

Rendlesham Forest

Woodbridge, UK

The incident at Rendlesham Forest may be one of the best pieces of eyewitness evidence for alien existence. We may never know the full story of what happened between December 26 and 27, 1980. It is one of the few officially documented UFO sightings where witnesses claim to have seen a craft land.

James Penniston was sent as part of a team to investigate an aircraft crash after strange lights were observed emitting from the trees. What they saw was a strange triangular aircraft, unlike any they had seen before. Officer Jim Penniston’s witness account describes a craft made from smooth, opaque, black glass and was covered in hieroglyphic-like characters. When they approached, their radios malfunctioned and the air seemed to pop and fizzle with electricity. After they inspected the aircraft, the lights emitting from the side started to burn brighter, and the aircraft soundlessly rose from the ground. The soldiers chased it into a field, where it abruptly shot upward, shining brilliant lights down on them. At that moment the witnesses lost consciousness. When they came to, they were back in the forest. 

The morning after the incident witnessed by Burroughs and Penniston, indentations on the forest floor were spotted, as well as damage to the trees in the area where the lights had been seen. Radiation levels recorded at the site of the indentations were also reported to be unusually high. Burroughs, Penniston, and Col. Halt have been the most vocal in saying they believe what they saw was extraterrestrial in origin, but they are not the only eyewitnesses. Everyone involved was instructed to never speak of this event, and the following investigation was classified and apart from eye-witness statements no official documents have ever been released to the public.

The Crouching Boy

Uploaded to Reddit in 2016, the submitter explains this photo of his father was taken by his girlfriend in the Rocky Mountains, Colorado. Taken on an iPhone but zoomed in, he claims there was no one around at the time. His girlfriend also saw nothing when taking the photo. She didn’t realize the mysterious figure crouching in the grass was in the picture until they returned home.

Backyard Apparition

In 2009 Patrick Heil snapped this picture of his backyard. In the upper-left hand corner appears to be a dark presence staring straight back at him. If this figure wasn’t creepy enough, Patrick claims there was no-one there at the time he took the picture.

The Salem Inn

Salem, Massachusetts

The Salem Inn was the 1834 home of Captain Nathaniel West, a successful sea captain and merchant. It later became the home of Civil War General Williams Cogswell. General Cogswell also served as mayor of Salem. The current owners bought the property over 35 years ago and converted it into the Salem Inn.

Since then, the owners have expanded the Salem Inn into two other buildings, the Peabody House, built in 1874 and the Curwen House. Curwen House was built in 1854 by James and Samuel Curwen.

It is said that there are three spirits in the Inn. The owners don’t believe any spirits are haunting the Inn but staff and guests have had several experiences, just read the journals in the rooms.

The first is a woman who is referred to as Elizabeth, perhaps after Nathaniel West’s wife, who divorced her husband for his extramarital affairs. Others refer to the spirit as Katherine.

There is also a little boy who is heard running up and down the staircase and through the halls. Staff have heard a child giggling when there are no children in the Inn.

The third ghost is that of a cat, the Inn has no cats, but guests report seeing one dart down the hallway or into a room.

Some of the strange occurrences the guests and staff have experience include that classic ghostly behavior of thievery. Countless times, members of the staff have complained of coal logs vanishing from the fireplaces, and even freshly set up candles disappearing from the surface on which they were placed upon.

One room that has achieved legendary status at the inn is Room 17. It is within this room that guests and staff alike have claimed to have experienced the most activity. Reports of items mysteriously moving from one location to another and the sight of unexplainable shadows are not uncommon. The ghost of Room 17, is believed to be a woman who was killed by her husband. This betrayal by her husband, has lead to her spirit’s ill treatment of any man who stays in the room. Usually when a man does spend the night in Room 17, she’ll become quite active in order to disrupt their sleep. She achieves this by causing loud noises in the closet, and stomping around the room. It’s been said, if you leave a tumbler of whiskey, or any alcohol for that matter, she just may leave you to a restful night of sleep.

The last of this spirit triangle, is believed to be the ghost of a child. The staff have said that they’ve heard the sound of a child giggling, at times when there were no kids saying at the inn. Some staff members have also heard light footsteps following them around the inn. Footsteps so faint they could have only been made by a child, but upon turning around expecting to see a kid in need of assistance, they are baffled by the discovery of nothing.

Two Sycamores

Even though the following is a legend several elements of this story are true. Elias Caudlill, a Kentucky pioneer first wrote it down in his diary in 1780.

Many Native Americans because of its appearance call the sycamore tree, ghost of the forest. It has cream-colored markings on both its trunk and branches giving it a skeletal appearance, especially when viewed in the moonlight.

Because of this there are several spooky Indian tales about sycamore trees. One of these was told for generations among the Shawnee Indians in east central Kentucky.

They believed two sycamore trees, that grew near the Licking River along the old Warriors Path, the earliest land route across the state, were haunted. Later when the white settlers moved in this path was known as the Wilderness Road.

The Shawnee were careful to avoid these two trees. They observed that birds did not nest in them and all the animals stayed clear. It was not unusual to find dead birds within the branches or dead animals near these twin trees.

Within the tribe the reason given for this haunting was a story told about one of their ancestral maidens and a captured Cherokee warrior that had happened 200 years before.

The Shawnee had wounded this young brave during a battle. The young Cherokee brave was seen as courageous so instead of killing him the Shawnee took him to one of their villages along the Ohio River.

As he slowly recovered the Shawnee Chief’s daughter caught his eye. The pair despite being enemies fell in love. They realized their tribes would frown upon their wish to marry so they decided to run away together.

Knowing they would be killed if captured they stole away one night. They headed west along the Warriors Path but on the fourth night they heard a dog barking. They knew their pursuers were gaining on them. They quickened their pace but both were exhausted.

As night fell a storm moved in. The girl’s father and his warriors were catching up. The angry Shawnee reached them just as the couple came to the bank of the Licking River.

