


my beautiful boy


No thoughts only Piranesi


Piranesi bitches rise


Tides are coming to the lower Halls. I’ve read ‘Piranesi’ and I don’t want to leave.


“In both novels I’ve written there’s been one character who has turned up and said to me, ‘It’s OK. Relax. I’ve got this.’ In Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrell it was Childermass. Whenever he appeared in a scene I felt like he pulled up a chair for me to sit down, made me a cup of tea, and told me he would handle everything. And then he pretty much wrote the scene for me. I loved Childermass. (I still do.) In Piranesi there was a character a little bit like that, but he was a very different person from Childermass and I didn’t exactly love him. It was the Prophet. When the Prophet appeared he waved me airily aside and then just wrote his own dialogue. I had to type really fast to keep up. And when he had finished, he looked round and smiled, like he was saying, ‘That’s the way it’s done.’ And then he strutted off.”

Susanna Clarke, 2020 interview with Hindustan Times



No thoughts only Piranesi

 Plan of the Mausoleum of Caecilia Metella, Via Appia, Rome, Italy Artist: Giovanni Battista Piranes

Plan of the Mausoleum of Caecilia Metella, Via Appia,Rome, Italy
Artist: Giovanni Battista Piranesi from Le Antichità Roman - published 1756–57

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The so-called Grotto of Egeria Veduta della fonte e delle spelonche d'Egeria fuor della Porta Capena

The so-called Grotto of Egeria

Veduta della fonte e delle spelonche d'Egeria fuor della Porta Capena

1766, Giovanni Battista Piranesi 

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giovanni-battista-piranesi: In the House of Pompeii, once downstairs half-barrel, the ch`ha impostat


In the House of Pompeii, once downstairs half-barrel, the ch`ha impostatura for the two longer sides,Giovanni Battista Piranesi

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Demonstration of the `apparatus of a mobile stage for the representation of tragic, comic and satiri

Demonstration of the `apparatus of a mobile stage for the representation of tragic, comic and satirical perspective and pulpit,Giovanni Battista Piranesi

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The Roman antiquities, t. 1, Plate XXXV, 1756, Giovanni Battista PiranesiMedium: etching

The Roman antiquities, t. 1, Plate XXXV, 1756,Giovanni Battista Piranesi

Medium: etching
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The Roman antiquities, t. 3, Plate XLVI. Inner wall of the Pyramid of Caius Cestius`s Room., Giovann

The Roman antiquities, t. 3, Plate XLVI. Inner wall of the Pyramid of Caius Cestius`s Room.,Giovanni Battista Piranesi

Medium: etching
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Fragment of a shield fell from above Trophies, Giovanni Battista Piranesi

Fragment of a shield fell from above Trophies,Giovanni Battista Piranesi

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Transverse and longitudinal sections of the Temple of Isis and adjacent parts, Giovanni Battista Pir

Transverse and longitudinal sections of the Temple of Isis and adjacent parts,Giovanni Battista Piranesi

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In the House of Pompeii, the lower floor, wall of a room, Giovanni Battista Piranesi

In the House of Pompeii, the lower floor, wall of a room,Giovanni Battista Piranesi

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The Roman antiquities, t. 4, Plate XLIII. Vista of some of the great parts of the Portico d`Ottavia.

The Roman antiquities, t. 4, Plate XLIII. Vista of some of the great parts of the Portico d`Ottavia.,Giovanni Battista Piranesi

Medium: etching
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The Roman antiquities, t. 2, Plate XLI. External view of the three rooms before burial., 1756, Giova

The Roman antiquities, t. 2, Plate XLI. External view of the three rooms before burial., 1756,Giovanni Battista Piranesi

Medium: etching
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Plan and elevation of the monument of the Waters and Julia Marcia Tepula Porta St. Lorenzo, Giovanni

Plan and elevation of the monument of the Waters and Julia Marcia Tepula Porta St. Lorenzo,Giovanni Battista Piranesi

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View of the Piazza Navona on the ruins of the Circus Agonale, Giovanni Battista Piranesi

View of the Piazza Navona on the ruins of the Circus Agonale,Giovanni Battista Piranesi

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Books Read in 2022:Piranesi by Susanna Clarke

“I realised that the search for the Knowledge has encouraged us to think of the House as if it were a sort of riddle to be unravelled, a text to be interpreted, and that if ever we discover the Knowledge, then it will be as if the Value has been wrested from the House and all that remains will be mere scenery.”
