

End of week unwind doodle

@kueble ’s been sending me outfits again (o゜▽゜)o☆

Sometimes self care is just sketching some Eskel tiddies


This years theme for my Birthday party was “CHOOSE YOUR CHARACTER″. Dresscode : Resident Evil, A-Tea

This years theme for my Birthday party was “CHOOSE YOUR CHARACTER″. 

Dresscode : Resident Evil, A-Team, Mortal Kombat, The walking dead -ish.

( all things Bad ass and sexy really…)

We hopped into a Black Stretch Hummer and took part in a survival game ( we had to escape from a bunker in 66 minutes. ) 

( from left to right : )

The Pilot

The Urban Ninja

the Hacker

The Hunky Brawler

The Femme Fatale

The Hooligan

The 90′s School Girl

The Army Drop out

what do you guys think?

Post link







the wedding I made this for may or may not be happening (the groom and the bride’s mother both have COVID) but I’m sure I’ll find other excuses to wear this ridiculous garment

outfits to wear to Feyd-Rautha’s birthday party

Holy shit, do you have a pattern of this beauty? I need to make one.

It’s literally just two rectangles!

I was so inspired by this I decided to make my own! It was my first time using a sewing machine and I learned a lot

YESSS you look like a lounge wizard