A bright streak of lightning flashed across the sky followed by a loud clap of thunder as their pursuers drew near. Several Shawnee warriors were knocked off their feet by the lightning bolt.

This same bolt ripped a large hole in the ground where the young couple stood. No trace of them was ever found.

As the years passed the tribe noticed two large sycamore trees grew out of this hole. Several stated when the wind blew the branches of these two trees would appear to caress each other.

When a storm rushed down the river others noted that the larger of the two trees seemed to sway down as if protecting the smaller one.

When the first white settlers moved into the area they scoffed at the old Indian tale that stated these two trees were haunted. One young man decided to prove that he was not afraid.

He took his axe intending to cut down the smaller of the two trees but as he swung his blade it glanced off the tree and sliced his leg open instead. He bled to death.

A few days later another pioneer was found mysteriously hung, swinging between two limbs of the larger tree.

Another dead man was found the next morning sitting against the trunk of the smaller sycamore. There were no marks on his body and his expression indicated he had died of fright.

These three strange deaths unnerved the pioneers and they wondered if there wasn’t some truth to the Indian tales. They all agreed to avoid the two sycamores.

The Wilderness Road along the Licking River eventually was reclaimed by nature. It was lost to briars and underbrush and the old Indian tale was forgotten.

These two trees stood on the bank of the Licking River until 1921. The larger tree without apparent reason began to shrivel and then dried out and died. Within months the smaller tree followed suit. It fell and lay across the larger sycamore.

Old Burying Point Cemetery

Salem, Massachusetts

In Salem, Massachusetts, you’ll find the second oldest cemetery in the country, the Old Burying Point Cemetery. The Burying Point was established in 1637. For its age, every occupant at the Burying Point unquestionably holds historical importance. But, one of the most interesting names etched into the ancient gravestones belongs to John Hathorne.

Along with Hathorne, you’ll find most of the names associated with the Salem Witch Trials at Burying Point. From the memorial for the wrongfully accused to the headstones of their pious chastisers, Old Burying Point Cemetery is a step back into a time when the line between the wicked and the innocent blurred. Others who were laid to rest at Old Burying Point include Mayflower passenger, Captain Richard More, and the last governor of the Massachusetts Bay Colony, Simon Bradstreet.

Since the first bodies were laid to rest at Old Burying Point, there have been many strange occurrences. The occurrences were widely believed to be supernatural, as this was the era of the witch. It is also because of this era that many choose to discredit these accounts of paranormal activity as a good case of hysteria.

Nathaniel Hawthorne once wrote, “There is a fatality, a feeling so irresistible and inevitable that it has the force of doom, which almost invariably compels human beings to linger around and haunt, ghostlike, the spot where some great and marked event has given the color to their lifetime; and still the more irresistibly, the darker the tinge that saddens it.”

Paranormal Activity at Old Burying Point

Sensitives who have visited Old Burying Point have reportedly become overwhelmed with the sensation of sadness and despair. Even while just walking through the graveyard, the heavy feeling of depression descends and sends innocent passerby into feeling as though there is little hope to be found in the world.

Over the years people have successfully captured EVP of voices from the beyond at Old Burying Point. Also captured at the cemetery via photographs are mysterious shadows, emanating lights, orbs, white mist and even apparitions.

One of these apparitions belongs to Mary Bright Corey, who died on August 28th, 1684. She was the second wife of Giles Corey, who later became an unfortunate victim of the Witch Trials. Giles died from his inflicted torture on September 19th, 1692, just after the eighth anniversary of Mary’s passing.

Another ghost that has been seen is the figure of a woman who appears in the back corner of the cemetery. She is usually spotted wearing a powder blue dress, whilst holding a picnic basket in hand. Sometimes, she is also accompanied by a young boy. It is the believed the two spirits were mother and son, and died in a fire.

The Ghostly Lady in White

In addition to the other ghosts spotted at Old Burying Point, another apparition that has been seen with great frequency is a Lady in White. However, she seems to be a bit camera shy, as there is little photographic evidence of her manifestations.

Normally, once the cameras come out, the Lady in White transitions into bright orbs or vanishes altogether. Although, on at least one occasion, an expertly timed photograph was slightly able to capture an image of her figure.

The Lady in White has allegedly even been spotted in the parking lot to the cemetery, as well as near by in buildings and restaurants. Though, it’s entirely possible these sightings are of different spirits.

Ragged Cot Inn

The Ragged Cot is a 17th-century coaching inn and is said to be haunted by a mother and child who died there. The story goes that one night the landlord of the inn decided to hold up a stagecoach. His wife went after him to stop him from carrying out the robbery. Unfortunately, she was holding her baby in her arms as she confronted him. Pushing her aside, both his wife and child fell to their deaths down the stairs. 

Horrified at what he had done, he hid their bodies in a trunk. When the police arrived shortly after to arrest him for the robbery, mysteriously the bodies of his wife and child were found back at the foot of the stairs where they had died. As he was led away by the police it’s said the apparitions of his wife and child were seen walking back up the stairs disappearing into the darkness.

Since that time, guests and staff have reported hearing unexplained noises around the Inn. The sound of a struggle has been heard near the stairs followed by the sound of a body falling. The sounds are believed to be the bodies of Bill Claver’s wife and child tumbling into eternity.

Many people that are direct experiencers have reported different types of Grey Aliens over the past 100 years.

The Grey’s have skin color ranging from light grey to dark grey, dark bluish grey to steel grey, as well as tan and brown ranges.

The tasks are seen performing procedure processes that are carried out on abductees. Greys are telepathic and use mind control techniques through eyes to connect an optic nerve communication method. This form of telepathy and psychic power is called Psionics.

Psionics abilities are common in more advanced extra-dimensional entities of negative aliens who use their advantage to control humans. They are multiple thousands of years old which allows them to highly develop their mental capacity and Psionic abilities.

