

Doctor Who: The Doctor Dances / Eve of the Daleks | “Resonating Concrete” Foreshadowing

“She likes you.”
“I like her too.”
“No, I mean, she likes you.”
“I have no idea what you’re saying Dan.”
“I think you do. But for some reason, you pretend to me and to her you don’t.”

(Can’t make gifs rn as I’m with family, so take this I guess?)


why do i feel like my music taste clashes so hard with my taste in books

like cmon

wdym heartstopper and black veil brides, get scared, bring me the horizon, pierce the veil, omnium gatherum, disturbed, ghost, avenged sevenfold, etc. don’t mix well??? i see no difference

(this is an obvious joke please do not mistake my pink layout for my actual style, im a mere ginger that likes to dress like a black mess of ripped clothes and chains)

reblogging this shit show to add sum tags
