

American translation - Everyone dipped

It’s a moody Monday. #Dolomite with #rutile in #quartz. Field of view 4.2mm

It’s a moody Monday. #Dolomite with #rutile in #quartz. Field of view 4.2mm

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Celebrating The best week of the year (@yellowrutileweek)

Prompt is flowers with the extra prompt of Knight! The idea is based on St. Jordi, a local holiday where you give a rose to your beloved. Ofc the rose is a gem… Maybe its padparadscha…

I’m late again..i realized yesterday that I had lost the drawing I had prepared for this so I recreated it from my memory

Either way be gay be happy and eat gems

sansankatsu: i like pepruti very much and i want to draw thism o r e *Красноречивый взгляд* Love it sansankatsu: i like pepruti very much and i want to draw thism o r e *Красноречивый взгляд* Love it


i like pepruti very much 
and i want to draw this

m o r e

*Красноречивый взгляд* Love it

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part 2 of my HnK zine! you can download the pdf version for free in my gumroad! :>part 2 of my HnK zine! you can download the pdf version for free in my gumroad! :>part 2 of my HnK zine! you can download the pdf version for free in my gumroad! :>part 2 of my HnK zine! you can download the pdf version for free in my gumroad! :>part 2 of my HnK zine! you can download the pdf version for free in my gumroad! :>part 2 of my HnK zine! you can download the pdf version for free in my gumroad! :>part 2 of my HnK zine! you can download the pdf version for free in my gumroad! :>part 2 of my HnK zine! you can download the pdf version for free in my gumroad! :>

part 2 of my HnK zine! you can download the pdf version for free in mygumroad! :>

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Rutile from Disgaea 3. She is a nekomata, possessing cat ears and a tail, and wears a sailor uniform-dress with bicycle shorts beneath. She looks shy, and is holding up a large axe. There is a Hello Kitty bandaid on her knee. Behind her the background is fairly plain, two pink rectangles with the lighter on the inside, and a decorative smatter of kitty pawprints and a ring of tiny cat head shapes.ALT