Examples of Psionic Abilities include Astral Projection, Aura Reading, Clairvoyance, Transport, Emotional Manipulation, Enhanced dimensional Awareness, Enhanced Memory, Mind Control, Thought Reading, Psychic Construct, Psychic Energy Manipulation, Psychic Entity Conjuring, Telekinesis, Telepathy and Teleportation.

These entities are the creators of many common alien implants under mind control. Many humans that have been abducted report that EBE entities appear to be drone designed to carry out certain tasks for the higher beings such as locations and medical examinations.

There have been accounts of contact made with benevolent type Grey Aliens that are aware of the violations and crimes against abducting and torturing humans. They have joined Earth’s alliances to help free humanity from negative alien oppressors.

Ghostly Face Photographed at an Abandoned Hotel?

The photo was reportedly taken at an abandoned hotel and appears to show a ghostly face peeking from behind some bushes. The image was posted to Reddit, where one user named “HRMark” claims they were present went the picture was taken.

In response to a theory that suggested to face was a hanging potted-plant, “HRMark” said, “I was there when this was taken, and there was nothing hanging like that anywhere near.” He also added that one of his friends reportedly saw some strange activity while inside the hotel. “Another guy with us went upstairs inside the hotel and saw a lamplight coming from one of the rooms.

Many still believe there is a more conventional explanation for this figure. Some believe it to simply be part of the shrub, while others think it could’ve been a person dressed in a costume.

Ghost Photographed in an Abandoned Oklahoma Building

This image was captured by Reddit user ‘WarWraiths’, who believes it may show an actual spirit looking out the window of an old, now abandoned, commissary building in Fort Reno, Oklahoma.

As with many photos of ghosts appearing in windows, it’s highly likely that this figure was simply a reflection. However, given the buildings old age, it’s also possible that a spirit became attached to the property at some point in time.

Old Idaho State Penitentiary
Boise, Idaho

Everyone knows that prisons are nearly always a magnet for paranormal activity thanks to the melting pot of emotions that soak into the walls of these buildings. Old Idaho State Penitentiary is no different and it has long been considered one of the most haunted places in Idaho.

The prison was established back in 1870 as a one cell house but it very quickly began to grew into a complex of buildings enclosed by a thick wall of sandstone. In fact, part of the prisoners sentences was mining the rock to build the very walls that kept them in!

Over 10,000 convicts have passed through the prison over the course of a century and it seems that not all of them left!

There have been several deaths on the premises including 10 executions and 110 documented deaths due to illness, murder and plain old age.

However, the conditions in this prison were horrific, with inmates being subjected to inhumane treatment so it would not be surprising if the death toll was actually much higher, and those deaths were simply not documented!

Due to the design of the prison, the cells were unbearably hot in the summer months and freezing cold in Winter, plus there was no indoor plumbing so as you might imagine there was a great deal of misery and suffering which has definitely left a mark on the prison.

There are a number of documented paranormal events that have happened in Old Idaho State Penitentiary. The most haunted spot is said to be 5 House where Idaho’s answer to Jack the Ripper, Raymond Allen Snowden was executed in 1957.

It is believed that the murderer’s soul is still haunting the prisons and grounds and he has done even since before the prison closed in the seventies.

Reports of his presence have been made by visitors, staff and prisoners alike! Whenever he draws near, the living are said to be overcome by a feeling of dread and oppression.

Snowden is by no means the only spirit at Old Idaho State Penitentiary. It is a fairly common occurrence for visitors to hear phantom footsteps echoing throughout the halls and disembodied voices are also heard fairly regularly.

Visitors participating in the regular walking tours of the old prison have also been touched and even pushed by unseen hands. There is a very strong feeling of being watched from the shadows and several shadow figures have also been spotted in a number of places around the prison.

Glenn Dale Hospital

Glenn Dale Hospital was built in 1934 to serve as a tuberculosis sanitarium. Sitting on 210 acres in Prince Georges County, Maryland has stood abandoned since 1982. When it was closed permanently due to concerns about the copious amounts of asbestos used in the construction.

The main campus of Glenn Dale consists of a Children’s hospital building and main hospital building, which are connected by a series of underground tunnels and walkways. Each of these buildings has its own morgue and both structures are close to Glenn Dale Road, which bisects the estate and makes the buildings easy fodder for local trespassers who want to match wits with the Washington, D.C Park Police, who routinely patrol the area.

Exploration of the Glenn Dale Hospital grounds is a treacherous experience and not only because the place is closed and trespassers are not suffered lightly. The portions of the buildings that are above ground are in severe disrepair, seeing that they have stood abandoned since 1982. Broken glass litters the ground, roofs and walls are collapsing under their own weight. Rusted metal and other debris litters the campus because of all of the unused hospital detritus that was left behind when the place shut down. The basement and tunnels are in the same condition but with the added hazard of standing water, which rises up to three feet in some places.

Perhaps the most dangerous aspect of exploration is the same aspect that led to the hospital’s closure, large amounts of asbestos. The few people who are allowed into Glenn Dale and this includes paranormal investigators who have gotten permission to visit always wear respirators because of the carcinogens in the air.

The haunted history of Glenn Dale Hospital is much like that of any other long-abandoned institution of similar size. After the tuberculosis epidemic faded, the hospital was repurposed to house the mentally ill. Out of this fact the legend became that the hospital was a home for the criminally insane, who were simply let loose to roam the grounds when the hospital closed. Legend has it that Glenn Dale Hospital had its own crematorium and that the odor of burning flesh still permeates the buildings. There is a smokestack on the hospital grounds but all evidence points to it only ever being used to burn refuse.

