

reminder that your favorite celebrity probably masturbates


Dangerous Things I Did To Daydream (and how to protect yourself)

Please note that these things should all be accompanied by attempts to reduce daydreaming to a healthy level, but of course that takes a lot of time and difficulty. In the mean time, these are some ways to protect yourself against the dangerous habits that daydreaming breeds. 

Turned my earbuds up to full volume.

Please never do this! I have tinnitus in both ears from years of daydreaming to music, and I’m only 20. If you listen to sounds through headphones frequently in order to daydream, then please:

  • Use over-ear headphones, not earbuds
  • Put a volume limit on your phone so it never exceeds 50%
  • Spend time listening to things without headphones, playing them out of your phone/iPad often works just as well

Daydreamed while driving. 

PLEASE NEVER DO THIS!!! Not only are you endangering yourself, you’re endangering other drivers and passengers!! 

  • NEVER listen to music while you drive, try radio stations if you have to have something (these are harder to build narratives around)
  • Name hazards that you can see (other cars, stop signs etc.) out loud, to keep yourself focused and in the real world
  • If you find yourself unable to stop daydreaming while driving, please reconsider driving the vehicle yourself - try walking or public transport, or ask someone to give you a ride (say you’re tired if they ask why)

Went for walks/runs before sunrise.

I ran for 30 minutes at 5:45 every morning - regardless of whether or not the sun had come up - down a dark road with no streetlights, loud music in my ears, and no reflective gear. I could easily have been killed.

  • Run only when the sun is up!! Anything else is too risky.
  • Tell someone you trust that you’re going for a run, and tell them your route (a friend, someone you live with, ANYONE)
  • Keep music low enough that you could hear someone coming up behind you
  • Check behind you regularly when wearing headphones
  • If for some reason you get caught outside after dark, call someone and talk to them on the phone until you reach safety (this will also help you keep from daydreaming by anchoring you to the real world)

I know daydreaming seems like the most important thing in your world, but it isn’t - YOU ARE! Daydreaming is not worth compromising your safety
