#ousama ranking

10/3/2022, Log of Darknebula85, 3:09 PMOusama ranking chapter 21…what a good chapter… 10/3/2022, Log of Darknebula85, 3:09 PMOusama ranking chapter 21…what a good chapter… 10/3/2022, Log of Darknebula85, 3:09 PMOusama ranking chapter 21…what a good chapter… 10/3/2022, Log of Darknebula85, 3:09 PMOusama ranking chapter 21…what a good chapter… 10/3/2022, Log of Darknebula85, 3:09 PMOusama ranking chapter 21…what a good chapter… 10/3/2022, Log of Darknebula85, 3:09 PMOusama ranking chapter 21…what a good chapter… 10/3/2022, Log of Darknebula85, 3:09 PMOusama ranking chapter 21…what a good chapter… 10/3/2022, Log of Darknebula85, 3:09 PMOusama ranking chapter 21…what a good chapter… 10/3/2022, Log of Darknebula85, 3:09 PMOusama ranking chapter 21…what a good chapter… 10/3/2022, Log of Darknebula85, 3:09 PMOusama ranking chapter 21…what a good chapter…

10/3/2022, Log of Darknebula85, 3:09 PM

Ousama ranking chapter 21…

what a good chapter… I don’t have much more to say hahaha, Ousama ranking continues to improve itself every week. That animation was crazy. You know lately I’ve had a lot of visual orgasms, Uzui vs Gyutaro, Bojji vs Bosse, and in a few weeks Luffy vs Kaido… I won’t be able to survive XD


Post link

i’m rooting for you, bojji

i love him already, he’s so precious

Bebin:Thank you for your help, old friend.

Mitsumata, the three-headed snake: Forget it, it doesn´t cover all i owe you.

Bebin: By the way… how did you bandaged me?

Mitsumata: …. it was challenging, not gonna lie…

Let´s not forget some of the most “heroic” deeds of King Boss, shall we?

(Honestly i´m seeing some pattern on this series refering to non-human species that i find… suspicious…

That poor goblin was buying bread for God Sake…)

* The Knights of the Underworld are the strongest Order in the wold, never ceasing to pursue anyone who escapes the Underworld *

Me: Oh, cool.

Goblin:*escapes Underground*

*Buys bread. Befriends Locals*

*Is mauled by the I.C.E. Knights*


Bojji: * cries *

Kage: Aww c´mon Bojji don´t cry, this is a reunion between men!

Both:* cries harder*

Ok, Queen is cool, she can stay.

Me: Hmmm, people says this Ousama Ranking is good. Animation seen funny, let´s see.

Me, two episodes later: If anything happens to Bojji and/or Kage I will kill everyone on that kingdom and then myself.

Daida: Mother, this is Miranjo, my future wife

Hilling: … do you still have Bosse´s strenght?

Daida:Uh… no? just regular me?

Hilling:Good*smacks him*

Daida: M-mother, you don´t understand, she helped me grow up so i just though she could keep doing that!

Hilling: *smacks harder *

Desha get away from that Vault or God help me -

Me: Hmmm, this Demon is clearly the mastermind behind all this.

Demon: “This is the second time you betray me, Miranjo”

Me: Goddamit Miranjo WTF.

At this point the truth is in front of all our eyes

Me, knowing full well i´m gonna understand (if not forgive) Miranjo the moment i see her backstory:

Regular Fantasy Setting: Prince/ss meets Outsider and with their help discovers what lies beyond their castle walls and the “truth” of the world.

Ousama Ranking: Kage meets Bojji. In the span of a few weeks he faces Giants, Three-Headed Titanic Snakes, political assasinations, Internecine wars and his own fucking feelings.



A desperate cleric slamming every healing spell so hard to bring someone back to life the ground is forced to grow plants and flowers around the body.

Decades later, guarded by a forest of roses and thorns, lies a corpse refusing to rot.

I´m just leaving this here…