The few people who are lucky enough to explore the grounds find no lack of intriguing paranormal experiences. There are certainly the usual reports of shadow figures and unexplained sounds. The second floor of the general hospital building seems to be a hotbed of these types of activity, with reports of full-bodied apparitions in hospital gowns roaming the halls and disembodied voices either screaming or laughing maniacally. There have even been reports of a pack of ghost dogs roaming around the campus near the children’s hospital. Paranormal activity like this can certainly be found all over the Glenn Dale campus, it’s just that this particular floor seems more active than the rest.

There are a few local legends that concern haunting at the hospital that can’t be directly confirmed or denied, but they are interesting nonetheless. One of these stories concerns a patient who haunts the hospital wearing a straight jacket. He went insane having witnessed the murder of his wife and children during a home invasion. He was so wracked with guilt that he didn’t save his family that he broke into the pharmaceutical dispensary and killed himself by swallowing pills. It is this same guilt that supposedly binds his spirit to the hospital.

The second legend concerns an unnamed police officer who was called to investigate some vandalism that had occurred on the property. A while after he arrived, people in the vicinity reported hearing gunshots. When backup arrived, the officer was found in one of the patient rooms, staring blankly at a bare wall. He had emptied his gun into this wall, firing at something that no one would ever find. True or not, such stories are a vital part of the mystique of this haunted hospital.

The Rosenheim Poltergeist

In the fall of 1967, known German parapsychologist, Hans Bender, was called into the law offices of Sigmund Adam to investigate and account of a possible poltergeist disturbance. The activity was centered around the offices during the weekends and witnessed by several employees of the firm, including that of 19-year-old secretary Annemarie Schaberl. Upon further investigation, Bender came to the conclusion that Schaberl was to blame for the activity, accusing her of being telekinetic due to her anger of not being happy with her job and a recent breakup with her fiance. Every time she would pass thru a hallway phones would start ringing off the hook with no caller at the other end. Picture frames hanging around the office would turn a complete 360 along with heavy file cabinets and furniture misplacement.

Some of the activity was recorded but was never proven to be authentic or that Annemarie was to blame. Critics and skeptics ran articles around Bender accusing him of “fraudulent accounts” while he maintained that his findings were authentic. A pair of investigators from a German newspaper claimed that they had visited the offices and had found nylon threads attached to office fixtures and a false output on the electric current meter making the phones and lighting fixtures go crazy. We may never know if the Rosenheim Poltergeist was indeed true or just a figment of someone trying to get attention.

Visitation church

Visitation Church was built to serve the growing Catholic population. At the time, there were 450 Catholic families within the bounds of the parish but this number rapidly grew so new areas of the church were built. The building today serves its original function as a church.

The old story about this location was known as “The legend of the bloody hand”, but after being informed by a worker of the church this story seems to be nothing more than an urban tale probably started by local children. The story is still below, but doesnt seem to hold truth.

It has been reported by people to see the image of a severed hand within the church, particularly within the sacristy and basement area. The hand is said to appear in varied levels of intensity, as some report seeing a white-ghostly like hand appear and quickly vanish, were others claim to see it as if it were physically real with blood dripping from the stump. Who the owner of the hand is and were it came from seems to remain forever unknown as many people have died close to the property.

The only unexplained happenings at the church were of the old bells which would ring on there own with no explanation until they were removed around 5 years ago.

Seven Gables Road

Dansville, Michigan

The ruins of a cursed home reportedly lie at the end of Seven Gables Road, just beyond the gate. The home once belonged to a witch that cursed the property. Soon after the witch’s death, a large family moved in, but their lives were cut tragically short. Driven mad by the curse, the father hanged his wife and children and then set the house ablaze before taking his own life. Now, people who investigate the property hear blood-curdling screams, spot faces in the trees, and smell the stench of burning flesh.

The Black Bird of Chernobyl

The Chernobyl disaster in April 1986 is arguably the worst nuclear disaster of modern times. Strangely, if reports uncovered following the end of the Cold War are to be believed, many of the plant workers and residents of the nearby town of Pripyat reported seeing a strange, bird-like figure with red eyes in the air above the town in the days leading up to the tragedy. Even stranger, many of them reported receiving strange phone calls with only mysterious noises on the other end before the line went dead.

Many also spoke of experiencing a sudden onset of nightmares. The firefighters and emergency responders who were sent into the immediate vicinity following the explosion also reported seeing a strange winged creature flying through the air, weaving in and out of the smoke while they did their best to fight the blaze and rescue any survivors.

To add even more intrigue to the alleged strange events, a strange cigar-shaped object was observed almost directly over the disaster site for several hours following the explosion. The creature became known as the Birdman of Pripyat or the Black Bird of Chernobyl. Skeptics argue that it was simply a large bird.

Shades of Death Road

 History and legend tell of the Lenni-Lenape people who used to occupy this valley; many of them died of diseases such as malaria and tuberculosis, which were rampant in the area. At one point, they were attacked by a vicious Iroquois tribe along where Shades of Death Road is located. After a horrific battle the Lenni-Lenape were slaughtered, leading many to believe that their tormented spirits haunt the area to this very day, creeping through the misty fog that blankets the valley frequently.

At some points the road runs alongside eerie Ghost Lake, which is blanketed by wispy fog and inhabited by lush foliage and an amazing array of wildlife.

Later, due to the towering, twisted trees that cast a gloomy shadow over much of the roadway, it became known to the locals as “The Shades.” Legend states that there were numerous deaths and unsolved killings along this road; many people were said to have been attacked and killed by wildcats in the region, and a series of murders plagued the area as well. The first alleged murder on Shades of Death was the unsolved slaying of a tinker along with his horse; their corpses were found discarded alongside the road. In the 1930’s, an elderly gentleman in a Model T Ford was brutally bludgeoned to death with a jack handle from his own car, presumably for a few gold coins. His murderer was never caught.

It was around this time that the local population began to refer to The Shades as “Shades of Death Road.”

