


studyblrs irl:



What are your plans for this summer?

My plans for this summer are to work on my mental health and prepare for the years ahead of me as my schooling will come to an end and I’ll have to enter the realworld.

Have your plans changed at all because of the pandemic?

My plans have definitely changed. I was originally planning on applying for a summer study abroad this summer, but that got pushed back to next year due to non-pandemic related things. I was then planning on applying for internship positions which was then disrupted by the pandemic.

Do you have a specific goal for this summer? 

My original goal for this summer was to practice my filming and editing skills, which I guess I’ve done a bit of that, but I haven’t done as much as I would’ve liked. My goal now, before my classes start, is to read something from my TBR pile.

Do you have a lot of work to do for school or university or your job this summer?

I don’t have a lot of work for school, but I am working two jobs which take up a lot of my time. I don’t have a lot of work for those jobs outside of the hours I work in.

What is the most important task that you need to complete this summer?

My most important task this summer is to create the perfect study space. During online classes last semester I had a hard time focusing due to the lack of divided space. My desk is in my bedroom and I couldn’t mentally divide up the physical space so I realized I needed to create an actual, physical, separate study space for the future.

What do you usually do during the summer?

Usually during the summer I work and watch tv. I sometimes hang out with my friends, which I can no longer do outside of the moments I see them while I’m at work. I tend to play video games and watch a lot of Korean dramas.

What did you do during the summer when you were a young child?

As a young child I remember doing more outside activities. I would go to pool with my sister. My family used to always go to the amusement park that’s close by at least once a summer. After middle school I found myself staying inside most of the summer.


I had a lot happen to me this week. I had good news and bad news. Good news is, I was able to buy myself a Nintendo Switch! They finally came back in stock and I had enough saved up and I bought myself a switch along with the games I wanted. I’ve been playing nonstop for the last three days. The bad news is, my school announced a new plan for opening campus which includes me not being able to move back to campus like originally planned. I was pretty proud of myself for the way I reacted to this news, I expected to start crying immediately but I didn’t. It took awhile and it was only a few tears. While I’m sad that I won’t be living with my friends and that I won’t be able to do my first club activities on campus, I’m alright with the decision and I completely understand it’s necessity.
That said, all of my stuff is in storage hundreds of miles away from where I’ll be living while doing my online semester, so I don’t have all of the study supplies I would like. I had started a kpop journal which is in storage along with all of my bullet journal/kpop journal decorations. If anyone has any recommendations for good notebooks for kpop journals or washi tapes, please let me know! I plan on trying to buy something so I can keep up the journal.
Currently listening to: All of Boyfriend’s discography because my OG’s are the only ones who can bring back my happiness in these sad times
Currently watching: It’s Okay to Not Be Okay, Itaewon Class, To All the Guys Who Loved Me, Was it Love?, New Girl, and desperately waiting for The Umbrella Academy season 2