitsui and Miyagi arrived with the food, as well as some party snacks! “Hey guys! We brought the food!” Mitsui said as the two of them placed everything on one of the tables Akagi set up. “Thanks you two! You’ve helped out a lot! Unlike some idiots” Akagi said looking towards Sakuragi sitting on the bench with an annoyed look on his face. “URGHHH Rukawa!!” Sakuragi said to himself as he continued to give Rukawa his deathly stare. “Hmfp..Dou-ahou!” Rukawa muttered with a neutral expression.
  • It has only been an hour, but suddenly the team heard a loud knock on the gymnasium door. “Oh no! Is that Anzai sensei? But we’re not ready yet!” Kogure said worryingly. Ayako looked down at her stopwatch to check the time. “Oh it must be the cake! I asked them to come drop it off here since we wouldn’t have time to go to the bakery to pick it up!” Ayako said as she walked to open the door. “Thank you so much! Have a nice day!” Ayako said as she received the cake from one of the bakers on delivery duty. The cake had 2 tiers and seemed quite heavy. Miyagi being the gentleman he is, offered Ayako some help. “A- Aya-chan, do you need some help with that?” Miyagi said, his face flushed with red. “No thanks Miyagi! I got it!” Ayako said as she carefully placed the cake on the table next to the food. 
  • Exactly 2 hours had passed by and it was finally time to bring in Anzai sensei for his surprise! “Alright guys! Everyone get your confetti canons!” Ayako announced, handing all the players one confetti canon. Akagi made sure all the lights were off so it seemed like nobody was in the gym, and everyone either stood against the wall or behind the tables to hide. *knock* *knock* *knock* “It’s Anzai sensei! Everyone get ready!” Kogure whispered to everyone. It was at that moment that Anzai sensei had entered the gym and the team jumped up from their hiding spots and popped their confetti canons! “SURPRISE!! Happy Birthday Anzai sensei!!” everyone shouted in sync. “Ho Ho Ho! What a nice surprise!” Anzai said as he laughed with joy. “Happy birthday old man! Don’t eat too much today or-” Sakuragi said, patting Anzai sensei’s stomach before getting interrupted by the wack of Ayako’s fan. “OWW!” Sakuragi whined. 
  • The party was an absolute blast! There was music, food, and party games! Everyone had a great time, especially Anzai sensei! He never expected his students to plan such an amazing and organized party for him! It was definitely a memory that the Shohoku basketball team will never forget!

~ Adm Sammie


Slam dunk thirst/nsfw headcanons:

Th-the thighs.


I’m rating them!!!

The most nibbliable/most sensitive:


~This poor boy kinda strikes me as rather touch-starved and REALLY sensitive and very very easily turned on in certain situations; just barely breathe on him and he’s very likely to get turned on and become a blushing studdering, glasses fogging up MESS. Adorable~♡

Same with Yatsuda;

~Seriously he’d be a blushing, nervously smiling and giggling mess because he’s such a cutie pie too! x3


~Likes to pretend like he doesn’t feel anything, but every so often he’ll jump and hide how sensitive he is with a glare at you, but what’d give him away is the growing bulge in his basketball shorts and the very light, strawberry red tint on the apples of his cheeks.


~Also a very blushy, twitching and nervously turned on boy. Will be letting out all kinds of cute little breathy sounds and squeaks as your nips and touches reach higher and higher; the head of his very obvious hard on starting to leak and twitch excitedly through his underwear and shorts.


~This boy is so pure and ticklish at first that it’s ADORABLE, but be careful he may accidentally kick you because he’s so sensitive. However, once you start skimming higher and higher and getting closer to a certain ‘area’ he’s staring at you in blank faced shock just like…WHAT?

~Then he’s a blushing, awkwardly chuckling and very flattered but unsure boy, he’s definitely getting excited; a hard on of that size would be pretty hard to miss and it’s only at half mast but he’s also a very humble gentleman and he’d probably try to get both of your minds onto other things even if you both know that you both REALLY want this.


~He’s kinda a combination of a little ticklish, sensitive and grumpy.

~ The moment your hands touch his thighs he’s grumbling and huffing out a gruff;

“What are you doing?”

~Then watch his cheeks flush with embarrassment as he tells you firmly to “CUT IT OUT” but don’t listen to him; just start giving his legs a nice relaxing massage and watch all of his grumpiness melt away as he sighs, kicks back and closes his eyes with a sincerely grateful “Ahh~ Thanks Y/n/Babe.”


~Why do I feel like he is EXTREMELY ticklish and touch-starved? ^^ Even just lightly brush a finger along his thighs and he’s already giggling and wriggling with tears of overstimulation in his eyes.

~But just giving him time and keep sliding your hands 'up’; he’ll get the idea ♡ Then his face’ll get SO RED and he’ll just be an adorable, blushing MESS. Cute x3 ♡

It’s getting hot here or it’s only me????

I’m on the floor

Dead ft buried. 