In the 1940’s, two men- Leon G. Hull and William Crouse Jr.- both constructed fantastic mansions in the dark depths of the woods close to each other, near Shades of Death. By building a dam across a stream which adjoined their properties, the men created a massive lake, which they named “Ghost Lake” due to the ghostly apparitions in the fog wisping over the water. Consequently, they decided to name their property “Haunted Hollow” and the adjacent mountain “Murderer’s Mountain.”

Other reputed rumors of evil included the macabre finding of a male body that was discovered under a railroad car along the roadway, and the acts of a murderous housewife who slayed her husband, then disposed of his head and body by burying it near their home on Shades of Death Road.

During the 1990s some visitors found hundreds of Polaroid photographs scattered in woods just off the road.  Saying that most images showed a television changing channels, others showed a woman or women, blurred and somewhat difficult to identify, lying on some sort of metal object, conscious but not smiling. The magazine claims that the photos “disappeared” shortly after local police began an investigation.

Can a Ghost Attach Itself to Your Body?

The diagnosis is familiar. You feel drained of energy, have a diminished ability to concentrate, and crave time alone. You find yourself sleeping more than normal and feel like you’re losing a part of yourself day by day. In a normal world, doctors might suggest you have a case of depression. In a paranormal world, you might have a ghost attachment.

Sarah had never experienced the winter blues before. Her mental health was sound and her spirit was high. After having a bad day, she treated herself to dinner at a new restaurant, which left her feeling fatigued. Several days later, she felt no better. In fact, she began losing gaps of time, finding herself short-tempered with bone-deep exhaustion. After suffering for nearly a week, she began to suspect that her issue wasn’t normal. Friends told her she had a case of the winter blues and suggested she stock up on vitamin D, but she knew this wasn’t the case. She’d never experienced winter blues before.

Why would it start now? It wasn’t until she ran into a friend with mediumistic abilities that she learned the truth. She had a negative ghost attachment.

The symptoms of a ghost attachment often mimic seasonal depression, also known as Seasonal Affective Disorder. Unless you are a gifted medium, you might not feel the invisible fingers clinging to your soul. While depression is a very real medical illness, caused by chemical changes in the brain, and should be treated by a doctor, a sudden unexpected case of fatigue requires further pursuit. In Sarah’s case, the attachment was drinking her dry.

Lost souls, who’ve chosen to remain in our realm, need energy to survive. Some might take this energy from electronic devices and from natural electromagnetic sources, but other entities prey on the living. They find us in our moments of resolve, when our defenses are at their lowest, and they cling on like ghostly hitchhikers. Negative entities use this energy to pursue other ventures, such as wracking havoc on the living. Demonic attachments use it to gain control of the host.

Thankfully, Sarah was able to shed the attachment with the help of a talented psychic medium, who moved the entity back into the realm where it belonged. Others aren’t so lucky, enduring the fatigue for years before finding relief.

Depression is a real issue and should be explored by a doctor, but if the symptoms don’t cease with treatment, it can’t hurt to dig a little deeper for the solution. It might not be a normal illness. It might be paranormal.

The Goatman of Maryland is a legendary half-human, half-goat creature that carries an ax.

According to legend, Goatman is an ax-wielding, half-man, half-animal creature that was once a scientist who worked in the Beltsville Agricultural Research Center. The tale holds that he was experimenting on goats, the experiment went awry, and he began attacking cars with an ax, roaming the back roads of Beltsville, Maryland. A variation of the legend tells of Goatman as an old hermit who lives in the woods, seen walking alone at night along Fletchertown Road.

The Goatman has been described as being between 6 and 7 feet tall. The first reports of Goatman date to around 1957 but sightings have continued over the years. The Goatman also gets around some with numerous sightings from various places, including Texas, California, Indiana, and Canada. Let’s just say he hoofs it.

In Prince George’s County, Maryland there is a bridge called “Crybaby bridge” and it is told that if you go there in the dead of night you will hear the sounds of a goat braying.

Some people attempt to tie the Goatman to Greek Mythology and as being Pan. Pan in mythology was the god of the wild, a half-human half-goat type of creature, While others tie Goatman to the devil himself. Another interesting fact about Prince George’s County is that it is home to the demon-possessed boy on which the hit movie The Exorcist was based.

The Goatman is not only said to stalk and terrify humans but reports claim Goatman snatches and kill small pets such as dogs and cats. Numerous carcasses have been found over the years and not knowing what really killed these animals, Goatman got the blame.

The Goatman is an interesting legend for many reasons, from ties with the Devil to stalking lovers in parked cars, to killing your family pets. Goatman continues to strike fear in some people and it appears the legend is here to stay. It is also worth noting that having an insane asylum nearby only adds to the terror mystic.

So when driving or visiting Maryland keep your ears sharp for the sound of a braying goat and your eyes peeled for the glimmering of an ax, because you never know when the Goatman will strike next.

The Eyes are the Window to the Soul

Looking into a person’s eyes can tell you what the person thinks and feels.

If the eye is the window into the soul, the pupil is an opening into the eye. The pupil acts like the aperture on a camera, dilating or contracting to regulate the amount of light coming into the eye.

We know how and why we are looking at someone in a certain way, while other aspects of our body language can be hidden.

In many traditions, the eye represents “the window of the soul”; this means that it immediately reflects our emotions, our fears, and our deepest emotive shades. “Look me in the eyes!”, it is said when we do not want to lose any of the messages a person’s gaze sends us.

A look is worth thousands of words and actually, we our eyes we do not just look at something, but we communicate to everybody our state of mind and we reveal our character.

So, at this moment, the direction of our gaze, its intensity, its movements, and many other features become significantly important, and they collaborate to project ourselves in the outside world.

To his day, after more than 30 years, this woman now in her 40’s still claims “that the doll WAS alive and wanted to kill her.”

Shortly after this occurrence, the family got rid of it for good and brought it to the Key West Florida Martello Museum. Now, Robert is displayed in a glass case for all visitors to see his scary face.

