


Noragami Chapter 97.2:A Story of Conforming to Temporary Stereotypes.


Dude, Adachitoka does virtually everything on purpose! I promise you 95% of every joke you have laughed at in the series, is foreshadowing for a future reveal of devastation.

Noragami IS a comedy, it’s just a black comedy with a twist.


Another fake Noragami screencap! Haha guys it’s been 4 years since this and we still don’t have another scene with them together :))

If you haven’t, check out @herstrayskies’ coloring from the same chapter!


My entry for the “redraw Noragami manga panels as fake anime screencaps” trend ✨

(Plus the original version before I collapsed my layers)


And With That, He…

Noragami Chapter 75


I’m sorry… Haruki

(fake season uuuh 4/5)


I heard you like manga colorings? Here are just a couple of guys being dudes, just some frenemies fighting in the woods as you do


Current thoughts onHaruki’s father

This started out as a joke. You know, “Oh? Yukine’s dad as a shinki? Let me go through ALL OF THE SHINKI for a mole. No mole? Well Kuraha has a beard.”

It was all fun and games. Until I realized Kuraha’s eyes are gold on the front cover of volume 2. Kuraha has green eyes in the anime. So I started looking at Adachitoka illustrations for more of Kuraha with his eyes colored and instead learned that they color Yukine’s eyes green… often.

Onto the visuals.

WhereAdachitoka uses parallels to parallel, parallels.

Yukine gets cat eyes in the chapter Kuraha first appears and attacks Yato. Kuraha’s eyes are clearly visible. He was coherent when he attacked.

Hiyori bites Yato exactly where Kuraha did. Hiyori, who has been associated with how Haruki saw Yuka. Her eye line is covered. She was not coherent.

Hagusa goes in to bite Yato but is instead blocked by Rekki, so we see those fangs. Annnnd Hagusa’s eye line is covered. He was also not all there at the time of attack. Connecting all three pages.

I always thought Hagusa’s lip design when he attacks Yato was a strange choice. Until I realized it resembles the dark lips of Kuraha’s lion form.

Then there is his fluffy… which could easily be a mane.

Bonus: classic comic foreshadowing

It’s crazy to think how far this theory has come since this post…. Like.. HO-LEE.

Chapter 91:)

Yukine and Family vs Haruki and “Family”

Omake: classic comic foreshadowing

1:) Kuraha’s furballs look like Sudama

2:) Not only does Kuraha not drink alcohol through the manga, but Adachitoka dedicated an omake to making a joke about how they give him CATNIP instead of alcohol. And the omake’s title makes a pass at alcoholism.

3:) Karuha and Kazuha may be supposed to represent Yuka and Haruki while also establishing to the audience that just being in the presence of someone from your past life is not enough to set off GGS. They are often shown around Kuraha, but in this case included in the omake about how Bisha has a cage set up in case Kuraha’s “instincts” take over. Remember kids, lions are also known for being ferocious.

4:) The cage gets brought up again while also resembling the door to the Tajima house hold thay Yukine could not bring himself to open.

And that still barely scratches the surface. ❄️

Kuraha was also introduced in chapter 6, the same chapter in while Yato explains to the audience that gods learn of the nature of humans through their shinki and their sins. We met him before we met KAZUMA.

P.S. I drew the beard on Tajima to see what he may look like with a beard similar to Kuraha’s.


Daikoku’s shirt makes me lol

If Daikoku could do it… Yuki can too… right?

Though this was probably foreshadowing the hospital arc.


Fake Noragami anime screencap time!

story-kat: Art by  さくらもち Posted with Permission (reprint/edit and/or commercial use prohibited)


Art by  さくらもち

Posted with Permission (reprint/edit and/or commercial use prohibited)

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2. More saturated version ‘cuz she deserves it


Noragami Chapter 67 - Mine

noisylovepatrol:Toshihiro Kawamoto Art Works - The Relucent 2006-2020 Art Book


Toshihiro Kawamoto Art Works - The Relucent 2006-2020 Art Book

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noisylovepatrol:Toshihiro Kawamoto Art Works - The Relucent 2006-2020 Art Book


Toshihiro Kawamoto Art Works - The Relucent 2006-2020 Art Book

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Mostly Ghostly. My 5 favorite spirits vs one cowardly Ghost Hunter.(really check out Mitama Secruity

Mostly Ghostly. 

My 5 favorite spirits vs one cowardly Ghost Hunter.

(really check out Mitama Secruity its )

Post link


Chapter 100 releases today! It’s been a journey, to put it mildly, but I don’t really know how to put my feelings into words. So, take another fake screencap instead!




I miss him


I’m ignoring the angsty chapter to say happy 100 chapters of Noragami
