#one piece

commission for  @byesexuality ! Thank you! 

commission for  @byesexuality ! Thank you! 

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 Commission for @eustasssimp !  ⊂( ´ ▽ ` )⊃

Commission for @eustasssimp ! 
⊂( ´ ▽ ` )⊃

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Commission for @tuesdayinthedas

commission for  @cheswirls ! Thank you! <3

commission for  @cheswirls ! Thank you! <3

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Commission for  @ genericorange on twitter! Thank you! <3 

Commission for  @ genericorange on twitter! Thank you! <3 

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 ( 。 •́ о •̀。 ) 

( 。 •́ о •̀。 ) 

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What’s this? Two posts in one day?

So a bunch of you are probably following me because of thislovely little post, which is subsequently my first work to reach 100 notes. I wanted to celebrate by writing a sort of follow up to it and this was the result.

We need more Katakuri breeding kink in the world, just saying

Tags:@starrybrujita​ (come get yo man!)

Word count: 2k+ (still incapable of writing smut in under 1.5k)

Warnings: Unprotected sex, creampie, discussions of pregnancy, tentatively touched lactating kink, impregnation kink

Reader is just a little shorter than Katakuri


“Today isn’t a safe day.”

Katakuri has a literal knee-jerk reaction to what you were about to whisper into his ear, slamming his knee up against the underside of the table top so hard you were afraid it would crack. A few of his siblings look at him but by the time they do, he had already composed himself enough to raise an eyebrow at them, as if to question why they were looking at him with such alarmed expressions.

To your credit you had wanted to tell your husband the news earlier this morning, but with it being the day of one of Big Mama’s grand tea parties he had already left your temporary accommodations in the castle before you woke up. So, finally, once everything had settled down into a more manageable state (as manageable as one of Mama’s tea parties could be) you dropped the proverbial bomb, having promised him you’d tell him on the day as he wanted to mentally prepare himself.

Ever since discovering his incessant, primal need to bend you over the closest surface and fuck you full till you couldn’t walk, there had been a lingering question in your mind. Was it just a kink or did he actually want children?

When you finally mustered up the courage to ask him the answer was a rather enthusiastic ‘yes!’.

Honestly, the lack of any pause for consideration between your question and his reply was quite adorable.

So you’d gone off your medicine, asked the doctor a million questions and tracked your cycle in a notebook you kept in your bedside table.

Though now that you thought about it you should’ve waited till he left the table…

Then again, you were just as excited as he was.

He glances down at you, the top of your head only just coming up to his shoulder, which in itself was an impressive enough feat. You give him a sheepish smile and he raises his brow in question, you nod. He glanced between your face and where your hands rested on your lap a few times before shifting in his seat and staring straight ahead. Though his gaze seems ten times more intense than it was before you spoke up.

Heat rises in your cheek as you pick up a cupcake and pull the paper off the base, the anticipation near palpable between the two of you for the rest of the day.

Keep reading

radiolobee: So I heard it was Husband Appreciation Day today (April 16th) and I wanted to doodle a s


So I heard it was Husband Appreciation Day today (April 16th) and I wanted to doodle a smol something before the day ended.

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Be right back, I am sobbing from the blessing that Kero (@kerokerogecko) has bestowed upon me

asdfghjkl *dies from cuteness* KERO YOU DON’T KNOW HOW HARD I SMILED WHEN I SAW THE FINISHED PRODUCT ❤️ aaaaa my heart! what a precious and adorable cutie pie he is I really love the lighting you used on his skin, it makes him glow like the shining star he is ✨ He looks so wonderful in your style too And his blush!!! The blush!!! That sweet tint of redness on his cheeks!!! *swoons* Love me a blushy big guy ❤️ now I shall use this as fuel to write the little self-indulgent scenario of Star teaching Katakuri how to blow a kiss hehe Thank you once again for taking my commission, I’m always happy to support a wonderful friend! I am going to go give you a big hug now hehe❤️❤️❤️
Kero still has her commissions open so please do check them out! She does some pretty wonderful work and draws Killer really well (Killer fans, simps, and appreciators, you will love her content ) so do consider it or check out her amazing content on her blog (again, her username is @kerokerogecko)! The link to her commissions is right here. ^^

beeyonkuh: Rewatching One Piece and it’s hitting me in the pre-timeskip feels


Rewatching One Piece and it’s hitting me in the pre-timeskip feels

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Sleepy Time

Star and Katakuri are cooped up inside after a rough day of work, getting their sleepy cuddle fix

tbh I completely forgot to post this old experimental piece and though it’s not my favorite, I think it’s still something I made so hey progress lmao