Haunted Dolls

Although people are scared of many different things, most would agree that a haunted doll is, at the very least, a bit disturbing if not outright terrifying. So why exactly are some dolls haunted? What characteristics does a haunted doll typically have? How do haunted dolls affect people’s lives?

There are several different reasons why a doll can be haunted. The most common reason is that a child or otherwise deceased person’s spirit has become attached to the doll. Whether the doll was a beloved childhood toy or a precious gift, sometimes spirits do not like to let go of their prized possession, and instead possess the doll themselves.

Other times the energy of spirits can become attached to the doll, and although the person themselves is not necessarily possessing the doll knowingly, the energy that they left behind can still cause strange things to happen. Thirdly, sometimes people who have accidentally summoned a demon or spirit from the other side, via an Ouija board or other mystical ritual, find that they need a way to subdue it. Since sending a demon or spirit back to the other side is often difficult, some people choose instead to trap the spirit inside of an object, such as a doll. Although this will stop the malevolent being from traveling around, it still maintains all of its powers.

Finally, some spirits become trapped in a doll accidentally. During the Victorian ages, it was common for a grieving mother to take a lock from her deceased child’s hair and weave it into that of a beloved doll. Despite the sweet notion, this caused many spirits to become “stuck” inside of the doll.

So what exactly separates a haunted doll from a normal doll? The answer to this is pretty obvious. Haunted dolls have been known to do everything from walking around on their own, changing positions without anyone touching them, following a person with their eyes as they move about a room, laughing on their own, and talking. Several owners of haunted dolls have reported hearing footsteps emanating from the doll’s room when no one else was around, or seeing the doll peering at them from out a window when driving by.

Salem Is Allegedly One Of Massachusetts’ Most Haunted Small Towns

Most of us have heard about the Salem witch trials by now, but that is only the tip of the iceberg for this small and spooky Massachusetts town. Salem is allegedly home to numerous accounts of paranormal activity, and many say that you can’t go anywhere without feeling an eerie presence. This small coastal town is home to dozens of sites that have spotted supernatural activity, making it one of the most haunted towns in all of Massachusetts. From Burial Point to the Witch House, Salem is as creepy as it gets. Many houses in Salem are reported to be haunted.


Salem, Massachusetts was a very different place back in 1692. It was a dominant shipping port on the East Coast and home to a large Puritan community. A stark contrast to the bustling tourist destination Salem has become today, yet one thing that remains consistent is the town’s fascination with witchcraft.

Salem is indeed best known for the hysteria that dominated it in 1692, resulting in the Witch Trials that were to cause the deaths of many. The fear that Salem succumbed to was initially created by two young girls aged 9 and 11, the daughter and niece of the Reverend Samuel Parris. They had accused the family’s slave (Tituba) of witchcraft, after acting peculiarly and claiming they were under the spell of a witch.

This was the event that triggered the onset of many being accused of witchcraft. Tituba was one of the survivors, pleading guilty to the charges. Those who were to confess their innocence were not as lucky. The trials ran for a relatively short period, claiming the lives of 19 who were hanged for confessing their innocence. Excluding one man who was ‘pressed’ to death via a medieval torture technique of stacking heavy rocks atop the chest in an attempt to coax a confession out of him. Then there were countless more who were condemned to rot the rest of their lives away in a jail cell.

Although this horrific moment in history is Salem’s claim to fame and the main driver of the town’s tourism, there is only one remaining structure surviving that is linked to the Witch Trials. That structure is known as the Witch House.

Salem’s Witch House was never actually home to anyone accused of witchcraft. Its link to the trials comes from its former owner, Jonathan Corwin. Corwin was a judge who presided over many of Salem’s Witch Trials, which were directly responsible for sending 19 people to the gallows to face their deaths.

The house, rumored to be built in 1642, was the Corwin family home for many years through to the mid-1800s. Although not related to the actual Witch Trials, the home did see dramatic levels of death come through its doors. Many of those deaths were from members of the Corwin family.

Corwin moved to the Witch House with his wife Elizabeth, who already had four children with another man from her previous marriage. One of those children had already died and her 12-year-old daughter passed away shortly after moving into the residence.

Elizabeth would go on to bear more children, this time to Corwin. Many of these also met tragic ends, with 8 of the 10 children dying young before adulthood. The Corwin remained in the house, both dying in the late 1710s around the same time their remaining adult children passed.

Because of the many deaths associated with it, the Witch House is today thought to be one of the most haunted places in Salem. It has attracted many paranormal investigators over the years, including the famed television show Ghost Adventures. The spirits of deceased children are thought to exist within the property and have made themselves known to the living by touching them and projecting their voices. Sudden temperature drops and cold drafts gushing within rooms have also been experienced within the Witch House.

Salem’s famed Witch House today functions as a museum and is open to the public seasonally. It pays to check ahead of time whether it will be open during the time of your visit.

The museum details the involvement of the home in the Witch Trials, the lives of the Corwin family, and what life in Salem during the 1600s would have been like. The house has been restored to what it would have looked like during the time of the Witch Trials.

Salem is lucky to still have this time capsule of history, which was nearly destroyed along with many of the other properties linked to the Witch Trials. Locals lobbied to have the home saved, raising enough funds to move the house 30 feet and out of the path of construction. Do not miss out on the opportunity to experience this piece of old Salem history, whether you are a paranormal buff or just visiting Salem for the fun of Halloween.



The reputably haunted correctional facility played host to an estimated 50 hangings and enjoys a long and dark history. The Old Salem Jail was built in 1813, located next to the Howard Street Cemetery, where accused witch Giles Corey was crushed to death. Among the many inmates to be incarcerated in the prison, Albert DeSalvo, more commonly known as the Boston Strangler, was famously confined here. By 1984 conditions in the prison had deteriorated to such a level that a federal judge ordered the jail’s closure, which eventually took place in 1991, until then, it had been the oldest operating prison in America. And there it sat abandoned, crumbling into ruin and collecting ghost stories as the years passed.

Visitors to the Old Salem Jail reported sightings of dark apparitions wandering the empty corridors and rooms of the prison. Mysterious lights were sometimes spotted shinning from within, and unearthly screams were heard echoing from the thick granite walls. Today, after an extensive renovation the structure has been turned into luxury apartments and the spirits of Old Salem Jail appear to be at rest, for the time being, that is.

Howard Street Cemetery and Salem Jail
Salem, Massachusetts

Salem has a long history of darkness. Since it was among the earliest communities of European settlers in the United States, the ethics and morals of its leaders were not always terribly democratic.

Quakers were beaten in the streets of Salem and good people were hung as “witches” after being wrongly accused by young children in the Salem Witch Trials. Salem was a petri dish in which new American’s learned some important “life lessons” that helped shape many of our countries beliefs about right and wrong. Little things like one’s right to defend oneself in a court of law that is separate and distinct from the church and freedom of religion became more salient as important pieces to the American Dream following the drama of the Salem Witch Trials.

The Salem Jail was built in 1813. It has been abandoned since 1991 and is currently slated to be restored into townhouses or condos.
The Salem Jail and Howard Street Cemetery is considered to be one of the most haunted places in Salem, Massachusetts. There are 100 prison cells and prisoners were executed here. Indeed, the famous execution of Giles Corey took place here.

Giles Corey and his wife Martha were accused of witchcraft. The laws in Salem at that time were pretty twisted at the time. People accused of witchcraft were pretty much screwed no matter what their plea. But if they didn’t enter a plea of guilty or not guilty, they would, at least be able to pass along an inheritance to their children. A plea meant that the city could take away a person’s belongings and distribute them among the city’s leaders. In this case, Sheriff George Corwin was the main benefactor when it was time to go gather up the belongings of community members accused of witchcraft.

Giles Corey was laid on a pile of rocks in the field that has become known as Howard Cemetery. Two boards were placed on top of him and then, large, heavy stones were placed on the boards one by one. Giles was slowly crushed to death by Sheriff George Corwin who was ultimately in charge of the execution.

Giles Corey, according to local lore, kept uttering, “more weight”. But in his dying breath he is recorded to have said, “Damn you Sheriff. I curse you and Salem!”

Local Salem historian and former High Sheriff of Essex County Robert Ellis Cahill discovered some time ago that the curse of Giles Corey may have some authenticity in events of late. Cahill has noted that each and every Sheriff down from George Corwin to himself, each headquartered at the Salem Jail overlooking the place where Corey was killed, has died while in office or has been forced out of his post as the result of a heart or blood ailment. George Corwin himself died in 1696, 4 years after Corey’s execution, of a heart attack. Cahill recently suffered a heart attack himself but thankfully was only forced into an early retirement whereupon he started looking more closely at the strange stories about Salem’s past.

Samuel Pickman House
Salem, Massachusetts

Samuel Pickman House is on the corner of Charter and Liberty Street, directly next to the Witch Memorial and the Old Burying Point Cemetery. The Pickman House was built in 1664 and is one of Salem’s earliest original structures. Owned by the Peabody Essex Museum, it too contains a dark, fatal history according to legend. One story tells of a husband and wife who lived in this house with their 7 year old daughter. The demons were believed to have caused the husband to go insane, chaining his daughter up in the attic, torturing and starving the child. He then tied his wife to a tree outside and killed her by pouring boiling hot wax over her body, leaving her to die a slow painful death. He then fled.
People take photos of the house claiming it is still inhibited by a demonic force and the ghost of the young girl who is sometimes seen looking out the attic window. Paranormal anomalies are the result of photographs showing what looks to be the girl looking out the window while people look in. Orbs and other odd lights are captured on film.

Rotherwood Mansion

Kingsport, Tennessee

The Rotherwood Mansion was built by the Reverend Frederick A. Ross in 1818 and is rumored to be the home of a ghostly Lady in White. Legend says that the lady is Ross’s daughter, Rowena, who was said to be looking for her love who drowned in the Holston River nearby. After several more tragedies, Rowena went to the same river where she drowned herself. Ever since, her spirit has lingered at the mansion.

The funeral of the most hated man in Kingsport, as the pastor began to give Phipps his final words, the river below the gathering began to bubble and churn, as if it were boiling, the currents moving so fast the water itself was muddy. The coffin was vibrating, as though something inside wanted out badly. They heard the scrabbling of what sounded like claws against wood and with a roar, a gigantic black dog blasted out of the casket, bolting out from under the black cloth as the attendants screamed in terror. The dog snarled at them with its gleaming eyes before bolting off across the grounds and vanishing into the woods.

Some say the angry ghost of Joshua Phipps can be seen or heard roaming the halls of Rotherwood and others report hearing a phantom dog barking. Phipps was known in life to be a cruel man and his evil laugh has been heard throughout the mansion. His evil did not stop at the slaves and his treatment of them. Phipps was just as cruel with his own family and had a strange request about his death. He wanted to be buried standing up on the top of the hill at Rotherwood, so he could always be looking down into the bottoms and see the slaves working.

The remaining family began to whisper of things moving in the shadows of the house, of hearing animal feet running through the hallways and most horrifying of all, that the laughter and sound of Joshua Phipps stalking his way around the home as he would appear at night at the foot of the bed and yank the bed clothes off, keeping anyone from sleeping.  The slaves claimed that the ghost of Joshua Phipps had risen from the grave along with a giant black dog to torment them every night. Fed up with such reports, the family to calm their own fears agreed that Phipps’s grave would be dug up to prove once and for all that the man was truly dead. Opening the grave turned out to offer more mysteries and terror than anyone imagined. The coffin was still there and once opened, it was empty.

Not longer after, violence struck Rotherwood again as the slaves were unable to bear the torment from their unseen attackers, they revolted, destroying Phipps’s headstone, desecrating his grave and finally and killing their last torturer, Phipps’s equally cruel mistress, the mulatto woman. They beat her to death and what happened to her body is unknown.

Hell Hounds and the apparitions of not only Joshua Phipps, but also that of Rowena Ross, Pricilla and the spirits of slaves murdered on the grounds are said to wander the property. 

It is also reported that you can hear the moaning, the wailing, the crying of slaves who were tortured or killed on the plantation grounds.

Pomeraning House Haunting

The story of the Pomeraning house in the small farming town of Saginaw County, Michigan, is not well known, but it definitely should be. Reports of haunting in this home have been reported since the late 1970s but rarely has it been examined as Steve Shippy’s Travel Channel show ‘Haunting in the Heartland’ does. The show features a farmhouse on Dice Road about four miles north of Merrill.

The distraught homeowners sought help after their granddaughter Aidabelle is driven out by some seriously eerie incidents where the spirits seem to be targeting her. Unexplained scratches, black smoke, mysterious footprints and a presence just not allowing her to live inside the home, this haunting is right out of James Wan’s ‘The Conjuring’, just the first one though.

Currently, the home is occupied by the Midcalf family and their granddaughter. All of them have described strange occurrences in the house from feeling locked out of a room due to an unseen force or seeing black smoke come out of nowhere, making it impossible to see. One such occurrence is said to have happened to Josh, the son of Celeste and Mike Midcalf. One night when he was in the kitchen, he was forced to sleep on the counter after a presence refused to let him pass and go up to his room. He had seen black smoke fill the room and he was unable to scream for help.

Records and media reports from earlier have shown similar things happening in the house wherein a boy almost died of suffocation. There have also been incidents of constant unexplained pounding sounds near the home that left the local and state police absolutely baffled. There have also been reports of a toilet paper roll catching fire with no accelerants around and burnt in such a way that it was humanly impossible for it to get the amount of oxygen it did – enough to fill the room with smoke. Police from different agencies and university researchers even stayed overnight in the house, and deputies staked it out on several occasions. Priests, a K-9 unit and a paranormal expert from Sweden were also called in for the investigation. However, none could explain the mysterious occurrences.

The history of the home dates back to 1845 to the town of Iva, where the structure used to be the only general store within a good few miles. Located at Iva and Dice roads, it was a hub for the community that was yet to be incorporated in the nearby areas, where people were buying land and clearing the area for farming. The tiny town was hit with the smallpox plague and instead of getting help, they were forcefully shut inside their home and the town set on fire. Men, women, and children affected could have been burned alive or left to die miserable, terrifying deaths.

Shippy, whose rapper stage name is “Prozak,” told the Detroit Free Press: “I don’t know that I’ve ever seen any case that could remotely come close to the police reports, to the documentation, to the eyewitnesses of what happened in Merrill, and to me, it’s definitely one of the most shocking cases in paranormal history.”

Beyond the Gravestones Digital Issue 8

Beyond the Gravestones Digital Issue 8 is now available staring Rocky Ravic

Phone Calls From the Dead

On 9/20/1988 bestselling writer, Dean Koontz received a strange call at his unlisted number. The woman’s voice sounded distant and it faded further each time she repeated her urgent message: “Please, be careful!” After he hung up, Koontz was left with the impression he’d spoken to his deceased mother. Two days later the author was attacked by his father, Ray while visiting him in a care facility. Ray had secretly purchased himself a fishing knife which he used to slash at his son but the writer managed to get it away from him. When the police arrived, they pulled their weapons on Koontz who was now holding the weapon, thinking he was the culprit. Recalling the phone warning, Koontz realized THIS was the scenario for which he received the call.

The Sensabaugh Tunnel

Built in the 1920’s, The Sensabaugh Tunnel now stands in a state of disrepair. It is covered in graffiti and the road through it is only used by locals, and even then they prefer to take a different route than pass through the tunnel.

The Sensabaugh Tunnel is notorious because of a murder that occurred in it many years ago. There are several versions of the story but all of them involve a baby. The most widely shared story is that of a hobo who wandered onto the grounds of the Sensabaugh family. They took him in, but he was eventually caught stealing from the family. When he found out about the thievery Mr Sensabaugh went for his rifle but the hobo lifted the family’s baby and used it as a human shield. The homeless man escaped with the baby and once he was a safe enough distance away from the house he drowned the baby in the creek that runs through the tunnel. In another story Mr Sensabaugh went mad and murdered his entire family, including a baby, and dumped their bodies in the creek. Another story tells of a young pregnant woman who was kidnapped and murdered inside the tunnel.

There have been dozens of reports of strange happenings inside the Sensabaugh Tunnel. It is believed that the baby who was murdered still haunts the tunnel. Its cries are said to be heard if you drive inside the tunnel and stop the car when you are halfway through. That can cause a problem though, as it believed that car ignitions will not start once they have been turned off inside the tunnel. As well as baby cries the sounds of a woman screaming have been heard along with heavy footfalls rattling around the tunnel. Mister Sensabaugh is said to appear in the rear-view mirrors of cars when they stop inside the tunnel.


I took this picture from my grandfather’s old house after he past away. The house always gave me a creepy feeling so I asked a friend to come with me to take some pictures. We got a lot of odd pictures and pictures that had, what appeared to us, faces in them. There was no electricity in the house so I had brought an oil lantern along with us. We made it upstairs and I had suggested going into the attic room. As soon as I said that, the fire from the lantern went out… which no windows were open so there was no breeze and neither of us simply blew it out. I snapped a picture as soon as I could and this is what showed up in the picture. This face appeared in the hole in the wall. We immediately left after that! Please note: I lightened the area around the hole for better charity but as you can see, there is no denying the presence of an entity in that old house.

Submitted by: Samantha
